@panda12 wrote:
I didnt say sexism wasnt on a par with racism but as with most things i think theres different degrees of each and i think what Ron Atkinson said was far worse than what Andy Gray said.
Well, it depends on who you are – race, colour, gender etc. As a mixed race female, I find Atkinson’s and Gray’s comments to be equally out of order.
Offensive? No. I feel sorry for them that they can’t embrace equality and diversity – it’s ignorance and I feel sorry for ignorant ppl. Sure, they are “victims” of their generation but that is their fault for not being aware that times change.
Fine if they want to be stuck in the past but when my Sky subscription helps pay their wages (or did) then I have a right to voice an opinion when I am rightly made aware of their attitudes.
And sport is supposed to be a unifying force – it is supposed to cut across all barriers and be inclusive not exclusive so there is no place in sport for the Gray’s and Atkinson’s of this world.
I still think they were sh.it on they were only saying what a lot of other people were thinking and saying only they were stupid enough to say it while they had microphones on.
I do get what you are saying though.