THE UGLY SIDE OF CHRISTMAS…………It is near to the end of the year, its almost here the Christmas cheer. Bought to us by the lord above, a time for families and friends to enjoy and have fun. But for some its bad and for some its sad, the homeless kid alone on the street, begging for cash needing to eat. “Sir, can you spare some change please?” as he struggles to fight the winters freeze. I drop him a quid and he says “thanks”, sleeping in doorways, visiting food banks. No Christmas joy, no playstation toy, just a young vulnerable little boy. No turkey, no tinsel, no trees, he is not lucky as you and me. I carry on fast, shivering from the icy blast, past a pub, people inside drinking their beer, eating their grub, normal to us, Christmas joy, I am thinking of the vulnerable little boy. Shouting and swearing, what a thing to greet, two drunken men fighting in the street, people look, people stare, people walk past they don’t care. Surely this isn’t Christmas joy I think? just two men, too much to drink. Im nearly home to my family and im deep into myself, love, shelter, warmth and food on the shelf. Lots of cards and presents under the tree, im lucky. When we are all having our Christmas joy, Lets all think of thousands more like that vulnerable little boy.