Forum Replies Created

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  • #278248

    I am YUKON and Im am intellectually superior to you people. You can not debate with me on the Chat Boards so Im banned for nothing other than being too damn smart.



    The place looks like a f u c k i n g whorehouse.


    @tinks wrote:

    FFS who let the carrot dangler on here? :evil:

    …..BLOW me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    @sunshine1 wrote:

    did yukon donate anything good cause i read the first line then skipped to here didnt seem to good………..

    *still waiting* us jc peeps are so patient lol

    …go F.U.C.K. YOURSELF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    @hermangrrrman! wrote:

    Yukon? Just feckoff! All you do is abuse people in pc then act all innocent in the room. Are you related to DOA by any chance?

    Poor “baby” Herman is all upset so he makes up stories and runs to his mummy.


    I am YUKON, I am the concience of this site, the Spiritual Leader, the man who knows all. Ask and ye shall be educated !


    @pats wrote:

    kitten :D :D

    angel. O:)

    I hate cats. I set traps for them and then kill them by drowning.


    @blackkettle wrote:

    i’m all for peace for peace sake

    You are a very beautiful woman Blackkettle.


    I will join to on your weekend retreat under certain conditions:

    1) I get to sleep with Vampyre
    2) She agree to extensive sexula encounters

    The Vampyre fascinates me. She has huge breats, a large set of hips, I suspect a delicious love canel too. I want her.


    Limey’s are dead scared of the Irish…they always have been and they always will be !

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