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  • #266284

    my brother in law is one of those unfortunate folk he drives a hgv for a living. he wont be able to make a living shortly. all of his points are for speeding. he works nights and mostly the motorways are clear but the boys in blue are out in force with their SAFETY cameras. where are the children playing on the motorway at 2 in the morning ??? its all b ollo x its about collecting revenue and getting ppl off the roads and nothing to do with safety. the twoc merchants and drugged up boy racers who drive without a license or insurance never get caught unless they actually crash or are caught by chance so its the working man that pays yet again.


    slayer you are of course correct i can understand that you feel that its a bnp ranting having read the post again i apologise for that, as i dislike the bnp as much as anyone who hates facist doctrin.. i do however stand firm on the sharia law issue the government are indeed in talks with leading members of the muslim faith to allow sharia law to be used to settle matters such as marriage issues and family law. however if you are a female muslim you have only half the rights as a man and you have no say in family law as the women are not allowed to voice an opinion unless she has up to 4 male witnesses to back her case and this never happens. so when i say we should be against this monstrous law i mean that we should be against it on behalf of the silenced womenfolk of the muslim community and not against muslim people in general

    religion is fear
    fear is religion :oops:


    call anyone of any creed what you will but were all the same when the lights are out innit. :wink:


    the muslim faith to some is a warm all inclusive religion that teaches forgiveness and tolerance.
    to others it is a book of rantings written by a child molester designed to enslave women and promote war whenever possible.
    to believe either of these is in my view neither right or wrong but as a brit first i will always fight for the right of either believer to have that opinion. i dont think the qoran would allow that freedom of thought.


    didnt the communists start that power to the people malarkey ???? look where it got them…

    polititions should have to apply to a committee of working people from across the board and have a years probation… then sack em anyway theyre all liars and cheats thats why theyre almost all public school boys innit


    dont wish to pee on anyones bonfire but up here in the wilds of yorkshire the bnp are going to do very well if the customers in my pub are anything to go by. the average joe builder to the factory m.d are all of the same opinion that the mainstream polititians are all in it for two things money and power and the bnp will keep gaining support until someone pulls their finger out and says what needs sayin

    shut the door to further immigration

    dont let children leave school until they can read and write and add up [on both hands]

    bring in voluntary national service where people are paid a wage to do their two years

    allow teenagers to leave school at 16 to go to apprenticed jobs where their pay is subsidised by large companies.

    stop teaching religion of any kind in schools and ban faith led schools they teach seperatism

    ban the house of lords to thwart any further infiltration of paid up members

    bring the armed services home immediateley and leave the americans to iraq

    i could go on and on but arent these basic things that could help a little….


    the blair bullshit corporation wouldnt dare inform the plebs of this country what is realy happening.. are you barking. my god, :wink: people may get the idea that muslims are violent sadistic mysogenists who are hell bent on the islamification of our nation and what would happen then… :wink:


    :!: :!: :!: OUCH :!: :!: :!:

    We could do with them being banged up with the likes of ian huntley etc they could read them bed time stories whatto…


    when tony blairs mafia adopt sharia law.[and it could well happen if were not careful] we wont have to worry if the average muslm is in favour of violence because the average law abiding hard working muslim wont have a say in the matter the mad mullahs and the bomb happy power freaks will be in charge.

    if the average muslim is more law abiding etc why do we never see any posts or blogs or news articles with these people calling for a stop to the murder and hatred being spread on their behalf. if the bnp can have a say the muslim people should stand up and say loud and clear that they dont want violence. but they never will because WE will be dhimni soon and WE will be the ones fighting for freedom on our own streets because WE have bent over backwards to accomodate them, and crawled on our bellies to the far right muslim leaders FOR FAR TOO LONG im no racist but religion should have no say in politics or any decision made to placate to anyone living in this country no matter what the excuse.


    oh perleese ladies dont you realise that these poor women didnt mean any harm they are just a product of their environment. they have obviously never been given any chances in life. kept on benefits [no doubt] bored and more than likeley abandoned by the men in their lives. sureley we should be giving them bigger houses more money a holiday on the state perhaps, and while were at it put them darn brats in care if they cant fight for their own rights… [sorry the social worker in me made me do it]

    these bitches should all die screamin… :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

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