Forum Replies Created
19 March, 2007 at 5:45 am #263240
lol is not even english site
17 March, 2007 at 2:25 am #263238Ooo, Ugo can copy and paste, You want a gold star. Bit lame when its from anouther site. But A* for effort
16 March, 2007 at 7:40 pm #264737@ugo wrote:
my god man do you just google or summat & post em ere
ffs talk about wasting paper !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
dont click the link as it goes nowhere
anouther subject to hard for ugo brain to cope with
16 March, 2007 at 7:38 pm #257497Often
have you ever put cow muck in a clear polythene bag placed it on the door step of a house , rang the bell late at night then stood at the end of the path waving two fingers at the occupants making them chase you in there bare feet :lol: :lol: :lol:
As a kid I mean [/b][/color]
how boring ugo, Please i found out your level of intelligence s
16 March, 2007 at 7:31 pm #263235@ugo wrote:
well that should be interesting ( not ) :)
What a silly man, Do chat like that in real life to, Little one liners trying to make yourself look important when you have fk all to say about anything, so everything’s BORING… lol Plzzz.. Try and participate then i might give you some respect for saying boring.. Otherwise go away little man or woman.
16 March, 2007 at 7:09 am #263231@emmalush wrote:
@zoeek wrote:
The sorry is a sign of recognition that slavery is bad and the British wont do it again.
Rather ignorantly assumptious of you to assume i’ll make someone a slave..
Im not talking about you, Look beyond your own bnp views. Im talking about the country not individuals . But obviously i have to write like three year old explaining every point.. ITS GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH THE INDIVIDUAL HAS TO DO WITH GREATBRITAIN AND ITS ENTIRETY AS COUNTRY ON THIS EARTH WHO ONCE DELT IN THE SLAVE TRADE> clear enough
Blair saying sorry is symbolic gesture and recognition to black slavery and the part the British played in it.
No, blair is a salesman, he uses politics to sell a story to the world that inturn earns him your taxes..
For what ever reason Blair is primeminster. There for politically duties of apologizing for past mistakes as gestures of good will are down to him..
No black person is saying that white people living now in England are responsible for slavery and demand a apology.
Do please tell them to shut up about it then..
Whatever lol Find me one black person saying they want any white people to appologize as indivuals.. There asking for the country to appologize.. Can’t you understand the differences .. And most black people dont give two shits
The sorry is saying, Great Britain made some mistakes it wont ever be repeated.
Of course, because were too stupid to realise… DUH ITS FUK ALL TO ABOUT YOU>> GET OVER THAT POINT.
There are tons of things every year that the government have to recognise and say sorry for, Just last year all the soldiers that got hanged for being cowards all there family’s got told sorry by the government..
Get away, they say sorry for everything? You’re having a larf. .
Great britain says sorry for lots of stuff that happend in the past, You should spend less time reading the sun newspaper and watch the news more offen.
Maybe they say sorry for others wrong doings, which of course is a great sales blag, and people like you fall for it EVERYTIME.
No i don’t fall for nothing, I just understand how politics works.. I couldnt care less if they appologize or not. But i understand why they have to.. Its not about me or you.
GREAT post PB.
[/quote] Yeah thanks . im ganna be posting alot more.
15 March, 2007 at 10:56 pm #263228Just being silly now and still missing the point.. Can’t be arsed to explain no more..
Is childish argument your having. Like going DUH George should say sorry for mcdonalds , Duh Blair should say sorry for tying his shoelaces wrong..How as well is it humiliating for tony blair to say sorry for the part uk has played in slavery trade.. I suppose if you are misunderstanding the reason then yes, I guess if you read the sun daily or member of the bnp then his apology would be humiliating..
But not in my eyes and you find over the course of the future, UK will apologize for more and more things that happened in the past.. All countries do. Its way the world works and makes history look a little bit nicer..
Why is this topic , so hard for people to get.. Whats the big deal..
15 March, 2007 at 2:16 am #263225Your getting the whole meaning of this wrong.. The sorry is a sign of recognition that slavery is bad and the British wont do it again. I don’t think no other person in this country should say sorry. But Blair saying sorry is symbolic gesture and recognition to black slavery and the part the British played in it. No black person is saying that white people living now in England are responsible for slavery and demand a apology. The sorry is saying, Great Britain made some mistakes it wont ever be repeated.
Its like the country is its past and present and that is how its divined in books and to other people around the world and the political figures and heads of state sometimes do have to apologize about things that are 100/200 years old. As they are representing Britain. Its not the same as child saying sorry because he hit someone at school You have misunderstood.
There are tons of things every year that the government have to recognise and say sorry for, Just last year all the soldiers that got hanged for being cowards all there family’s got told sorry by the government..
This is nothing new or something that only black people ask for.. It happens everywhere around the world and in every country.
Just the media have made it into massive issue and every-ones took it soo out of context.
14 March, 2007 at 1:24 pm #263222I don’t think the issue here is apologizing its like slayer says its about remembering. From what i seen on news and political programs black people are not asking for every English person to say sorry. Just for it to be highlighted – slavery in the past and how wrong it was.
I love living in London and having friends of all different colours and backgrounds. Its something to be celebrated. But sadly i think there are some people who still wish we was 200 years in the past and everyone non white is below them.. Is like damn there are bigger issues then trying to rain on the parade of black people recognizing there past.
it would be nice for this country to have acknowledgment of what happened said by the prime-minster (which has prob all ready been done) But that’s my views :)
13 March, 2007 at 11:48 pm #264072I know a lot of gay men and the most that i know do not have that attitude, However i have come across gay guys like that and its down to having a huge ego and thinking they can pull anyone. The way you get loads of straight men who think they can pull any woman and act like twats.
Also most of it is very tongue and cheek and shouldn’t be took seriously. A lot of gay people will go ohhh i bet your curious or i bet your in the closet but its not meaning nothing or are they being for real.