By someone who…I guess, watches this site from a precautionary, and most probably a protective standpoint. The text told to read what was being said. (WELL, YEAH, THAT’S WHAT TEXTS ARE FOR) :lol: I couldn’t get back to sleep afterwards because of the cacophonous thudding of the last piece of jigsaw falling into place. (I COULDN’T GET TO SLEEP COS THE NEIGHBOURS WERE AT IT) :shock: And so I will say this: (WE’RE ALL LISTENING NANNY) :roll:
Time and time again I have done you a terrible disservice. (VODAPHONE HUH, ALWAYS LIKE IT) And yet, each time I wandered off into the wild woods, or ran down a blind alley, or explored a dark tunnel,(ME TOO NANNY, ME TOO) :oops: each time, when I realised how lost I had become, I turned around to find you still there. :P Your patience, fortitude, intelligence and kindness leaves me humbled. (THAT’S WHAT ALL THE GALS SAY) :wink: I love you, I am in love with you, you have given me the most precious of all gifts. (THEY DON’T SAY THAT)
I am saying this here so that you will know that I care not of the others who will read it. I am saying this here so that others will read it. (WE’RE READING IT NANNY)
When you first told me that you had known from the beginning ~ that my mother had told you in a drunken stupor all those years ago ~ I was alight with rage. (SHE WAS WORRIED FOR ME) How could you have known all that time and have said nothing, not reached out? I now know why. (FINDING OUT YOU WERE ONCE A MAN SHOCKED ME, I DIDN’T REACH OUT AS I WAS AFRAID OF WHAT I’D GRAB)I know that you couldn’t bear the pain of watching me try to find some sparkle in those who are stupid, cruel, and inept.
Because you knew I looked for a reason. But I know that you waited in the hope that I would discover the truth that weeds choke and thorns tear ~ (NAH, WEED GETS YOU HIGH) :lol: and it is best to leave those killers of the soul to rot. Forgiveness is a good thing: it cleanses the soul. But one cannot make a silk purse from a sow’s ear. (THEY DO IN AFGHANISTAN)Thank you for waiting. (THAT’S OK, I’M NOT DOING ANYTHING)
There are all sorts here who will read this with negative, angry, dismissive and arrogant snorts of derision. (NAME A FEW) :P It matters not. (OK)I write it here for you to see, and you are all that matters.
I cannot wait for the Atlantic to shrink and to be back in your arms. I will never leave them again. (THE ATLANTICS?)
My only sadness is that it took so long. (MAKES A CHANGE, I’M NORMALLY FINISHED IN TWO MINUTES) But thank the gods that the time has finally come. (THE TIME FINALLY CAME, OR THAT I FINALLY CAME?) :oops:
You are my raison d’etre.
There is only one other person who might read this to whom I would wish to convey a personal message. A pm is called for. (YEP, WE NEED A PRIME MINISTER, BUT NOT FOR THIS) Feel free to read it my love. (ALREADY DID) You have my password. ( AHH THAT’S WHAT IT IS, FFS, THOUGHT IT WAS SOMETHING ELSE)
Goodbye sad JC. I have popped my head in as advised. (I POPPED MY HEAD IN AS ADVISED TOO, JUST COULDN’T GET IT OUT QUICK ENOUGH THOUGH) I will never pop it back again. (I’VE SAID THAT ON A FEW OCCASSIONS) Only a lucky few can lay on their death beds in the certain knowledge that they tried their hardest to find benevolence in hell.
Well Nanny, thanks for sharing that! I also had texts this morning.
Didn’t have any like the one that you had though Nanny. But, thanks for sharing that with us. Feel free to come back anytime. Love and Luck,..
I’m sorry, but to me a MOVIE is something you go and watch at the cinema. How can you turn something like this into a so-called MOVIE?
I was having this conversation last night actually, what parents take their children on holiday and then leave them alone whilst they go out for a meal?
What are you babbling about? Who said it was being turned into a Movie?
Click on the link, you w/@nker..
In his latest blog entry on the official Find Madeleine website, he wrote: “We can categorically deny that we are considering a movie about Madeleine’s disappearance
I’m sorry, but to me a MOVIE is something you go and watch at the cinema. How can you turn something like this into a so-called MOVIE?
I was having this conversation last night actually, what parents take their children on holiday and then leave them alone whilst they go out for a meal?