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  • #388891

    we certainly should mind our own beeswax as you put it.. and we should save the umpteen millions of our tax money being given to terrorist ridden countries, such as pakistan, iran, afghanistan and pretty much all of the middle east. withdraw everything. lock stock and barrell. id be much happier with my tax money keeping older folk warm, than trying to re educate allahs soldiers. it will never work, they simply take the cash and build training camps, and more islamic brainwashing jails [madrassers] where they can legally hang small children from the walls when they cant quote the quoran chapter and verse in arabic. [not an easy task for a grown up] but learn it and digest it they must.


    @pete wrote:

    Ah right over 700 dead 11 of them Israeli’s and muslims are the “butchers” are they ?

    no. neither side is right. both sides are terribly wrong. but when bebies are born, and brought up to hate everything un islamic ie. almost everything in the world. my god even reading or using a computer is banned. what chance do these kids have. the muslim extremists are raising terrorists and not children in gaza. exactly the same as the catholics and provos did in ireland. but the irish eventually came to the table, and at least they. and we are trying to bury the past. this will never be the case with muslim extremists because they are totally brainwashed by hate and hate alone. they will never ever stop. their only aim is global DOMINATION not global peace ! you note. DOMINATION. hitler wouldnt get a look in where these fellas are concerned. evil is evil. no matter what suit of armour [or head gear] it wears.


    @pete wrote:

    Actually bulbs are supposed to go underground where they grow into daffs or tulips or snowdrops or them horrible hyacinths, technically speaking the’re lamps :P

    bugger.. i thought it was taking a long time to warm up…. :shock:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I absolutely adore the cynicism of the most recent conference of the “great & the good” – i.e. a bunch on nosepicking busybodies who aim to tell us all what to do (and increase our taxes for the privilege).

    It seems that they have all “signed up for” halving CO2 emissions by the year 2050.

    Yes you DID read that right – 2050 (as in twenty fifty).

    What an enormous con that is. After all none of the buggers will be around in 2050 so they can stitch us all up now – claim the praise for being “green” – and when the entire target thingy goes tits up it won’t be THEIR fault will it???

    back o the net kerrect.


    im gunna build an underground bulb factory and sell em on e bay in brown paper wrappers. :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    I’m sure that most of you have heard of identity theft and the dangers that it can pose to your financial health – but how aware are you REALLY of the ways in which your confidential information can leak out???

    I pose this question because today I’ve just opened a letter from a credit card provider offering me a balance transfer service of only 7.92% plus a 3% handling fee.

    OK leaving aside the ridiculous interest rate (loads are offering 0%) what caught my eye was the letter itself. At the top it referred to “Credit Card Ending **** (and gave the last 4 numbers of my credit card.

    OK no big deal you may think. No real security issue there … only the last 4 digits …. not much use to a fraudster.

    HOWEVER, on the ‘Balance Transfer Request’ form at the bottom, it listed my full name, my full address and believe it or not the full and complete credit card number – all 16 digits of it.

    If I had simply torn this in half or crumpled it up and tossed it in the bin – as you do – I’m giving away invaluable information to any fraudster that wants to misuse my credit card. All they need to do is grab the paper litter from my house (we conveniently separate it now) and they have all they need.

    So how many of you would have done the same and simply thrown this type of circular away without thought – instead of shredding it first?????

    Do you even own or use a shredder???

    BTW – It’s now shredded and unreadable.

    HOW VERY DARE YOU. you have nicked my wasp and my p ! you identity thief you ! take that.. :shock:




    @forumhostpb wrote:

    er ….. without wishing to unnecessarily disrupt the flow of your argument Waspish …… but the female priest was in fact married as well.

    OOOPS ! whos a fuckw!t he he.
    little slut. jesus wouldnt have been happy with her would he now ! :shock:


    this little sh!t deserves a size 9 up his darling little orifice. as does his mother, and no doubt absent father. but in reality he will no doubt end up in a gang being a true amarican along with the rest of his hood. 8)


    i only ever buy big issue from british sellers ie. white black brown and yellow. who can speak good english and were born here, and yes i do ask them. call me a racist as ever but the entire idea of this magazine is to offer a hand to homeless and destitute people to earn a crumb, not to fund cars and hostels so they can buy tickets for their in laws to come and join the gravy train, as is the case with the big issue seller at huddersfield railway station. she has so far funded her in laws and a parent to come here from iran. no doubt they will all be on a street corner within a week or two either selling big issue or drugs. boot em out. they can at least starve and freeze in their own country withput us picking up the bill for care as well.

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