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  • #274301

    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    @vector wrote:

    hi new here,i feel women are just as guilty in unprotected sex and i worry about my teenage daughter who has a latex allergy,are there other options

    now arn’t your daughter just 8 and 6.. soon to be 9 and 7….!! lies see what people believe about you now and stop Private messaging me….

    folks incase your wondering Vector is my ex… leave me be. the only reason I didnt get you charge was because of your girls .. imagine them growing up with a Father on the sex offenders Reg…!!!

    Sorry folks for my out burst…..




    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    lol see he edit’d his post eh lol

    brill song Rubes x n


    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    @vector wrote:

    hi new here,i feel women are just as guilty in unprotected sex and i worry about my teenage daughter who has a latex allergy,are there other options

    Vector, I have type1 and type 4 laytex allergic inwhich I have to use epie pens as I could die,…. final the condons manufactors have made laytex free condoms here’s the link… Im actually fairly lucky as I get mine free…. as there dearer than your standard…


    @ubermik wrote:

    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    @vector wrote:

    f/ck you slapper

    Id rather be a slapper anyday than a BEAST

    Which oddly enough seems to be the one thing he CANT do even tho he obviously still wants to lol

    Bless :)

    And he says “slapper” like its a bad thing :O:O:O:O

    How NOT so is that :lol: :lol: :lol:

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