Forum Replies Created
15 June, 2007 at 7:46 pm #271462
i wish terrorist suspects. [are you being racist to the irish? or the asian? :lol: :lol: :lol: aint sussed it yet ill wait for slayer to tell us eh ?]
15 June, 2007 at 7:41 pm #273599halleluyah to that. my big fear is this will drive the moderates here into a corner and we begin to see a real seperatist state here in the uk. this is not unthinkable and with race relations in the uk at an all time low because of the open door policy to immigration. it would not be difficult to drive home the message of allah to an ever more radicalised youth here in the uk if the young men already feel threatened. it is te fear itself that is driving the way we are becoming and no amount of talk is going to halt these fears unless the government satisfy either one group or the other, eitherway its no racist but as a white woman here in the uk at the moment i feel threatened by both the government and by the muslim hatred toward us as free women. we do understand there is a tangible difference between u as faiths, but its the total male suremacist thing we will never allow, weve only just got qeual with ours were never gunna accept yours.. extremeis yes. honestly felt totally.
15 June, 2007 at 7:31 pm #272182ha ha ha fukkinnn ha ha ha… :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: peein em…
15 June, 2007 at 7:28 pm #273507way hey we agree once again ….. this cud be the start of a debateship.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
15 June, 2007 at 7:25 pm #273499i find it totally cool that without question, not one of us believes for one moment that paedophiles have rights. could it be we all agree on this ? id just like to know the pros and cons here.
15 June, 2007 at 7:16 pm #273597current affairs and serious posts.
if you boys want a pissin contest go to the playground please id rather have a good ole debate and youre obviously not up for it…xxx :lol: :lol:
what else is a girl to do when shes pmt’in if i cant rant at you some poor bar customer is gunna get it and im running out of victims here.15 June, 2007 at 7:10 pm #273489@slayer wrote:
@waspish wrote:
NO WE CALL HIM MOHAMMED.peace be upon him??????????????????????
youre very quiet toay slayer are you still with us ???Sorry, I have a job :) :wink:
N dont shout, its rude n I have a headache
N if you cant see that your extremism is identical to some feckwit muslim who thinks its cool to put a poster in a chippy then the soot up there must be blinding you.
Extermists are the same wherever
The causes are opposite, the language is the same, the self belief that their’s is the one true way just as blind, n the end result always the same
at what point do i condone murder. rape. or any other kind of hate crime against hese madmen ?? get a grip slayer what i have done here is point out what the muslim faith is about. its about murder subjegation rape and the murder of every infidel. you can go and google all you want matey but you will have to agree [eventually that every post i have placed about the muslim [or any other faith for that matter] is correct. read the quoran. it says openly mohammed took his wife at 6 yeare old and brought her to islam [raped her] at 9 years and he did the same to countless other children male and female. now if you call my ideas extreme can you please tell me once and for all why you think this vile religion that advocates murder sodomy and child rape to be a good religion ??? tell me where it says in the quoran women and children are not goods and chattels to be sold to the highest they are even here in this day and age. You show me where im wrong and ill shut my trap for good. until then may your god go with you and keep you safe.just dont stray too far from the path of ignorance my friend.
15 June, 2007 at 3:30 pm #272404mince all the bnp folk up make a vindaloo and feed it to all the poofs and muslims so when it stings their little asses they might just remember what their arse is for after all…
and the bnp get the last sting in the tale.. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha liberals dont ya jus love em..15 June, 2007 at 3:24 pm #270166its amazing how quiet some people become when they are proved wrong.people have been called names for voicing oppinions and there was me thinking this was a discussion forum. well if you can only have your say if the self elected elite agree with you i feel sorry for you. a democracy is just that, it calls for freedom of thought and speech and no matter wether you believe in what the person says, we must always allow them to say it however distasteful. i will fight to the death to allow anyone freedom of speech whoever and whatever their beliefs even the mad mullahs and suicide think on when trying to silence someone elses views just because you dont agree with them because before long you may not have that freedom yourself.having sarcasm as your weapon of choice only shows how truly ignorant we can be toward each other.
15 June, 2007 at 2:32 pm #273144SMILEY
id love to know why you would kill prostitutes ??? are the little voices saying bad things to you ?????
prostitutes by enlarge save a lot of people a lot of grief on the whole. they do keep some dangerous company granted but if these people cant get relief from one person they will do it anyway they can ie. with children, with women who say no. [its called rape btw] they have a vile life and are almost always drug addicts of the worst kind. one man actually said to me that prostitutes give men diseases….Where do you think they get the diseases ?? from….men…. a lot of marriages are saved by prostitutes who for a payment will take on a man and all of his baggage for a short time just to earn money to live. they dont ask to be murdered beaten raped and robbed. its the men that do all of that for them so have a think about that one before you get to run the nation eh xx -