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4 April, 2008 at 1:12 pm #3225412 April, 2008 at 8:37 pm #322504
@forumhostpb wrote:
@waspish wrote:
mabey the uncle took her away to protect her ? if he knew his brother was into little kids ? mabey he told her mum and she ignored the warning ? a stupid thing to do granted. but if he did it to protect her good on him. we will no doubt be told sooner or later..
Ah … well done for suggesting this waspish …I can see his defence. being concocted already.
Yes it’s true I abducted her – but it was for her own good (No I can’t explain why I knew her stepfather was a paedophile but didn’t tell anybody about it).
Yes, in spite of a nationwide manhunt and 24/7 wall to wall publicity, I kept schtumm in order to protect her from her stepfather (No I didn’t tell the proper authorities who could have dealt with it and protected her).
Yes, I know I hid her from her mother and caused her huge amounts of worry – but I did it because she was living with a pervert.
OK, I know i hid her in a drawer under the bed and kept her to myself – but i didn’t ”do” anything with her …. honest.
I’m really a nice guy, not a strange pervert – the perverts are some other members of my family not me !!!
totally get yer point matey, but the police have said the child was not hurt, or assaulted whilst with this uncle. and im bleddy sure they questioned him for an age to try and wrap this story up, because the longer it takes the worse they look. and im fairly sure they didn let much pass them. if you hetmy meaning. this ws the only concoction that came to mind to me, when i gave it a thought whilst reading the story. there must be a reason she was hunder the bed.? she was unhurt who knows if she was being hidden, or was she herself hiding do we know i dont. it simply looks sange to me that he is to face no charges for harming her. although he is for kidnap and others. ??? i just dont get it?
2 April, 2008 at 2:11 pm #306908clarkson. and marmite… love em or hate em.. personall i love em both. 8)
2 April, 2008 at 2:08 pm #322495mabey the uncle took her away to protect her ? if he knew his brother was into little kids ? mabey he told her mum and she ignored the warning ? a stupid thing to do granted. but if he did it to protect her good on him. we will no doubt be told sooner or later..
28 March, 2008 at 12:58 pm #304482you should become a politition emma. your ability to not answer a question rivals that of tony blair. he had evidence that there was w.m.d [or so he told us. and when they invaded iraq the only thing they found was oil. cant say it for certain but im pretty sure they went thre for the oil. evidence is just that. evidence. proof of anything is open to question. i believe fred and rosemary west killed children for sex kicks but i dont ned a video of them doing it to convince me. i tend to use my commonsence dar to work it out. i personally think that people who deny the holocaust are living in la la land.
25 March, 2008 at 11:09 am #304474@slayer wrote:
@waspish wrote:
@slayer wrote:
I’m sorry Wasp but to state “no one has proved” and continually say “that doesnt mean it happened” is like saying “prove you exist” and when you stand in front of me, I’ll say “still doesnt prove it!”
It is the most ridiculous thing you can possibly imagine- to conitnue to deny something in the presence of absolute proof
Do you seriously, genuinely believe that “no-one” has “proved” the events of the Holocaust in WW2?
you are an abserlute pillock slayer. what i said was “does emma believe it.” i certainly do and as far as i kow the terrible events that happened to the jews was, is and does stand to be proven. you dumb bstard get yer eyes tested.fuuukwit :roll:
“but as you say no one has proved it, i have to ask the question”.
The very last sentence from your post
Now make yer feckin mind up
Either you believe it or you don’t
On one post you’re saying its proven and on another post you’re saying “no one has proved it, I have to ask the question”
Not difficult is it :wink:
quite simly put for you slayer.
i do believe one hundrep percent that the holocaust happened.
