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  • #270190

    i dont know who will win the next election as im not into predictions and to be honest we dont know what gordons got up his sleeve. if hes as good at running the shop as he is at taxing all of us till we squeak he will do a good job.
    i can remember when maggie was on the throne at no 10 an i was quite well off but my neighbours were scraping food parcels from the local working mens club as they had a miner for a father.
    i also remember how she orchestrated the falklands war to win her last election.
    but it has to be said she was a force to be reckoned with when she showed her teeth.
    i dont think gordy will be given a fair crack at the whip as tony will undermine him at every oppertunity through the press. well just have to wait and see eh…


    my parents left my sister and myself in the charge of our local church priest, you would think that would be a safe thing to do but he very nearly abused us,my sister who is a little older than me got us out of there pdq and nothing serious happened. the point is if a predatory paedophile has their eye on a child they will find a way to get to that child however careful you may think you are.
    its a terrible thing that has happened to this family and the parents however wrong or naeve they may have been will never get over what has happened to this lill mite.
    on the other side of the coin there are children in south america dumped to live in sewer pipes and beg for food and its not unknown for big business men to pay the police to soot the children as it makes the city a safer place for them to carry on their business.
    there is many ways to look at child neglect but on the whole the children of our nation are well looked after, not forgetting the poor mites who are abused and beaten no where is perfect.
    btw the child from the north east who was abducted from the bath and raped was known by her attacker he just picked his moment carefully as he knew she would be alone in the bathroom and it was easy to access from the back yard .. :cry: :cry: :cry:


    slayer i totally agree with you it is misguided treehugging morons and not actually the government that have caused this. stopping people using the word black and changing nursery rhymes etc is rediculous. if anything i think it causes even more problems as the more ignorant masses deem that coloured people have asked for these changes, indeed a very good friend of mine who happens to be a seikh gets on his soap box on a regular basis about it. and i totally agree with him. this kind of stupid boll*x causes more trouble than it stops.
    if children were tought from birth to get on with everyone instead of ignorant or biggoted parents imprinting their prejudices on their little ones everyone would be happy. but religion will out wherever there are churche mosques etc…


    yes yes yes their parents were to blame equally as much as they were. even today in northern ireland children are brought up to hate each other. its calmed down in recent years but the hatred still simmers underneath.
    if a catholic marries a protestant they are castigated by their families just as they did 50 years ago. in scotland the hatred between religions is just the same as ireland. you only have to see celtic and rangers fans going at each other to prove the religious hatred still simmering underneath. if im not mistaken not long ago a catholic rangers player resigned as he had recieved death threats for playing for the enemy.
    its not the people who blindly follow the priests vicars mullahs etc that are to blame its the churches and mosques etc that teach hatred and teach their sheep to carry on the stupid and dangerous game of tit for tat with peoples lives. every war being fought today can be directly linked with religion. we are fighting a war in iraq for oil for america but the other team see it as a jihad. the poor souls have no chance, their god cant help them but they keep on blindly fighting and being killed. Its all warped and wrong. god in any form has a lot to answer cant tell me that the mother of the arrested terror suspects didnt know what they were doing. i just cant believe that.


    slayer you miss understand me. or i didnt make it clear enough i meant if they had drawn in the election. which they did not the bnp was over a hundred votes behind. if they had drawn they wouldnt have dared draw the straw to get the winner as people here would have taken to the streets. but as you said and i concede the tories won fair and square here. sorry if i wasnt clear enough


    their local mp hr malik said on the news that his thoughts and blessings were sent to the mother of the female terrorist and her son another terrorist arrested today he said it must be a terrible time for her just now with two of her children being held in prison WTF!!!
    my thoughts are with her as well. personally id like to know how many more murdering scumbags she has produced and where they are at this moment in time… and no i will not apologise for saying it. if she hadnt brought her murderous brood up to hate the country that fed clothed and educated them there would be a lot of families in london with mothers fathers sisters and brothers still alive now. i hope she never sleeps again.and if there are any more of them i hope they have the good sense to leave britain before the kind of justice their culture so readily dishes out catches up with them in the name of equality. as it says in the bible an eye for an eye. religion dont ya just love it.


    as i said slayer according to my mate…..
    racism can be percieved differently by every person with differing views,
    personally i think racism is when a person attacks another either physically or orally etc pureley because the other person is another colour.
    our government have caused us a lot of this misery by legislating bullcrap such as
    ba ba coloured sheep have you any wool
    wintermass festival
    banning children from asking if they can colour in at school less it offends
    segregating white and coloured people in swimming pools etc. to me this encourages racism as people will naturally pick a side to follow. we are natural team pickers thats why football rugby etc all do so well as we pick a team to follow white v black etc etc etc thats my ethos and its only my personal opinion. im sure someone will pick it to bits and explain why im wrong but there it is for nowt. as we say up here in th’ills.


    you keep taking matters in your own hand pet. :lol: :lol: :lol:
    but you do have a point no woman wants a slavish yes man as a partner but the secret is to let her think shes in charge.
    my husband has done just that for the last 12 years and were both happy with it….
    and he never has to take matters in his own hand ? he dont need to. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    im suffering from a collapsed disc in my spine at the moment i had a major op 7 years ago for the same thing but 3 discs collapsed. ive been waiting for 5 months now to get on the waiting list for an mri scan. so for all purposes im on a waiting list to get on a waiting list…
    i wrote to patricia hewitt several weeks ago to ask her why this is seeing as though the nhs is so wonderful now under her charge and have heard nothing…{suprise suprise}
    i hope your op goes well, the staff in hospitals on the front line ie nurses and doctors are fantastic on the whole. its the managers and pen pushers that are lethal.


    how right you are uber. absent fathers aside. [Thats another discussion} most fathers i know work round the clock just to make ends meet. mums are forced back to work to feed and clothe their families as dad alone cant make enough money, if they drive for a living they are almost guaranteed to have points and fines on a yearly basis. the health and safety zealouts make working anywhere a nightmare. the kids leaving school can bareley read and write. and its all down to dad… :cry: :cry:
    on the other hand if everyone stopped working when they have children they would get free housing free council tax etc and would have lots of time to be with, and educate their brood. and we can import people from all over the globe to do the jobs we do now just to have it all taken off us in taxes. sounds like a plan to me… :lol: :lol:

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