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  • #318701

    you are a mind reader chickenman, my sentiments exactly. :wink:


    @slayer wrote:

    I’m sorry Wasp but to state “no one has proved” and continually say “that doesnt mean it happened” is like saying “prove you exist” and when you stand in front of me, I’ll say “still doesnt prove it!”

    It is the most ridiculous thing you can possibly imagine- to conitnue to deny something in the presence of absolute proof

    Do you seriously, genuinely believe that “no-one” has “proved” the events of the Holocaust in WW2?

    you are an abserlute pillock slayer. what i said was “does emma believe it.” i certainly do and as far as i kow the terrible events that happened to the jews was, is and does stand to be proven. you dumb bstard get yer eyes tested.fuuukwit :roll:


    the chinese have a brilliant way of ensuring the organ banks are always full. they visit the loal court when they need a liver, kidney, whatever. then they give the death sentence that day for all crimes, and when the prisoners are all on board the bus to th jails they shoot em in the back of the head and trawl the bodies for organs.. good eh? actually they dont always shoot them, if they happen to be low on bullets [as if] they electrocute em to death. [cant help but wonder what that does to the organs actually buy hey ho..]

    a few years ago at one of the olimpics, he chinse womens swimming team won virtually every medal, great show you may think, but the whole lot ov em were pumped full of testosterone and other drugs, and one of the team actually had a massive heart attack two weeks after returning to china. anyone remember which games it was ?

    i reckon the next olympics should be held in iraq, seing as the whole bleddy place has already been flattened, they may as well just re build the placeas a massive sport arena. spread from basra to the pakistan / afghanisan border. problem solved the whole iraqi nation get to learn trades, the country gets lots of cash and we here dont have to sit and suffer endless hours of has been athletes warbling on about how the world has changed since they were in the teams. anyone agree ?

    :lol: :lol:


    @fastcars wrote:

    You get Sundays off to pray.

    o i dont actuallyand even if i did i pray to no one. the only thing i would pray for is an end to the insanity that is religion, you know that thing that has every nation at each others biggoted throats. :wink:


    @emmalush wrote:

    In link 1, it doesn’t say how people died. The same in link 2, and it says “In the near two-and-a-half year siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) by the German forces, 1 1/2 million Russians alone died from shelling, bombing, disease and starvation”.

    Shelling and bombing yes, but disease and starvation, thats not murder. Who knows how many died in what circumstance??

    I want PROPER facts n figures. And whilst you’re at it, give us concreate proof of the supossed murders via gas chambers. Not ONE single human has ever done this.

    i have to ask the question emma. do you believe that the mass slaughter of the jews happened ? do you believe the gas chambers were real ? do you believe that aushwitz and dachau were used as death camps ?

    i had two elderly customers in the pub who were polish soldiers and came here to live here after the war. they were loveley old fellas, and they were both deeply affected by the things they saw in the concentration camps they helped to liberate. i know some people say its all made up. but i dont believe a word of that sheite. and anyone who denies it is, [in my personal opinion] deluded in the extreme. but as you say no one has proved it, i have to ask the question.


    i recently started a new job. [the pub trade is dead in the water here after the facist smoking ban.] anyway on and on. the same day that i started my new job so did 4 other people. we have 2 czech fellas, two muslim men, and me the token white female. the asian men have been been allowed to work early shifts only on fridays. [prayer day]. the czech men have been allowed a shift off a week for english lessons, and i have been allowed to work extra shifts every week as were short manned… nuff said ???i considered asking for time off to get leathered and have 6 kids after doing a bit of burberry shoppin but im the wrong age bracket. then i considered asking for special treatment because im female. but weve got equal rights now. [ha ha bloody ha] so it would appear we do have an accurete make up of the country. two idle muslims who are picking and choosing when to work, two czechs who cant speak or undestand a word. and a white woman who carries the fekkin lot of em every shift.. welcome to multi cultural britain.


    @slayer wrote:

    @waspish wrote:

    carefull r.o.t.t or youll becalled a racist an carted away in the middle of the night by browns gestapo.. :wink: youre not allwed to be patriotic in england. scotland and wales ok. but not in england.

    No one would want to cart ROTT anywhere!

    Although ROTT’s eloquence in vocabulary is not to my liking his sentiment is no different to mine

    This is England, this is our land (n by “our” I mean all of us)- if you don’t like it then dont stay. Completely agree.

    When yu’ve become British n speak the language and understand how we do things, then feel free to argue that some of it is really cr/ap..but it’s MY crap you’re talking about cos its MY country but when you’ve become British (or English..whateva) remember it’s YOUR country too n have pride in what that means including the cr/ap

    Now which bit of that Wasp dont you agree with?

    i totally agree with you.. believe it or not. but facts are that i youre scottish and you vote for the snp, you are patriotic and its fine. if youre welsh and vote for the clyd cumwry its fine. but if you ar english and you vote for the b.n.p you are immediateley hammered down as a racist.. simple as. am i wrong ?


    carefull r.o.t.t or youll becalled a racist an carted away in the middle of the night by browns gestapo.. :wink: youre not allwed to be patriotic in england. scotland and wales ok. but not in england.


    ive said it before here. i lie in a small village on top o the moors, if we have trouble form hoodrats or drug dealers we tek the little scrotes on the moors for a talk. they get a good hiding and then thrown out to find their own way back to mummy. youd be suprised how effective it can be. [and before anyone starts sayin owt we dont make mistakes, and we dont kill em. yet..] we have virtually no burglaries and no hoodrats roaming the streets cos we get out there amongst em and talk to em, once you let them know that you are onto em and arent going to ake their “cant touch me crap” they tend to leave well alone. old fashioned mabey but very effective.


    slayer my friend yoyu are entitled to keep your blinkers on if you like. and i will fight for the right for you to do that. however look around you. there are muslim only areas in most towns, you just have to look. i know from first hand experience that the create ghettoes and then drive the whites out. huddersfields muslim community is growing daily and every week there are new arrests and new cases of forced marriage. you may not se it where you are at the momen. but believe me you will soon enough. :wink:

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