xeo replied to the topic SAY SUMMIT NICE ABOUT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
hm.. well, she is a woman and that’s nice enough to me.. :lol:
xeo replied to the topic one wish in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
hehehehe you can speak whatever you wish, but at the end, bad boys ALWAYS win.. :lol: How do they win? Getting the most beautiful women by means which defy the law of reality and sanity… :lol:
xeo replied to the topic give someone a rose in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@angel1 wrote:
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
awwwwwwww I thought it was sweet
its very sweet mucky ignore xeo he is just a meany xxx
xeo replied to the topic HUGS in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
@angel1 wrote:
@xeo wrote:
@Mr_Angel1 wrote:
@xeo wrote:
@angel1 wrote:
ill hug any of my mates here that wants one
Even me who will take advantage of it? :lol:
hope ur not thinkin of takin advantage of my missus m8ty :D lol
Don’t worry, I will do to her only the things which she loves.. :lol:
and wat things are they???
:wink: :wink:
Oh they…[Read more]
xeo replied to the topic What would you say if you woke up to the person above you ? in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
You lucky lucky girl.. :lol: (and I’m not thinking on Lucky.. hehe ok maybe a little..) :wink:
xeo replied to the topic post what is on your mind this very moment in the board Chat forum one boards 19 years ago
bed… soft and warm… ocean and the sun… mmmmmm yeah, something like this:
xeo replied to the topic give someone a rose in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
hehehe way to kill my libido.. :lol:
xeo replied to the topic SAY SUMMIT NICE ABOUT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
She has really brighten my week… I’m looking forward to chat with her more next week… :D
xeo replied to the topic give someone a rose in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
oooooooooooooo I love bad boys :lol:
hehehe I’m not bad… I’m just.. naughty.. :lol: so, do you want more flowers or shall be get down to business? :lol:
xeo replied to the topic SAY SUMMIT NICE ABOUT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
Nothing special.. just your unconditional love.. :lol:
xeo replied to the topic give someone a rose in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
creep lol :lol:
Okay that’s it!! We’re going to make love on that filed of lilies young lady or I’m going to get very naughty, very naughty indeed!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
xeo replied to the topic SAY SUMMIT NICE ABOUT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
errrrrrrrr… strange boy (yet to be clarified lol) but pics nice flowers :lol:
hehehehe that’s because I’ve searched half of internet to find it for you.. :lol: every normal woman would already gave me something sweet and warm in return, but not her.. ungrateful #$%$%# :lol: :lol: :lol:
xeo replied to the topic give someone a rose in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
oooooooooooo i like the last 1… ty :lol:
I like them all.. they are reminding me on you.. :lol:
xeo replied to the topic whats every one doing right now??????? in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
i think I have a pretty good idea who u r lol :wink:
I’m not him, whoever he is.. :lol: the question is, would you like me to be that person? :wink:
xeo replied to the topic say something cheeky about the person above in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
Fire, dance with me.. :lol: Lucky have great sense of humor, she’s intelligent, positive, charming, devilish… :lol: definitely my type of the girl.. :roll:
xeo replied to the topic say something cheeky about the person above in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
@xeo wrote:
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
lol… xeo has illusions of grandeur – fire on, I promise I will try not to get jealous :wink: :lol:
who the f/ck is he???
hahahahahaah I just saw that minituarized remark.. hehehe nice one.. :lol:
Sorry can’t do, I’m one girl boy.. :lol:
you’re a girl/boy??? hmmmmmmm lol :wink:
c/ck in frock…
xeo replied to the topic whats every one doing right now??????? in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
@xeo wrote:
Seducing Lucky.. :lol:
o bugga, I missed it too.
Wondering who xeo is and thinking how he reminds me of someone on here, hmmmm!!! :roll:
hehehe okay, I’ll aim little lower next time.. :lol:
Thinking if I should reveal my true identity to Lucky… naaaa this way is much more fun… :lol:
xeo replied to the topic say something cheeky about the person above in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@~*Lucky*~ wrote:
lol… xeo has illusions of grandeur – fire on, I promise I will try not to get jealous :wink: :lol:
who the f/ck is he???
hahahahahaah I just saw that minituarized remark.. hehehe nice one.. :lol:
Sorry can’t do, I’m one girl boy.. :lol:
xeo replied to the topic what have you learnt today????? in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@Mr_Angel1 wrote:
maybe the question should be, should i trust him lol :D
hehehe I think you already know the answer to that question.. :lol:
xeo replied to the topic what have you learnt today????? in the board Chat forum two boards 19 years ago
@angel1 wrote:
@xeo wrote:
@angel1 wrote:
@xeo wrote:
That Angel is most active member on this forum and that we’re going to get along juuuuust fine.. :D
im sure we will
:lol: :lol:
Are you going to trust me too? :roll:
should i trust u?
hm.. yes, I guess you can trust me.. :D but only if I earn it… :wink:
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