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  • #268894

    i,ll drink to that pet. religion is the evil in my eyes not the colour of the preacher, as i say i would ban all religious studies and integrate all schools. children are our future and if we keep brainwashing them with the god squad we will never rid ourselves of guilt and hatred.


    slayer . as i have said before i have no problem with the colour of any persons skin i was brought up with the ethos that were all the same colour in the dark and no one should ever judge a person on first meeting. my dad was an ausie [btw] i have a half sister who is mixed race and two full blown aboriginee brothers so i can hardly be colour prejudised can i ? that aside i concede i may be ignorant in some respects and fully respect the views of others in all aspects. but why oh why do we keep on harping on about the bnp ? i personally think they have a right to their opinions as do we all. that doesnt mean im a supporter through and through, indeed you have educated me to a lot of their policies and beliefs. as has emmalush. and i say again I can only speak as i find personally. do you live in a predominantly muslim area ? im guessing not. but that doesnt mean you know any more or less than i do about their culture or ideals. i was raised a catholic. but didnt go to church after a priest attempted to assault myself and my sister [that aside] my mother refused to believe us and demanded we never told our father about it and we were threatened with going to hell if we did… in the good ole 60s you did as you were told. [there was no such thing as compensation then] my children have been raised with a healthy regard for other people regardless of colour or religion but i stand by what i say religion is fear . am i wrong ? i believe that most religions instill fear and hatred into their followers, jews against muslims, catholics against protestants, sikhs against hindus. need i go on… but one thing remains in my psyche how many of the wars in the world today are being fought in the name of allah ?? quite a significant number i think.. darfur for instance, where the people are dying by the thousand every month becaus they are attempting to escape genocide in the name of allah… correct me if im wrong bit if i were not for this war these people would not be displaced ? apart from the fact that most of africa is starving to death without this being done to them. is it my imagination but wasnt the 9/11 atrocity done in the name of allah ? i may be only reciting recent wars and actions and i understand that the christian faith and the roman catholics have done equally terrible things but in this day and age wars are fought on a dailt basis in the little box in all of our front rooms, and we have the ability to stop or do something about it dont we ? it should be stopped. whoever is doing it to whoever . and all in the name of GOD sureley you can see where im seing this from ???


    its a simple thing realy…. If you dont vote you dont get a say in anything that happens. A river begins with a small stream, and the more streams join, the stronger the river becomes… as with anything, the more we listen and discuss, the more we will come to agreements. mabey not to the satisfaction of all of us. But if we do not discuss and disagree we will not find common ground to work on. i may agree with emmalush on some things and slayer on others i may well agree with both or neither. but the fact of the matter is i will fight to the death for either one to have their opinion, no matter how agreable or awful that opinion may be…. and that my friends is democracy. and unless we keep voting and talking we will no longer have a democracy.. :) :) :) :)


    slayer from a totally non bnp point of view what are your thoughts on the sharia courts being set up in britain ? the catholic church aside as they have no say in anyones lives in law ? sharia courts will have a big say in the laws passed in britain in the future [as im sure the catholics would if given chance] would you agree to stonings selling women and young children into marriage and the total subdugation of women in britain ? sureley not .. The point being missed here is thay the muslim population is supposedly only around ten percent in britain [maximum ?] and yet we are expected to give their laws and cultural way of life equal creedence to ours. we dont allow the chinese or polish or jewish people these concessions or any other peoples so why do we bow to the wishes of this minority in our lands ? i do not undrestand this please explain ? i live in a small village with no muslim people, yet my grandchildren are expected to eat halal meat at school. they are taught the muslim faith, but not the jewish faith. they are taken to mosques on school days out but not to catholic churches . they are asked to embrace islam as a culture but not the church of englands teachings????? is it me or is there something RADICALLY wrong with this WHY are they being taught religion at all. Every war in the world is being fought in the name of GOD wether it is allah or jesus why are our children being indoctrinated at all ? sureley if every nation stopped brainwashing children with the fairy hell that is religion we would be religion free in fifty years and the world would be a better place for that ??? no matter what the colour of the child. or where the nation..


    the torys see the masses of working class as chavves with no brain, that are bred to feed the factories and doff their caps to their betters [ie the aristocracy] the days of bowing and scraping to our so called betters are long gone, and the sooner they realise this the better. where i live the in bred mill owners, and their toadying crawling followers are now relying on our money to keep their stateley homes running with charity donations, and are having to sell their slave run mill buildings to developers to create uber contemporary living units for what used to be the chattering classes. We no longer have to wait at the factory gates to see if we can earn a daily crust as we have education, and re installed pride in ourselves as worthy people. And thank god for that.if the tories [god forbid ] ever get back into power i will be one of the first on a boat to austrailia canada or any other free state to enjoy my retirement. The labour party may be a bunch of moronic power happy money grabbing pigs but at we are able to see where they came from. And where they make their cock ups.[prescott for instance. yuk!] With the tories, they are all public school boys. the hooray henry, shoot everything that moves, keep women in their place whatto boys, who live a life more fitting a hundred years ago, and their grab all buggar the rest of you attitude. is that the way forward ??? I thought we learned that lesson with our maggie. Although i will concede that she was a damned good leader in a crisis. even if she did engineer the crisis to win an election. please tell me where do we go from here as im at a loss at the moment. :wink: :?


