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  • #491235

    I dunno, I thought this thread would be about “fast cars I’ve owned” or “How fast I went in my Jalopy”.

    Good job his nickname wasn’t World Peace.

    Anyway, belated condolences to all who miss Pat’s Chat and continued happy chatting.


    Anglais, s’il vous plait!

    Ou du moins une traduction.

    (Tr: English, Please! Or at least a translation)

    :? :? :? :? :?


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    . . . ..But a significant minority criticised his punishment and claimed it was politically motivated to make him into an example.

    Well said Lucy, it looks like the difference between the criminal or crime that some people like and the criminal or crime the same people people don’t like is the difference between a “politically motivated example” and a “deterrent”


    @panda12 wrote:

    @wordsworth60 wrote:

    @panda12 wrote:

    . . . . . And after a certain recent post of yours, you have no right in taking any moral high ground.

    Does this mean that once you have been in the wrong on the boards, you can never disagree with anyone again in case it looks like you’re taking the moral high ground?

    :-k :-k :-k :-k

    Well Words, you tell me.

    When J can go this low with a post like this:

    @j_in_france wrote:

    ffs thin guides are kids – I really hope you mean something different in this post with that smile

    And then stoop even lower with this:

    @j_in_france wrote:

    @duwpin wrote:

    all threads stray from topic
    i mean j
    i posted about the new guides
    and off you went with some disgusting thoughts about children

    thin I have never said you are a kiddy fiddler as you chose to put it but if you are content to say you have never before been accused of being such then I will keep quiet

    Can he immediately bounce back and claim the moral high ground on a subject, which in comparison, is trivial?

    I think not, but I suppose the wolf can always try and pull the wool over the eyes of gullible lambs. :roll:

    I haven’t said yet whether I approve of, disapprove of or am simply astounded by what J said has said previously.

    I don’t think that deciding to stay next to someone who stinks because of a medical condition makes you a better or worse person than someone who wouldn’t, so I’ll leave it to the two of you to debate the moral altitude.

    I’m not a great believer in judging someone’s character, or dictating their rights based on their statements in JC chat or boards because both are imperfect media.

    As to your last sentence, according to the JC Chatters Code (Random Edition):

    Gullible = apparently taking the opposite view (page 4327, paragraph 53 subsection xlix)

    and I much prefer mutton to lamb, dressing optional . . . .

    :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/


    @panda12 wrote:

    . . . . . And after a certain recent post of yours, you have no right in taking any moral high ground.

    Does this mean that once you have been in the wrong on the boards, you can never disagree with anyone again in case it looks like you’re taking the moral high ground?

    :-k :-k :-k :-k


    @irish_lucy wrote:

    I also kinda beleived, never seen one but wanted to.

    Watched QI and Eddie Izzard was on it, made an excellant point.
    Why are ghosts restricted to human – where are the cow and sheep ghosts?

    he also meantioned Dinosaour ghosts lol, but he has a point.

    What about fly, spider and wasp ghosts maybe it was them throwing the chair about in the absence of huge rolled up newspapers

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    lol @ ffs

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @maxie wrote:

    l have a new pc when trying to get into jc l get the message

    your browser is not jave enabled, l’ve installed , uninstalled , enabled, disable still no joy any help greatfully received

    have you enabled java in the ‘properties’ or ‘options’ menu of your internet browser? It’s a tick box thingy.


    @kent f OBE wrote:

    Gotta love Wordy………..straight in for the kill :lol:

    Hey, 45% . . . . . . . new higher tax rate. . . . . I’m looking for a wealthy sponsor . . . . . .


    @a certain sadness wrote:

    I dont know about anyone elses views on todays budget but the good news for me is ill only have to pay 45% tax :D

    Sack your accountant and get a good one!

    Are you female by the way?

Viewing 10 posts - 761 through 770 (of 1,198 total)