Forum Replies Created
20 October, 2008 at 12:37 pm #384150
@esmeralda wrote:
@yoda wrote:
lol pb.. well i did want to delete the whole topic just for the embarrassment of it all.. but hey ho.. not the first time ive felt a total plank :D :D
That poor plank is mortified at getting felt-up so often y’know. :oops:
I’m quite partial to a feel of a good plank, least they don’t complain that I’m molesting them.. unlike the guy in tescos.. but that’s another story.. :twisted:
20 October, 2008 at 9:17 am #384148lol pb.. well i did want to delete the whole topic just for the embarrassment of it all.. but hey ho.. not the first time ive felt a total plank :D :D
20 October, 2008 at 9:10 am #384146Awww ok pb i did realise that after .. hence the ‘i feel like a total eeeegit’ comment lol
:D :D :D20 October, 2008 at 8:13 am #384112@*Dawny* wrote:
At the risk of being banned myself, but Pats did nothing wrong!
She was attacked that night, unprovoked.It is all well and good you all sitting there in judgement, now none of them can reply to you all eh
*Waits for this post to be deleted and me banned*
I am not judgemental of any person, I for one have broke the rules in the past just like each and everyone of us. I have never got on with pats and fastcars since I joined. I don’t like them, they don’t like me , simple. Nothing whatsoever to do with what has happened or what hasnt happened.. I havent a clue to be honest what has happened other than the admin now taking the rules seriously and us lot having to follow them. Not a major thing is it, not so major that i feel it deserves a mass walk out strop. :P :P
Anyway thats my last comment on the subject matter, it’s all getting rather boring now
20 October, 2008 at 8:03 am #384143Ok I now feel a total eeegit!!!!!.. But the mystery deepens.. why aint we allowed to post in there? Is it for cult members only?.. Is that where the bog monster resides???
Hmmmmmmmmmmm :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
20 October, 2008 at 7:54 am #381060For entertainment value, JLS came out tops for me. Not the best voices in the competition, but livened things up. Apart from them everyone played it safe with Michael Jackson Ballads.. total bore fest. I don’t know the names but I like the little blonde lass with the squeeky voice, she should win for quirkiness. ( is that a word?) :)
20 October, 2008 at 7:40 am #384109@*Dawny* wrote:
It’s like looking for survivours after a disaster has struck :?
BTW Pats aint banned! :D
Damn!!!! :P :P :D :D :D :D
20 October, 2008 at 7:35 am #384107Pebbles I like, she did her own thing.. as for pats and fast… bout time they went, thought they owned the bloody board. When I joined I thought they were the bloody admin :P :D :D
Anyway I’ve been wanting to say a lot more on the subject matter, but I’m gonna be good and follow the rules :D :D :D :D :P :P :P :lol: :lol: :lol:
19 October, 2008 at 11:40 pm #384098@kneehighboots wrote:
Don’t s’pose you’ve got any jammie dodgers there yoda???
just for you
:P :P :D
19 October, 2008 at 11:36 pm #384096@pete wrote:
@yoda wrote:
Good Grief! Reading all this you would think the bloody world has come to an end. Reality check:- It’s a message board, the rules are now being took seriously by the admin. A few people have been banned. Get over it, it’s a few rules we now have to follow instead of ignoring.
I’m not particulary (sod it i can’t spell it) bothered aslong as I can still post my meaningless waffletalking of which, I’m sat here eating custard creams.. and I’m sure there’s less filling than normal
:P :P :D :D
and posting ya waffle :lol:
Oh yeah and that to.. thank you pete
:twisted: :P