Forum Replies Created
11 March, 2008 at 10:37 pm #316136
the world woul be a boring place tho. if folks didnt gossip.. ha ha i have a right laugh at some folk who i talk to. i suppose wisdom comes with age [sometimes] but i love to gossip as long as it doesnt hurt anyone. i have a habit of opening my trap when asked for my opinion, but otherwise i dont. basically, if they dont want my opinion they shouldnt bleddy ask for it.. :lol: :lol: evil gossip is nasty and so are the people who dabble in it. dont ya think. peoples lives are ruined by it sometimes.
11 March, 2008 at 10:31 pm #317211i just vomited looking at him… there ought to be a law against people being allowed to do this to their loved ones or even to themselves. disgusting… also quite funny tho :lol:
11 March, 2008 at 10:20 pm #314895do you not watch the news slayer. today. bbc lunchtime news . three undred muslim girls in the last 8 months have disappeared to pakistan and not returned. the muslim leaders said on camera that this does not happen . but the schools and the dss know it does. in huddersfield there are 4 cases in court this week for muslim taxi firm owners driving on false licences and not paying tax or n.i. there are thousands of muslim areas across britain where white people are regularly spat at shouted at and attacked for just entering them. the police here in west yorkshire cannot cope with the cases of muslim drivers all sharing licences. [mainly women]
i have at no point ever said that black people of any lind are bad. indeed ive said that i hate racism in all forms. i do however detest the muslim faith and the racism and seperatist communities it creates. i welcome any foreign people who come here to work, whatever their colour. the fekless english toss pots that walk the streets in their hoodies smoking weed for a living should [as far as im concerned] be forced to work or do without benefit of any kind. my beef [while im still alowerd it] is with the muslim faith. and the continuing demands made by their so called community leaders. you slayer may live in a nice aea with nice neighbours and nice schools and hospitals. for the majority of us who live alonside the ever growing muslim tribe life is becoming an us and them fight. mabey you should try the old addage. walk a mile in my shoes and then consider your life again. as for the australian northern territories. my father was born and bred there, and believe me they dont do religion. even the local vicar knows not to get too far out of his holier than thou pios box cos they wont have a bar of it. :roll: paranoid i may be. but youll see soon enough.11 March, 2008 at 9:46 pm #317233and not forgetting that WE will have the pleasure of paying every single eu gravy train rider their 100k pensions when they get to retire at 55 years old. great innit. :wink:
9 March, 2008 at 8:06 pm #293041@bassingbourne55 wrote:
Britain, or at least England, is finished. We might as well roll over and die (metaphorically) s we stand for nothing, we have no vision and no sense of identity. English = default identity of anyone left over after the real identities have been handed round!
English = fat, thick 30something guy with shaved head in England T shirt and falling down shorts!
English traditions are under fire from all sides – our rights to drop litter, vandalise public property or gather in drunken groups late at night might soon be a thing of the past!
ok ill grant you that one. but ugo isnt the only english man.. :lol: :lol:
9 March, 2008 at 8:03 pm #304459there are over 3 billion muslims. better get building a bunker matey cos theyre on the march, theyve got holland, france and germanyby the short and curlies and theyre doin a bleddy good job at undermining everything we take for granted. the only saving grace is that the oil will run out shortly and then its back to biblical days for saudi and co. only when they cant bribe barter and threaten will we see the real side of islam. i. slam [you jump]
9 March, 2008 at 7:52 pm #314883did any of you watch the following nights programme about enoch powells “rivers of blood speach” whilst i think he was a hiddeous racist. i also think that everything he said has come around. he warned about communities becoming ever more further apart. he warned that religious segregation would bring fear and mistrust. he also warned of allowing muslims into britain un checked. [oh how right he was] there is fear, there is mistrust, there is ethnic cleansing being done on housing estates all across britain. english people are being forced out of their villages, towns and homes. we the indigenous british people are now classed as second class people in our own country. we come second to foreign workers. we come second when it comes to housing needs and we come second in the ques for health and social care. consecutive government ministers have caved in to muslim demands for ever more powers and ever more consideration in work and home life. we english are not allowed to slaughter our own animals,[not that we woud want to] but the police and even the rspca turn a blind eye durin feast times. [festivals] small children are forced to watch animals being slowly killed as part of their religious conditioning. they are taught that death and suffering are part of the muslim faith. so that when they are told to rise and kill the infidel, they will not hesitate to do it. [after all theyve been around murder and suffering all their lives] in the 1940s and 1950s when the west indian people arrived here they suffered awful racism, they were treated like slaves and talked to in awful old tones. [calling children picanninnies for instance] this is real racism,and we the british were guilty as charged, but we mostly changed. not allowing a child to enter your home to a birthday party because they are black skinned is real glad to say that i dont know anyone who would do this nowadays. the threats of racist court cases and vast amouns of compensation demanded by muslims are no more than a smoke screen whilst they dig in deeper and demand even more. and we allow them to do it because were scared of being called racist. were not racist. the muslims are. they are the ones who refuse to live amongst the white comunity. they are the ones who are demanding secular education. they re the ones arming their children with lawyers phone numbers in case they are asked to do a job they see as only fit for infides to do. [such as cleaning jobs and the dirty end of nursing] take note, that you may see plenty muslim doctors and dentists. but you will never see a muslim care worker cleaning up after an elderly patient. you will never see a muslim working in homes for the more violent, and sexually overt people. these jobs are fit for infidels alone. muslims are allowed to claim for second and third wives on income support. they are allowed to turn down job offers on religious grounds. we arent. this is racism. muslims are allowed to run businesses [take aways and taxi firms for instance] that change hands every 6 months so that tax and n.i contributions dont get paid and they cant be prosecuted because no one ever owns the business. they simply swap shops or offices every 6 months. this is allowed under religious reasoning ??? how ??? police are at a loss as to what to do with the thousands of muslim women driving cars, they use the same lisence for 8 or 9 people at a time. they always refuse to speak english when arrested and as soon as they are charged, they are simply shipped off to pakistan for a year until the police stop looking for them. we cant do that… over three thousand young muslim women failed to return to school in england last year because they had been sent home to marry and never came back. but they will return when they are over 18 and they will then arive with their husband, his parents, their brothers and sisters, and aunts and uncles. this is not marriage it is mass invasion. there are schools all over england now that use english as a second language, the first is urdu or arabic. these children refuse to learn english and their parents refuse to educate them in english. this should be outlawed immediateley, but it wont because the first person to mention it will be held out to the baying mob and called a racist. thus ensuring the deafening silence we hear daily from oiur schools, hospitals and corridors of so called power. the only power that works in this country anymore is the power of the mosque. and youll be seing a lot more of it pretty soon. me ? im seriously looking to live elsewhere when i retire. northern australia is looking good. they dont allow religion of any kind in some of the northern territories, now thats the way forward for me.
9 March, 2008 at 7:08 pm #316940:- :- :- =; =; =; [-X [-X [-X
nuff sed8 March, 2008 at 3:24 pm #315049i send my beloved to the door. he either asks them if theyve ever considered body part donation. or he says, “would you like me to come knock on your door and ask you if you want a pint and a spliff cos its what i do” theysay “no” and he then says fek off and annoy someone who also prays to the sky then you fookin muppets”[he doesnt do god either]
8 March, 2008 at 3:14 pm #304457well said slayer…
i wonder how many people have been killed by so called peace loving muslims in the last 5 years ? ill bet anything it rivals hitlers little jaunt in numbers. -