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  • #64781





    @stephen1 wrote:

    It is really shocking how old people get all this sympathy. They have lived lives on the back of future generations, whine incessantly about the good ol’ days, poisoned our water, polluted the air, and have created toxicity in their own families. Now that they have been shipped off to “homes” they complain that they have “no company.” WTF?! If they had been a tad more genial to their own children they might actually have someone that would care to visit. Instead, they must congregate their disgruntle, wrinkly old selves to some common area and blather on about their health concerns. If they died when they were supposed to they wouldn’t have such complaints; and people wouldn’t have to suffer their wheezing, snorting, burping, farting, and their insistent crackly voices. Send them inside and the world will be a more beautiful place. I mean, really, do they think we want to see their crepe skin and age spots? Shudder.


    i take it uve already arranged ur funeral then & paid for it :roll:


    i dont think these games r responsible, u cannot blame watchin tv or playin games as an excuse for anyfin, i have the news on in my house everyday, my kids watch it & comment but i dont 4 1 second expect them to go out & either declare war, become a serial killer, shoot/stab some1 for the sheer hell of it or start runnin people down nor unfortunatly do i expect them 2 become mangers of football teams, millionaires, hold parties on massive yaghts or save the world. the latter would b nice but im realistic, im also responsible 4 teachin them rite & wrong, yep thats my job not the games console or tvs, mine




    to b honest ive never thought about where it all comes from just the damage it does here, never liked it b4, like it even less now


    i cant find the words 2 describe that, sick, evil, deplorable none sum it up rite. its 2 bad for words




    you only get human rights if your an immigrant legal/illegal doesnt matter as long as you wasnt born here



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