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  • #322668

    i would fully support financial aid for africa, as long as they used some of it to sterilise every female born for the next ten years. this would ensure that the aids epidemic will run its course. it would stop the men raping babies [a common held belief is, that if you take an innocence away as soon as posible you can cure or stop the onset of hiv] the umpteen thousand babies that are born every year. just to starve to death would be spared. and the world could help the surviving people to begin again. i know it sound like ethnic cleansing, but the alternative is, that the misery of aids and starvation keeps on being encouraged. im sure that if i were the mother of a family with sick and starving children, id volunteer to be sterilised in a flash. it would also guarantee that the nextdictator would have no army to kil his opponents as there would be an entire generation gap of cannon fodder.


    point taken.. its a mystery and a half innit ? i have a friend who lives close to the family, she isists that the mum knew nothing and is heartbroken. i feel realy sorryfor her if this is the ase. not only did she think her daughter was dead or wih a pervert. she could now lose all of her children t over zealous social workers. id be happyto give any of those kids a home. lets face it they deserve a break.


    he was also a tyrant to his wife and children. he also had countless affairs, the i have a dream speach was brilliant, andits a shame that we cant all live up to it. he was a visionary i think, but not a very nice man to be around.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Yes there is definately a difference in sex drive. Shame guys can pump away for hours when they are young, but we only really relax and experiment and want to go all night as we get older… where is the balance?!

    as you find your confidence with the person you love and marry [perhaps] the sex becomes less about performance and mor about intimacy an sharing each others minds. when you are young its a about conquest and a thrill, as you grow into yourself its much better, much more intimate and therefore much more fulfiling. [for me anyway] i wouldnt want to be twenty something again. im far more confident and far happier now. anyway, ime to get me crash hat on im off for a ride on the big ike i can now afford to own and insure.. ha ha t.t.f.n


    i still think that the uncle and now possibly his family may have done it to bring the fact to light hat step daddy was a soon to be abuser, perhaps is brother found out and theytook her for her own safety. i know its a crazy wayto doit, but none of them are exactly brigh buttons are they ? we will soon know though i suppose.we have to take into consideration that shannon was no harmed or abused whilst with her uncle. but she may have been if they had left her with her step dad.


    what an opening in the market. turban crash helmets. its understanable that the ruing went against the sikh. safety on bikes is paramont as theres lots of stupid 4×4 drivers out there. as i know only too wel. two crashes both caused by idiotic 4×4 wan*ers.. if they gave the go ahead for turbans instead of helmets a lot of muppets wold use it as an excuse to not wear a helmet.


    good news folks, i read in the express ths morning. [fri] that gordo brown has pledged 1.6 BILLION of yours and mine tax moey to give to zimbabwe over the next twelve months. how kind is he ? its looking lie mr mugabe. is hanging on as long as he can. but the smart money [m told] is on he wil do a moonlight. mabey he can ring his old pal maggie up and they can do lunch every tuesday. im sure he will have many banker friends in london to all on for company too. evil murdering bstard.


    im 47 years old. and i love my life now. the twentysomethings were hell for me. young, hartbroken, babies. no sleep. hard graft constantly an alwats broke. then when you did get a bit in front and want a night out, you couldnt get a babysitter for pure gold. ha ha ha nowadays, do as i please, when i please. no kids, got money, happy at work settled and lovin it. young uns think they have it all. ut ralythey dont kow the half of it. :wink:


    he should be the minister fun raising. ha ha ha worra good idea..think i might tryit on the bike.. any excuse to drive like a twat…


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    So everybody is foaming at the mouth over the annual culling of seals …. but it is called a “cull” for a reason. …. because there are simply too many of them. If they weren’t ”culled” their numbers would grow out of all proportion to the stock of food (i.e. fish) upon which they feed …. nature would take its course and they would die in their many hundreds of thousands.

    To prevent this and to control the seal numbers the Canadian Government has permitted the culling of 275,000 harp seals out of a current population of 5,500,000 – only 5 percent – and 8,200 hooded seals out of a population of 600,000 – only 1.36 percent.

    So basically there are over 6,100,000 seals in the Gulf of St Lawrence area – culling a total of some 283,200 seals is a drop in the ocean (as it were).

    Of course the animal rights fraternity (in between hugging trees) will throw their collective hands up in horror screaming cruelty etc etc – but the fact is that it is a necessity in order to allow the remaining millions of seals to continue living.

    more fish are thrown way in the uk, than the entire seal population would use… if we simply stop eating fish for 5 years there will be enough to keep us all happy for a while.. seal hunting is a sport, not a necessity. the fur is used to wrap around people like j.lo and puff diddly. simply wrong.

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