The celebrity i’d love to smack is; Roland Rat. Don’t ask me why. I just do.
Timmy Mallet. WHAT the hell was he. Come to think of it, WHERE the hell is he? I’ll give him Mallets fookin mallet.
Anthea Turner. How clean is your house? YES ANTHEA, just how clean is YOUR house? Oops i wanna smack a woman..
Lets hope Jeremy Kyle aint watching. You name it, his brother has done it. He’s gambled, drunk, lied. Didn’t even know he was related to John Prescott.
Now,.. GEORGE BUSH. What an idiot. Starts a sentence and forgets what he’s talking about. “WE SHALL ALL UNITE CITIZENS, AND BE AS FOOKIN THICK AS ME.” He aint really a celeb though is he? Just some old man suffering from alchzeimers disease.
Ted Rogers. That thing he did with his fingers at the end of the show! Bet his wife misses him. :shock: