William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Billy Bear #3 ( Billy joins a football club)For Children
Billy and his friends
Join a local football team
To play for their country
Is every bears dreamStrawberry Field Colts
Coach is Mr Treasure
Who says fun before results
Without any pressureThey train at Bruin Park
Tuesday and Thursday night
They wear team colours
Of emerald and…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Jane ThomasTo Jane
Do not be fooled by this woman’s name
For she was far from drab and plain
This wonderful lady from a caribbean isle
Who always wore a big broad smile
Always giving , always sharing
Full of kindness , forever caring
Why she was taken in this way
Only the lord above can say
But in heaven she has taken her place
At the Lords…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Souls JourneyI settle down and close my eyes
My soul floats up towards the skies
I drift along upon the breeze
To smell the blossoms on the trees
Towards the storm then I rush
Through clouds dark grey nimbus
Then as I drift on past the moon
I know I will be with you soon
Over mountain , round rivers bend
A gust of wind at journeys end
I smell…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Mr Amphibian
From day to day
He does what he oughter
Travels on the land
Breeds in the waterIn stream or pond
Or maybe a bog
A newt , a toad
Or croaking frogAn ugly creature
His sight makes you winch
If you dare, kiss him
He becomes a princeNo one dares
So he looks all forlorn
Just doing what’s natural
Producing the spawnBy William A R…[Read more]
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
@Mr Amphibian wrote:
I’m upset Will. :(
Don’t I get one especially for me? :lol:Working on it, will do my best-Cya William
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
For Thee OnlyUpon my brow, I feel your kiss
Tender warmth, eternal bliss
A rose for thee I plant alone
To keep you here as my own
I feel your soul though miles apart
I hold thee here dear in my heart
Upon your image, I feast my eyes
Then meet you in my paradise
I feel your sensous lips on mine
Then taste the precious fruit of vine
In some…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
@Freckles wrote:
Keep up the good work William – sorry couldn’t resist it :lol:
I am glad you didn’t resist it, what a wonderful surprise, seeing your beautiful soul here, the next one is for you-Love William XXXXX
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
@James Belfast wrote:
@Mr Amphibian wrote:
Edge, I apologise for that last comment. I was trying to be funny and I do that too often sometimes. It was pointed out to me that what I said was stupid and offensive, and I agree. :oops:
Yeah, he meant an Insanity Publishing Company. :wink: Keep taking the tablets William!
Nice to know your still…[Read more]
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Thank you for reading my thread Mr Amphibian, your remark was not taken as being nasty, I would be quite happy to help with the ‘Vanity Publishing’ :D :D :D -
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
A Womans Dream (Acrostic)Gentle and kind ……..
Ever thoughtful………
Never angry………….
Trustworthy and honest
Loving and caring…….
Efficient in all he does
Mindful of her feelings.
Aware of her needs……
Noble in his morals…..by William A Edge
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
True Lies ThreeAs I approach the edge of the cliff
Suddenly I start to drift
Floating down as if in a dream
Toward a dark and murky stream
Dwarfs working with axe and pick
Cutting rock both thin and thick
Collected up by industrious elves
Who sort them on to slate like shelves
Pixies with clip boards looking busy
Rush around and make one…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
True Lies TwoI sat peacefully on a side chair
In silence, to free my mind for a while
I had neither drink nor drug
Yet in the calm the room began to spin
Then to sway, as if a ship in high seas
In an instance it stopped
My living room wall appeared to open
I was lifted and floated toward the wall
It became clear I was in a shaft
First of blue…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
True Lies OneIt should not have happened
But it did happen
Well I believe it did
I’m sure it didI received a call
The lady was in distress
I have two young children
And my electric has failedI responded as a matter of urgency
I examined the mains income
The cartridge had been removed
The metre sealedI challenged her
You have been cut o…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Waste of LifeWhen he walked into the room
He saw her sitting there
tried hard not to stare
so he sat in the next chairIt felt good sitting next to her
He was thinking of romance
then someone asked her to dance
had he missed his chanceHe watched every move they made
In his head ,he heard alarms
she looked so settled in his arms
she was…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
A FriendSomeone who tells the truth
even though you don’t want to hear
They say how it is
even if this forms a tearThey speak to you each day
if only to say hello
They can read your signals
when its time for them to goThey consider your feelings
by trying not to impose
They notice your hair
and the style of your clothe’sThey will not…[Read more]
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Week End Biker
Say what you like
When I’m on my bike
I couldn’t give a damnWith the wind in my face
I’ll pick up the pace
And I won’t get caught in a jamWhen I’m on the straight
The feeling is great
Leaving the city behindWithout a care
Take in the fresh air
A wonderful way to unwindAs I reach the bend
A thrill it will send
To the hairs…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Birmingham in the board Chat forum one boards 18 years, 9 months ago
THE BALLAD OF BIRMINGHAMTheres a place called Birmingham
that I love dearly
It nestles in the midlands as you know
Where the people speak a very funny language
They say aint and daint, woont and ere and yoh
Just to hear again the rumble of the tramcars
The buse’s as they journey on their way
To watch the liners berth at Saltley dockyard
And see…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
The SquirrelFrom branch to branch
from tree to tree
I am amazed
at the agilityThen scurry along
the top of fence
With grace and balance
of great senseSkip across
the washing line
Not a worry
he’ll be fineJump down
to gable end wall
With no fear
he will not fallAcross the grass
avoiding ruts
To the place where
he stored his nutsOn hind…[Read more]
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Felicity PringleThere’s a girl in our village
Felicity Pringle
She’s so plain and boring
she will remain singleThe girls all giggle
when she pass’es by
The boy’s never date her
they don’t even tryThen into the village
a new family came
Mr and Mrs Dawkins
and their son named ShaneNow Shane was a biker
each day could be seen
Riding with…[
William_A_Edge replied to the topic Edge Works in the board Art, poetry, music and film 18 years, 9 months ago
Felicity PringleThere’s a girl in our village
Felicity Pringle
She’s so plain and boring
she will remain singleThe girls all giggle
when she pass’es by
The boy’s never date her
they don’t even tryThen into the village
a new family came
Mr and Mrs Dawkins
and their son named ShaneNow Shane was a biker
each day could be seen
Riding with…[Read more] - Load More