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  • #304486

    cant wai for the cosovan, and albanian gangs to start kicking the bejesus out of each other here in good ole blighty. or the russian gang masters killing the polish ones. and what a wheeze it will be when the muslims from birmingham start scrapping with the english from luton. where will the fun end. can we hve ring side seats for the albanian gypsie childrens act as they beg, steal, and pickpocket pensioners every monday in the post offices up and down the nation.
    lets have a day at the races and watch the chech prostitutes working the pissst up punters like a dream. i know how about going to the swimming baths on muslim night and start a war by sitting in the public viewing gallery.
    or better still, see how fast you can make a romanian woman learn english when you tell her she cant have a council house because the croats just got the last set of keys to number 7 havitall road.
    who needs the olimpics. weve got enough nations here to keep us all happy for he next ten years.
    and th best thing is. we wont need the police because the bleddy lot of em get english memory loss a soon as a reflective jacket enters the arena. and the copers ant arrest non english because it may offend em… welcome to multi cultural britain. thanks tony n co. for nowt.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    eeeeeeeeeeeew !!!!!!!!!

    ha ha ha ha hah h ha ha….. fek me i nearly choked on me merlot….. ha ha ha !!!!!


    the olimpics are non political….HA !!!
    he police were arresting people forwearing t shirts. with the folowing terrible slogan.
    yep i can see why those slogans would realy offend someone.. NOT.
    this is just another exercise in gordon browns facist agenda, to scare the public into believing, that if you dare to oppose his government you wil be locked up under terror laws and are likeley to stay locked up for a long time. yesterday a 74 year old man was run into a crash barrier by three police officers and had his collar bone broken, his crime.. ? he shouted free tibet at the torch bearer.
    the polic yesterdaymade a dogs dinne of the fact that they were acting on behalf of thegovernment. this is justa taste of whats to come in the next year or two. isnt it fantastic that, you an call thepolice to reporta burglar in your house and the police ell yo to lock the door and wait for him to go. bu give em a eason to hrow their well trained weight around there is no end of volunteers. there was almost a copper for every protestor. and when you think that there is now as many police officers as there are soldiers, its just a tad un nerving.


    well immust say.ha ha ha !!! if pete samprass is a chimp/human hybrid. the williams sisters must be directly related to king kong. as they say. if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck.. its probably a duck…
    after saying that does anyone else think that gordon brown looks like a blood hound ?
    who else looks like an animal.. ? heres my choices.
    tony blair…. fruit bat.
    camilla parker. wassername… a horse.
    george bush…a chimpanzee.
    ken livingstone…a turtle.
    john prescott… a walruss.

    gotta run. time for a bath before work..


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @Bad Manners wrote:

    Ooooo I say.

    they could afford three computers?

    of course they can shazza.. theyre on dss benefits and they claim extra benefit for their kid with a.d.h.d the dla will pay for the fags and the white lightening cider, the rent is paid by you and me. they pay no council tax. and they recieve almost £300.00 per week in benefits to feed and clothe them and their baby chavs. [my opinion of this family has turned full circle and i fully apologise for any comments i made in their defence. it turns out now that the mother has been arrested. my god. they should lock the bleddy lot of em up and throw away the key. fekin bottom feeding scumbags. they make shameless lot look posh.


    @prettypink wrote:

    Baileys & Cont-rue (Cant spell ) that word… but its Bloody Gorgas!!

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @Sgt Pepper wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @Sgt Pepper wrote:

    Typically.. my three fave sauces are probably the worst three for hangovers – Guinness, Whiskey, Red Wine :twisted:

    Now.. drinking (and staying on) one of these for the whole night can be marginally ok with the whole “next day I have a head like a mad raving b@stard” scenario. But (as was the case yester-evening) I rarely stick to the same, singular libation.. and proceed to get wonderfully wa.nkered!



    variety is the spice of life :lol: I love red wine and guiness and even when out I will often have a half a guiness with a red wine, they do compliment each other very nicely.

    Great minds drink alike Sharon :wink:


    depth charger. pint of guinness large port in. bleddy loveley. kicks yer head in the next day tho. i spent a whole night on the bathroom floor, convinced i was bout to die the first [and last] time i drank it. serves me right for being a greedy moo. :cry:


    aaaaaah bless. its a shame hes a midget tho init. he shoul ring tom cruise up for the number of the shop where he buys his 4 inch height lifting boots.


    i could well imagine it. ole dell boy had some brilliant ideas didnt he ? all crackers and totally undoable, but briliant all the same. ha ha ha love dellboy.


    i reckon he would have become a politition and become as corrupt as the rest of them.

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