@xeo Not recently active ActivityProfileFriends 0Forums Topics StartedReplies CreatedFavourites Forum Replies Created Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 120 total) ← 1 2 3 4 … 12 → Author Posts 23 January, 2006 at 10:20 am #156917 xeo hm.. well, she is a woman and that’s nice enough to me.. :lol: 23 January, 2006 at 10:19 am #137244 xeo hehehehe you can speak whatever you wish, but at the end, bad boys ALWAYS win.. :lol: How do they win? Getting the most beautiful women by means which defy the law of reality and sanity… :lol: 23 January, 2006 at 10:15 am #108416 xeo @angel1 wrote: @~*Lucky*~ wrote: awwwwwwww I thought it was sweet :oops: its very sweet mucky ignore xeo he is just a meany xxx http://www.angel-fine-art.com/images/FairiesRoses.jpg http://image06.webshots.com/6/0/92/1/81509201WbWWiI_ph.jpg :roll: 23 January, 2006 at 9:44 am #132315 xeo @angel1 wrote: @xeo wrote: @mr_angel1 wrote: @xeo wrote: @angel1 wrote: ill hug any of my mates here that wants one Even me who will take advantage of it? :lol: hope ur not thinkin of takin advantage of my missus m8ty :D lol Don’t worry, I will do to her only the things which she loves.. :lol: and wat things are they??? :wink: :wink: Oh they are very naughty, I better not speak about them or somebody could arrest us.. :lol: 23 January, 2006 at 9:38 am #174772 xeo You lucky lucky girl.. :lol: (and I’m not thinking on Lucky.. hehe ok maybe a little..) :wink: 23 January, 2006 at 9:33 am #142340 xeo bed… soft and warm… ocean and the sun… mmmmmm yeah, something like this: http://research.microsoft.com/~dcr/art/collage/bed.jpg :D 20 January, 2006 at 4:37 pm #108407 xeo hehehe way to kill my libido.. :lol: 20 January, 2006 at 4:33 pm #156910 xeo She has really brighten my week… I’m looking forward to chat with her more next week… :D 20 January, 2006 at 4:29 pm #108405 xeo @~*Lucky*~ wrote: oooooooooooooo I love bad boys :lol: hehehe I’m not bad… I’m just.. naughty.. :lol: so, do you want more flowers or shall be get down to business? :lol: 20 January, 2006 at 4:25 pm #156908 xeo Nothing special.. just your unconditional love.. :lol: Author Posts Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 120 total) ← 1 2 3 4 … 12 →