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  • #146252

    @gazlan wrote:

    Whats on my mind?….This…hehehehhe

    LMAO – that pic reminds me og google maps, when they took a photo of my sis’s house, with my brother in law on the door-step!!


    I forgot to put beforehand, and now over to my reporter.. Suzie – Q .. :lol:


    I’m off to buy some cream.. :-


    Shouldn’t laugh, but a Facebook Status Shuffle came up, quoting..

    God – Please tell Michael Jackson, that Gary Coleman isn’t a child!! :lol:


    Well, I’m still ‘Googling’ I’m having a whale of a time.. You wouldn’t believe half the things I have found! :shock:


    Spice Girls hint at second movie

    WooHoo hints a ‘Please don’t’!!

    Football-shaped ‘buckyba lls’ found drifting in space

    And I thought ‘Bucky-Ba lls’ were something a man got after the age of 70.. :lol:

    Royal Mail ‘to be sold’

    Oh God – Either Tesco’s or Mc-Donalds are going to but it!!


    Know the feeling Gaz – Soz about the posts, just a bit of banter!!


    Poor Katie Price (Oh Shyte, I’ve said the Kate word).. :lol: ..
    Poor Katie has decided to give up her Music Career, the one that started a few days ago, LMAO!! The single was a flop! (No comment there).. Lets face it, you’re only known for your t i t s.. (Pete and Alex).


    Come Back,..

    Yes with me colour T.V, and me C.D collection, of Bob Marley,.. Come Back,.. :lol:


    *Googles Jalapenos*

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