Forum Replies Created
13 March, 2008 at 8:16 pm #317621
whilst this is an old story it is still just as appliccable.. i only wish our mppet government would follow suit. theres a good chance that hubby and myself are either bound for australia or south africa in the next couple of years. this country is fast turning into the arseole of the world..
13 March, 2008 at 8:11 pm #317587i hope the fella goes to every newspaper nationwide to show how stupid our so called laws are. have this fekkin government learned nothing from the gary newlove murder ? i agree i would drag the little shit kicking and screaming and hand him over black and blue, then id claim that he tried to mug me. little bstards.
11 March, 2008 at 11:26 pm #317167@lancsman48 wrote:
Wheres *The Coast*
its that bit where the grass stops and where every bleddy kid in the country runs at. theyve got a knack of running at all things dangerous aint they. why is that ?
11 March, 2008 at 11:22 pm #316972well… we missed the torrential rains, and the 150mph winds promised by the sky doom merchants, the police and the emergency services all got overtime for nowt, and not even a glimpse of snow. just who the hell is doing the forcast nowadays ? im sure its an old lady with her brolly up and nowt else to do. i saw on the news that a caravan park down saaaf got trashed. [ha ha less of the fekkers on the roads this summer then] but here in the wilds of yorkshire theres not a blade o grass bendin [yet] :roll: :roll: :roll: there was me hopin for a day off cos all the trains were stopped.
11 March, 2008 at 11:15 pm #317121@ugo wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
Obviously just a nosy fuucker then…
Come forward… show yourself!
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
some fekker ought to tell ugo hes blushin… :wink:
11 March, 2008 at 11:13 pm #317286@rainbowbrite wrote:
She was great on the Big Breakfast. Isn’t she pairing up with Johnny Vaughn again? Radio this time…
i think shes quite pretty, but my old man says shes got a face for radio !!! what can he mean ???
11 March, 2008 at 11:11 pm #317146@abitofmary_j wrote:
75 rainyroos u have to be…
I don’t understand why we pay for a license Australia u don’t yeah u had adverts every 7mins but u soon get used to it… plus u get far better programmes that the usual SHYTE..!!
and the Tv license is gong up YET AGAIN…!!! effin rip aff…
Rainyroo’s think PB already got his free license me thinks lol canny b a kick aff the ar5e anyways lol
how else are the beeb surposed topay for five teams of reporters cameramen and assorted cronies to cover the golf on telly ? not to mention the five crews they sent to pria de luge to cover the maddie thing. [along with twelve managers and assorted catering crews, radio reporters and haidressers and makeup artissstes.. you dont think the beweb could be tekkin the peees slightly do ya.. :wink: :wink: :wink:
11 March, 2008 at 11:03 pm #304462b.t.w sorry for the typos ive left me spex at work. im driving almost blind here. :lol: :lol: :lol:
11 March, 2008 at 11:01 pm #304461slayer my matey. i looked and looked for all of a hour before i went to work today and i couldnt find anywhere that mentions them numbers. and im not saying your wrong at all. but. visit and add the numbers up for this yoer alone. [and were only in march] and you will see that the peace loving muslims have slaughtered over ten thousand OF THEIR OWN brothers an sisters. and before you say it, i know that georgr bush and blair have killed tens of thousands of muslims. but theyve done that for oil. nothing more. [exept blair who sees himself as a hero] bush and blair dont represent the ordinary brit. but time will tell wont it. i reckon that they will have to invade iran next. because the saudi and iraqui oil has oeaked and is in decline. and whatelse an america do but invade the next biggest oil country. ? call me a pessimist but ive got a feeling in me watters that the middle east war episode will roll on and on as long as we allow our country to follow bush and his bankers.
11 March, 2008 at 10:49 pm #317129oops slayer, a case of foot in mouth there pet ? :lol: :lol:
the problem is that whilst the scottish national party, and the welsh [however its spelt] national party, are allowed to be just that. a nationalist party. we in england are all classed as racists because we arent allowed a nationalistic viewpoint. we arent allowed to say that we arent happy with being swamped in foreign nationals. [of any kind] we are seen as swastika following skinheads if we have the nerve to talk about the failure of multicultural britain. as we know only too well. if you dare to speak out or you dare to vote for the BRITISH NATIONAL party you have to be a tattooed thug who struts around in doc martins wearing a vest and cut off jeans. [mind you i do like to see….. shut up you old slapper] ha ha. im heart sick of being told i cant have a vote if i vote for the nationalist party for england. and why ? because the rekigious fekkers have their fingers in the politics pie. and only they and their leftie toads are allowed to foist their opinions on us, the people who have to work 6 days a week to keep up with the jonses, while the dss scroungers and the asian tsunami are fed and kept at our expense. did yopu lot know that the average councul tax in england wil have to rise at the rate of 4.5 percent per year just to cover the pensions of retired government pen pushers ? and in ten years time it will be worse still ? better get voting for the ??????? party eh ? i know the one that has my interests at heart. and at athe end of the day thats what its all about. which party has you at heart. cos the community has gone to hell in a burkah and a council van. -