Forum Replies Created
23 January, 2012 at 12:11 pm #488456
I reckon Thin hasn’t been banned, this is just a dramatic pause . . . . .
20 January, 2012 at 12:13 pm #453399Is that like saying “this cheese is off” . . . . . ? :lol: :lol: :lol:
19 January, 2012 at 11:23 am #487010@chameleon wrote:
Same crime handled very differently. Was it because of the colour of the murderers or the colour of the victim?
Either way, while the blame for the crime lies fairly and squarely on the murderers, accountability for the handling of the case lies with the professionals who should be delivering a quality service in the first place and savvy enough not to be deflected from that by pressure to do otherwise, whether ‘PC’, racist or personal.
19 January, 2012 at 1:04 am #487008@toybulldog wrote:
@chameleon wrote:
Stephen was stabbed. NOT kidnapped, and the Asian gang members were brought to justice alot sooner than 18 years. I’m confused as to how it reminds you of the Lawrence case. The gang members also said it was a revenge attack. There is no way I am condoning a revenge attack but what feeble excuse have Stephen’s killers given?
You have brought the flip side racist attack to our attention Toy, making yourself look pathetic. One could make the statement that it didn’t take long to bring the ethnic minority murderers to justice. Sceptical guy got you banged to rights.
You cannot be real, because if anyone has me ‘banged to rights’ (sic) they need to make it a lot clearer please.
I mention a case of a racial teenage murder, on a thread about a racial teenage murder, and you’ve gone off on one, completely ignorant of the real flipside entailed here.
As I’ve said before, part of the tragedy of Stephen’s murder is indeed that it was just one racist murder amongst too many.
However the thing that made it stand out from other racist murders was the appalling way the police conducted the investigation, the crass behaviour of some police officers and what it revealed about the culture in police forces at the time.
Most importantly for all of us, have things changed for the better?
– I sincerely hope so.
Another racist murder, whatever the complexion of the murderer or the victim, is simply and horribly another racist murder. But surely the “real flipside” of a racist murder would be a life-saving, anti-racist act? Unless you really believe that simply being of a different shade of skin puts someone on another ‘side’.
13 January, 2012 at 12:52 pm #48780713 January, 2012 at 11:49 am #48780512 January, 2012 at 8:43 pm #487059@jeanie wrote:
words dearest, come here let me educate you,
nope lol cant do it im frigid :oops:
12 January, 2012 at 1:35 pm #487789@irish_lucy wrote:
LOL Words ok name an island and i’ll meet you there, and Bob i’ll have you any day over Johnny Vegas.
you and neil over johnny? is that one of them kinky sex games I’ve been hearing about?
12 January, 2012 at 11:43 am #487786@irish_lucy wrote:
if there is a poster who looks like Johnny Depp, has survival skills like Ray Mears, is hung like a horse and is mute – i’ll take him.
I’m just glad I was able to fashion a rudimentary computer and internet connection out of some bamboo and vines I found on a gallop through the rain forest.
I knew those scissors would come in handy one day. :lol: :lol: 8) 8) 8)
7 January, 2012 at 2:45 pm #487480@mrs_teapot wrote:
@Wordsworth50 wrote:
He’s the very tip of a very large iceberg, the UK has a practice of treating ex-service people shoddily that has continued into the modern era of professional soldiering. It undermines many claims of patriotism and takes the shine off many a memorial.
Well seems we have money for some things words… its a strange world aint it?
It’s been revealed that the Scottish Government spent £42,772 on a party for the pandas arrival from China. This was despite the promise that the pandas wouldn’t cost the taxpayer a penny, which is true. They haven’t cost the taxpayer a penny, they’ve cost the taxpayer 427,7200 pennies. :shock:
The country is not skint Mrs T, the way the government spends our money indicates its priorities and, until we care enough to get rid of them, ours.