I think all three story threads make a welcome creative addition to the boards, perhaps they seem a little incongruous here because previously the more creative contributions have gone into the cross-JC forums for Poetry etc. But they are specifically about JC3 characters so they belong here.
Even at their edgiest, I find the effort to be creative makes them more palatable than previous contributions which have filled some threads with all ‘edge’ and no creativity ‘yah boo sucks’ insults. In fact reading them almost makes me wish I paid more attention in the room – there are still one or two characters I haven’t identified.
Although I am happy to curse the darkness rather than waste any soddin’ candles, I do think all art is a matter of taste, so why not put the effort that goes into perpetuating the “they’re good/no they ain’t” row into some contributions of your own?
Not that I mind a good row. It’s the tedious ones that make me yawn