Forum Replies Created
15 June, 2007 at 2:20 pm #273497
child molestors dont wear badges of office do they??? unless its a priest of course. [never let your children be alone with a man of god especially if hes wearing a dress] just a word to the wise. nick griffin as nasty as his policies may seem to be has openly stated he would hang proven paedophiles…. he would also hang known drug dealers… not one of the other so called parties will even speak out against it as they know that judges police officers social workers doctors lawyers and any amount of other respected members of society are among the vile perverts are among the ranks of paedophile rings having a ball with the knowlege that the average joe worker will never be able to stop them as they surround themselves with laws to stop us knowing what they are up to. just take the latest government blind fold. we now no longer have the right to know what our mps are spending and where it goes ???? something to hide ? or not… it doesnt take einstein on a good day to work out does it.
15 June, 2007 at 2:09 pm #273506never forget its not just possible employers… big brother is watching everything you do , every credit card you apply for is monitored your kids dna is being taken at school. quite soon you will be denied a passport unless you agree to have a government i.d card so the politsai can check on you whilst you travel.every medical record can be read by government officials without your permission. if you dont pay ur tv lisence you WILL be imprisoned or the government boot boys {bailiffs} will arive mob handed to take anything of value you may have.
and this is only the beginning.. we are becoming a stalinist state where anyone who doesnt agree with the government will lose any rights they have at pesent. and its coming to a town near you… :lol: :lol: :lol:15 June, 2007 at 2:00 pm #273486WHAT DO YOU CALL A MAN WHO MARRIES A 9 YEAR OLD CHILD.
NO WE CALL HIM MOHAMMED.peace be upon him??????????????????????
youre very quiet toay slayer are you still with us ???15 June, 2007 at 1:55 pm #273485TRY PUTTING A B.N.P POSTER IN YER WINDOW… THE NEXT TIME YOU GO OUT THE WHOLE WORLD WILL CALL YOU A FACIST…
when muslims call for the jihad on britain and were all fighting on the streets with our once neighbours you will all be grateful for the people who will not give in to these mad mullahs and their meniacle following of jama wearing bombers…
while england sleeps some are doing good work.15 June, 2007 at 1:48 pm #273556a muslim point of view.
shes a filthy whore who allowed another to see her face without first being sold to him beat her around the body breaking no bones at first. if she continues to be a filthy whore beat her to death or set her on fire to teach her sisters to obey the will of allah. if she speaks to police she must die as soon as possible so take the youngest daughter from that family and hold her at will until the whore capitulates if she severs ties with the infidel then the beating worked PRAISE BE TO ALLAH the infidel will die.15 June, 2007 at 1:41 pm #273526THATS WHWT YA GET WHEN YA PUT RELIGIOUS NUTTERS IN POWER. cover the bitches up keep em indoors and get me a 10 year old to shag while yer at it.
all the lot ov em should be rounded up n shot.
an yep fat birds should not show their underwear and allow their guts to hang over the top of their jeans its just nasteeee.14 June, 2007 at 1:53 pm #273029its amazing how many morons find god in jail innit. personally i reckon we should lock up god for good and send all the celebs to visit him. or her or it .
14 June, 2007 at 1:39 pm #272672they are not married at 9 in our country but they are promised at that age and then become virtual slaves in their owners homes. thats why so many young muslim girls are beaten to death [for not being good girls] which means they are beaten for any reason their promised husbands want to beat them for..
a 17 year old muslim girl was beaten to death last summer in leeds and the corroner said hed never seen anyone so badly beaten they had jumped up and down on her smashing her rib cage for not being in on time from prayers… nice eh..the coroner said he thought she was a car crash victim so bad were her injuries..14 June, 2007 at 1:32 pm #271980i like you talon id love to send dubbya n tone over to iraq to face the people who they have let down to say the least.
i wonder how tony and shereeeeee would feel if their only son was shot for no other reason than being on the street corner. in the wrong country.14 June, 2007 at 1:25 pm #273272@bassingbourne55 wrote:
I found the original post interesting, but there is another side. As well as the Emotional Manipulator there has to be a type of person who is particularly susceptable to their tactics – the emotional manipulatee, shall we say.
Emotional manipulatees tend to internalise all the things that happen to them. They make excuses for other peoples’ bad behaviour towards them, to justify why they should accept such behaviour. Emotional manipulatees are good at turning a blind eye and at turning the other cheek
We are probably all both emotional manipulator and emotional manipulatee to some degree at some time or other, but when either trait gets serious or people of the two polarities get involved with each other, it spells disaster.
The crucial difference is that emotional manipulators are bad people whereas manipulatees are not.
reads like battered wife scenario to me. he beats her sensless she makes excuses for him she goes back and he beats her again. round and round it goes till she or he die…
its the same when child abusers manipulate their victims with threats and sugar coated lies. -