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  • #268478

    i can see how people will vote bnp in the forthcomming local elections as a protest to the government, they have some solid points and a lot of their followers are honest hard working men and women i know for fact hat many of my pub regulars are going to vote bnp. I will vote for them in the locals, but when will the stronger partys listen to us ? will it take the public to vote on mass for this party to make this mass taxing anti white politically corect bunch of tossers that are in charge now wake up and smell the coffee ? the bnp may be a party that leaves a nasty taste in the mouth but they are actually saying publically what our nation is saying quietly behind locked doors.. weve had enough of mass immigration and bowing to the meniacle demands of the muslim leaders we want our home back and we will take it unless they pull their fingers out and that will mean war on the streets as in bosnia. its the same thing happening all over again


    at least four of the evil b stards have been jailed for life. The fertilizer bombers were planning to blow up a big night club in london and the blue waters shoppng mall i hope they allow them to mix with the other prisoners and they can find out for themselves what its like to be terrorised. one of them as links with the leader of the 7/7 bombers and all are BRITISH [my arse] they described night clubbers as slags and tossers on tape they may well be right about some of them, but we in britain enjoy the right to be slags and tossers if we wish and no damned mad mullah is going to stop us. good on you boys in blue and mi5 xxx

    fear is religion
    religion is fear


    free broadband in india… why ? most of the country hasnt got a sewer system yet and millions of the poorest havent got clean water. its like feeding caviar to a starving dog innit.. :?


    totally agree with you on that one as well i think anyone who allows a child to go alone to a catholic church should be prosecuted for child neglect i was 9 years old when a preiest tried to abuse me and my sister she was 14 and had enough about her to get us ot of there fast if i had been alone GOD only knows what would have happened to me. i think all religion has faults but in the main catholosism and the muslim faith in my view are evil brain washing fear machines designed to keep people ignorant and therefore easy to manipulate. by the way the priest died two years ago after thirty five years of doing GODS good work….

    religion is fear
    fear is religion


    the menfolk are all too busy lookin at their dicks and wonderin who they can bless with th
    eir whit and manhood next….


    ive never heard of any other section of britain being asked if they are loyal to britain ??? why then do we give credence to the fact that the muslim people do or dont support britain in any way. of course the government spin merchants will pay lip service to the fact that the nation feels a little tense at the moment, but its the pc brigade and tonys sliming up to all the minorities that have caused the tension. white working class people from britain are the only people who are expected to change their views and their way of life whilst the minorities are given rights and showered with praise whilst supporting terrorists and wringing their hands and crying victim. but facts are facts ive never ever heard of anyone from any other religion blowing themselves and others up in the name of GOD. but the muslim faith not only do it they are proud of the fact that they have millions of martyrs ready and brainwashed waiting to join the cause… incredible and sick

    fear is religion

    religion is fear


    by the time his butlers, hand servants, secretaries, and an army of bodyguards have arrived harry will stand out better than his hair colour he will be a sitting target and the news hounds will make sure that the insurgents know exactly where he is. it will be about as fair as a stag hunt i recon. funny when the boot is on the other foot tho eh… next time daddy looks down the old twelve bore at an animal hes going to murder he will see how harry will look when the nutters get him. very scared indeed.


    my pubs no gay bar [tho we do have gay customers and they are ace ppl] were a happy lill gang of middle age bikers who love to get rotten and belt out lill ditties by meggadeath slayer and any number of other lite music tunes but to my knowlege no one has given their number to a bnp gorilla you must have been verry verry verry drunk my friend. but youre entitled to vote for who you want, as is everyone else, :wink: but if you dont vote dont criricise those who do however distasteful they may be


    the facist bnp wouldnt have a voice if the muslim population called for a halt to violence and actually forced their barmy army of mad mullahs out of britain and back to the dessert where they can carry on murdering and raping in the name of GOD as long as the community say nothing they play into the hands of fear and hatred from all sides.

    religion is fear
    rear is religion :?


    one solution would be to sterilise every female at 12 years old that is hiv positive, then they wouldnt be able to pass on hiv or aids to their unborn they wouldnt be subjected to female circumsision as there would be a death sentence in it for the man if shes hiv the poor litle mites are starving and dying horrible deaths and are being gang raped as a norm and all of this in the name of GOD…..

    fear is religion
    religion is fear

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