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  • #330839

    @slayer wrote:

    Your point is still lost on me Wasp

    This march was ALL communities in Bradford- yes, thats right, British Muslims waving the flag of St George alongside all others.

    If your point is that the parade was stopped from going through the area of the riots then its true it was, but the organisers were offered decent alternatives they could have taken (which not ideal would still have made pukka TV and media headlines)

    Should we be able to march whereever and whenever we want? Maybe we should and maybe this would have gone a long way to supporting a more harmonious society in Bradford….n maybe it wouldnt

    we’ll never know

    my point is quite simple. the people of bradford. including muslim hindu and sikh as well as english. wanted to have a st georges march. the facist governments boot boys, [the police] said no, quite simply because they wanted to appease the terroriat supporters who hate everything british, and are making cities such as bradford and birmingham, no go areas for english and genuine multi ethnic supporters such as the school children and different faith groups, who want to show that they stand together against racism. the mslim clerics are behind this, and the police are towing their facist line. clear enough for ya ?


    it saddens me to see young girls selling teir bodies for he pric of a smack fix. i know a loal girl who used to be beautiful, she dressed in the best and had a car and good holidays etc. she split with her dealer boyfriend and went down hill fast. shes now lost her children to he boyfriend and is a prostitute in the town centre. she doesnt even get washed nowadays. a sickening shame. :cry:


    it couldnt have anything to do with the fact that his book comes out this week could it ???
    and yes he got bullimia arse about face as well as his career. he doesntlook to me like he has EVER been sick. im amazed he doesnt explode when he sneezes.. :lol: :lol:


    well said f.h. ken livingstone does buy votes from the like of the punjabi section and the muslim sect. he and his council of toadies supply money to pakistani madrassar schools in pakistan where they chain small children to desks and force feed them the qoran for years until they can repeat it word for word in arabic. how this enriches our nation exactly is beyond me. mr livingstone is also in bed with lybian terrorist supporters and saudi oil companies who support beheading for adultery. [as long as its the woman] so thats ok. the poor in london are treated with more respect than the rich as long as they vote labour…
    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder why that is, could it be that the poor are are almost all immigrants and asylum seekers….


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Yes I read this as well…… and the Police / Bradford City council were quite right to stop it too.

    This ‘parade’ was deliberately routed to go through an inner-city area of Bradford that was the scene of race riots seven years ago…. in 2001. They could have had their parade pretty much anywhere in Bradford …. but oh no, they wanted to march with their flags etc in this particular part.

    The organisers were in fact offered an alternative route, which avoided this particular area, but they refused to accept it and called off the event instead.

    They said that they wanted to include parts of Bradford where race riots had taken place “to educate young people”.

    Yeah right … sure they did. Nothing to do with waving St George’s flags in Asian faces and trying provoke a re-run of the riots then eh?

    so its ok for the asians to riot and make bradford a no go area then is it ?
    should we brits go on a 3 day riot to get our own way exactly as the asians did. the bradford riots were asian istigated and it was mainly black/west indians that were the targets of their venom. but hey, cant upset the muslims can we.


    wow ! gave me goose bumps. its a shame they grow up to be adults isnt it.. bless em.


    the parents shoul be charged under the protection of children act. [if it still applies.] they make karen matthews look decent. utterly disgusting. id like to meet the dad in a ring for 5 minutes. and show him how a good mum protects her children from the likes of him.


    i bought a gas powered car. costs 47p a litre, and is no different to drive than a petrol car.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @yukon wrote:

    If having a baby was difficult or required any intelligence to complete than it would be done by men

    Yeah….. and your the perfect prototype :lol:

    nuff said.

    You know ….. he has a point there Sharon – maybe not too well expressed, but a valid point nevertheless.

    When you hear women describing their childbirth experiences (as some have done on this thread already) and when you occasionally hear it described as being like “shitting a bowling ball” ….. from the male perspective one is forced to the conclusion that the birthing process is not very efficient is it?

    After all ,women in general are always banging on about their superior ability to multi-task, and yet having the same organ being involved in both the conception process and the birthing process is hardly a masterpiece of design is it??

    One can be forgiven for thinking that mother Nature has played a nasty joke on the female of our species eh???

    youre not wrong here mate and the nasty joke is lumbering us with having to look after the kids, AND the men..



    @sharongooner wrote:

    And let us not forget that they did NOT use the provided services offered by the hotel.

    its amazing isnt it. that they decided not to use a baby listening service that costs 10euro but im willing to bet they were dressed in the best designer gear to be on show. [just bein a biiieeach but hey !]
    people never seace to amaze me, the middle chattering classes are constantly carping onabout professional standards, even down to telling people with no money they shouldnt have a family but when they are inconvenienced by a lack of hand maidens, the first thing they do is wave a hand and abandon their responsibilities. ive kept quiet for a while, embarassed about the comparison i made between maddies case and the shannon family. but where a child is concerned you do..[dont you ?]
    i hope shannons mother loses all of her children in one go.. she doesnt deserve to be a mother at all. if i were in the driving seat, she would be sterilised and thrown on the streets where she belongs. [dont ya think shed look good pushing a shopping trolley full of old newspapers and empty carlsberg cans ?] anyway enough from me..

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