i do believe that gas chambers were used and have seen footage of this many times. [the world at war was a good source]
i asked emma if she believed tha gas chambers were used, she appear [to me] to say that if it hasnt been proven, it may not have happened. i know there are a lot of conspiracy theories about the twin towers etc. but im not buying into that. i do agree however that the twin towers and 7/7 were used as leverage to bring in a mirriad of laws to errode personal freedom for us who are law abiding people. and will do nothing to protect us from either osama bin laden or equally evil george dubbyah bush. i hoped this clears up any missunderstanding slayer. i do believe without doubt the terrible extremes that the naziz did were real, and i honestly think that anyone who denies it on a self imposed technicallity is devoid of reasoning at all. we dont need to see photographs of people actually being gassed. to know that it happened. there were piles of bodies 18 feet high, isnt this proof enough emma ? sureley you dont beieve it didnt happen ?25 March, 2008 at 10:38 am #320222@bassingbourne55 wrote:
CNN News website…
VATICAN CITY (AP) — Italy’s most prominent Muslim commentator converted to Roman Catholicism on Saturday during the Vatican’s Easter vigil service presided over by the pope.
An Egyptian-born, non-practicing Muslim, Magdi Allam has infuriated some fellow Muslims with his criticism of extremism and support for Israel.Step in the right direction but he should have gone all the way and become an atheist.
i hope the chap has a good body guard and a lot of insurance, cos by leaving the islamic dark forces he may just have committed suicide. they dont do forgiving and turning the cheek in islam. they do murder and slavery. well done him tho.. buti agree he should ave gone the whole hog and left the evil of religion all together.
25 March, 2008 at 10:32 am #318709@slayer wrote:
And of course getting rid of policies which treat anyone who isnt white as a second class citizen (well, actually not a citizen at all)
Get rid of those and what’s left may well float a few people’s boats- I would expect them to do fairly well in May’s local elections
thats crap slayer the b.n.p do not hate black people they simply want a fair system for the white indigenous working people. they want to put a stop to the thousands of pakistani and asian immigrants who simply come here to sponge from our welfare system. i have black friends who fully support the b.n.p and the only weapon anyone can use is the race card. do you think tht the s.n.p in scotland are a bunch of racists ? or the clyd cumwry in wales are racist ? do we have a white police officers association ? do we have a white only pressure group to image the british asian society, a muslim only pressure group which spends tens of thousands of our pounds every year on asian only housing. ? if we did have agencies to match the black and asian ones then it would be fair. but we dont. the white working classes who pay the taxes and keep these spongers in food and comfort have had enough. my son at 22 cant even dream about buying his own home. but in our town there are asian only housing associations paid for by my soms taxes. its wrong. equality is a one way street in britain now. and we are on the wrong end of it. and as ever as soon as theBRITISH. NATIONAL PARTY is mentioned out come the lefties screaming racist. i british white and proud of that fact. where is the racism in that ?
25 March, 2008 at 10:12 am #319172i am from yorkshire and very proud to be so. the estate that shannon lives on is mainly home to dss dossers and single mums. this is the society of chavs and dole scum that this government openly encourege. they pay them enough to live and they do nothing to encourage them into work. thats why we have thousands of foreign folk coming here and living ten to a house.. they pay little or no tax, and ten can easily afford the rent on a two bed semi. believe me my dutch friend we are not all like that. and i can assure you these people are an embarrassment to the whole country not just yorkshire. having said that im glad shannon was found alive and aparrently unharmed. there are several reason that we pay through the nose in taxes. and the most expensve cost in out council tax is the cost of paying government pensions to their faithful pen pushers, who are given good jobs. and very generous pensions. [paid for by us the tax payer who work.] the manchester police chief who sadly took his life two weeks ago had, three houses here in england and a fourth in spain…… why ???? what sort of exorbitant pay scale was he on, when a foot bobby is earning 40k after shift allowances and bonuses. the problem is the more these people earn the further detatched from real life. and so, the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. there is no incentive for people to get off their bums and go to work, because they can sometimes be better off staying at home.
25 March, 2008 at 9:49 am #320598religion is fear
fear is religiongod is a tool used to keep the masses in check, the faithful are poor and downtrodden the bishops and the vatican are all very wealthy. i wonder why that is.?