    slayer .. what can i say . other than my useual mantra religion is fear
    fear is religion
    any religion thet supresses the masses with brain washing and fear .. which as far as im concerned is almost all of them, should be banned forever.. but that would make me a communist wouldnt it? or is my ignorance showing yet again.. im not being sarcastic but im quite ignorant in some areas as i dont have personal experience at most things political. x x x


    there is no difference whatsoever. its just that in this particular case the men in question are asian. they dont live in the village, they dont work in the village, they hang around the takeaway and prey on very young girls some of the girls are only eleven or twelve years old. the shop has been attacked over this and the crime is logged as a race hate crime ? if they were say from birmingham or newcastle and white it wouldnt be a race hate crime but they arent, they are asian, and not from the area but have moved in on easy targets because they cant get away with doing this to their own [asian girls that is] as they arent allowed to mix with each other, and they openly brag that white slags are easy to get… that is my point. it is the young men that are racist in that they openly target young white girls. they are never seen with asian girls as they are locked away until they are sold into marriage as you well know.and dont deny this. how many teenage asian girls do you see being driven round and passed arount groups of white men [of any culture] you just dont.its easy sitting in ivory towers spouting the injustices done to minorities until it happens to your family and you see your friends family torn apart by it and the worst thing is no one will do anything to help. the police wont as they dont want to get into a race argument. the families cant as they will be locked up for being racist and the girls are too gullible and stupid to know better. that is my point. please dont miss construe what i say im no angel but im no racist either if these were young asian girls being used and abused by white men i would be equally angry.white perverts go to thailand and other asian countries to pray on their children and it happens here too but its a bit rich when you speak about it here and youre called a racist do you think white men who go to thai brothels are racist ? or just child molesting perverts who should be hung? i know where i stand.


    you both have vaid points but im no racist i had my motorbike nicked by an irish pikey lad last summer, but i dont hate irish people. just making the point there. my daughters best friend was groomed by a group of asian men and is no longer a part of her family and isnt allowed to talk to her slag friends [boyfriend term] she stays indoors and studies the qoran before her wedding her father has totally disowned her as she says her religion is her guide now and will not listen to anyone but her boyfriend a 26 year old asian man. this is just one case in point. Here in the pennines between oldham and huddersfield we have gangs of asian men driving round in suped up cars asking the young girls to get in and have a ride with them, thats just the beginning of it before long they are carrying drugs being beaten up and a lot of them are hooked on cocaine and crack. heroin is called pakki pleasure here, because if you get a girl off her face you can pass her around your mates and she wont fight you. and they openly laugh at the girls that are stupid enough to fall for this crap. and usually tell them that they wont marry a white girl as it would bring shame on their families. this is not a race thing but a religion and culture thing. and dont try to call me a racist im talking facts here not liberal leftie crap. i dont mind my tax money being given to any kind of minority group whatever colour if they need a hand up.. i do mind however having the veil pulled over my eyes whilst having to watch my back at the same time im no politition slayer just a honest hard working woman with good family values and respect for my way of life and others but i will not sit by whilst other cultures stamp their ways over mine.


    thank you so much for posting this emmalush.x.x.x i had a discussion in the pub on sunday night with non other than a local councillor [liberal] who actually called me a liar and said i was imagining things !!!! when i told him he was wrong he called me a hysterical woman and told me i had no business discussing politics when i clearly was deluded….
    well if im deluded so are you pet.. the lill tosser will wonder what hit him when i give this to him in print when i go to vote on thursday.. and you can bet i wont be voting liberal the b.n.p will be getting a hell of a lot of votes here in the pennines as we have to live with our daughters being groomed by the local takeaway owners and their friends. FACT before anyone says im a racist.. my daughter was approached several times by the same group of young men in their 20s to go for a ride in their suped up car etc etc she declined rather impoliteley as she was advised to do by her father and myself her friend didnt and is now a full blown koran studying veil wearing pregnant 18 year old she isnt allowed to see her friends anymore as they are all slags [boyfriends phrase] and she doesnd talk to her father anymore as she doesnt need his blessing cos shes old enough to make her own mind up [boyfriend again] sharia law is only the beginning we,d better either buy burkahs or guns cos if we dont get one were going to need the other. ](*,) :twisted: :twisted:


    slayer.. I firstly dont think that polish plumbers and chinese electricians etc, no matter what colour should be here in britain when there are thousands of young brits leaving school and cant get an apprenticeship. My own son wanted to be a car mechanic and contacted over a hundred garages without any luck, he then tried to do the same with being a plumber, and the same result he eventually got a start as a builders labourer and at 21 hes now a plasterer and roofer he left school with 9 o levels. My daughter has gone on to college to study to be a nurse but the chances of her getting a job at the end are not certain by any means. yet if you go to any hospital you will see doctors and nurses who can barely speak english… the same applies to nursing homes, where our elderly are being cared for by latvian, polish, and any number of eastern european people. that may well be a low pay issue, but it needs to be addressed. As for what i want back ? well id like to go swimming on a thursday night at my local pool but i cant as im white and none muslim. Id like my grandchildren to have non halal meat choice at school I wantto be able to go into my local town and not feel intimidated by gangs of young thugs. [white and coloured] i dont want our schools to teach the koran as an inclusive loving religion. it isnt.. actually i dont want our schools to teach religion point. its not a colour thing at all indeed i have a half west indian sister and i was brought up with a healthy regard for anyone regardless of colour. i object strongly to foreign people recieving benefit from our dss houses from the council and all the freebies that go with it free water free council tax etc. i have worked all my working life and paid into the system and it galls me that we are being swamped with benefit grabbing money migrants of any colour or culture. the muslim people that are british and work hard like the rest of us should denounce the hatred that their extremist brothers spout and give them up to be deported as they have no place here. i will say that most immigrants are honest hard working folk and i welcome their effort to better their life. but they should not be here if they dont or wont work and they should not be allowed here until they can read and speak english to olevel degree. please dont accuse me of racism im not a racist but i am fed up of everyone using the race card if i dont agree that they are right.

    fear is religion
    religion is fear

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