Forum Replies Created
30 April, 2008 at 7:24 pm #306910
@sharongooner wrote:
@emmalush wrote:
Just listening to Lemsip Opik on the James Whale radio show Talksport 1053 – 1089 MW, justifying his MP “job” by explaining how much money he’s helped create through charity.
This is the mentality of a modern day MP. Helping to raise funds is a good thing, but has jack Hot Chocolate to do with his job, and if he had atleast half a brain he would be of the opinion that charities be funded by the state, but of course, we have to pay for MP’s second homes, billions invading foreign countries, billions wasted via the EU.
WHY don’t YOU make a stand, why are you giving in,
DO something.
a facelift? It is all lopsided isnt it, thats why he is on the radio more than he is on tv…
i used to listen to james whale when he first started on tyneside. he was sacked for having an affair with a 15 year old girl. he always did have a face for radio.. :lol:
30 April, 2008 at 7:22 pm #332391forum ole buddy.. totally enjoyed yer take on the tribe of no hopers up for the london job. personally i couldnt give a to$$ who wins cos you wouldnt get me togo to london if there was a lottery win in it for me. i visited last summer for 2 days after a tour of france, belgium and german. london was a sheite hole. expensive, ugly, and totally ignorant. [and thats just the car parking] i hope buffoon boris wins. and the bleddy lot of the pearly fekwits get what they deserve. after all. theres nothing north of watford according to them lot.
30 April, 2008 at 7:08 pm #332240whilst i agree wih all you have all said. and especially that he should be shot. icant help but think of the poor laundry slaves in ireland, children as young as 3 forced to work 16 hour days, and all because the local priest or the chief nun at the local school deemed them problem children. my grandfathers eldest sister was a magdaleine girl. her crime was to hold hands with a boy on the way to school. she was eventually released into the care of a mental institution. where she remained until her death in 1972. and believe it or not. while she was in this terrifying hell hole, a “man” [or priest] got her pregnant. AFTER she was locked up. the baby was still born. [we think] and she never even got to see it. there are a lot of sickos out there, old men.. young men… and even men of god… ha ha men of god.. my aaaaarse.
25 April, 2008 at 9:32 am #331849i surpose to anextent we do. i read this week that oe council, has been using cctv to spy on families who claim to live within the catchment area of a good school, when they may live just outside. so they spied on the family for 4 weeks using security cameras that were fitted to supposedly save us from bomb attacks. yeah right..
they are also being used by benefit offices to check on the abilities of people who turn up for assessment for disability benefits.
the government new idea of fitting cameras for the government to measure speeds over a total journey. say you set off to manchester from newcastle, the new cameras will clock your license plate at the beginning and at the end of your journey, then they will work out how long it would take for you to get here driving within the limits, and if you get there sooner than their official expected time. they will send you a ticket and notification of points taken from your license. dont say i didnt warn y,all25 April, 2008 at 9:12 am #330848:wink:
24 April, 2008 at 9:41 pm #330867@token_male wrote:
If John Prescott is bulimic then Nick Griffin likes Black people!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
24 April, 2008 at 9:39 pm #331711actually pet i agree 100 percent with all of the post.i have grown up in a multi coloured community all my life, i know people of most cultures that are common to all of us. i have coloured and yellow family, and i am loving their families and their history. but he one stick in the pond. the one fat greedy puppy. the one kid in the family who is a user and a thief is islam. it ruins inter community life. and makes it an inter faith war. this is my soul and only reason for hating faith, and for being “racist” if that is what i am. pisst up. p.m.t in. far from happy at work. and husbandless tonight.. litle ole wine drinker me…..nite nite…
24 April, 2008 at 9:30 pm #331710@slayer wrote:
Welcome to JC- I’m sure you’ll find it illuminating if you stick around.
On the BNP issue, the majority of people in this country care not one jot what creed, colour or race you are…if you’re English mate then I’m afraid you’re stuck with it. You wave the flag, you sing God save the Queen (unless you’re a republican that is), cheer for whichever footie team takes your fancy, slate whichever government is in power as being incompetent etc etc
In other words, you don’t have to justify to me why you’re English….you just are n thats it- whether you like it or not!
What most English people (of all colours, creed etc) find disturbing is a mass unplanned immigration with no cohesive national policy on education, health, housing, law and order etc. hence some communities have been changed beyond recognition by uncontrolled immigration.
Whether we are a power house economy does not detract from the fact that certain sections of our society struggle to make a positive impact (British Pakistani/Bangladeshi contribute less in taxes and take more in benefit than virtually every other community- British Indian contribute more in taxes and take less in benefit than virtually every section of the community including white british).
“Britishness” is whatever you make it and has changed and evolved over many centuries- as said before, we are an original mongrel nation made up of so many component parts- however sometimes change is quicker than is desirable for people to deal with
As for the BNP- its too simplistic to say BNP supporters are those who are unable to progress and unable to accept responsibility for the dire lives they lead totally fails to understand wholesale societal disenfranchisement and impotency at massive enviromental changes (personal and impersonal) and is a typical corporate view- it is no different that me saying British Pakistani Islamic radicalisation is caused by their total failure to integrate into British society and accept a British way of life and only seeing an outlet through trying to create something they understand from something they dont
As for poltiical correctness- classic failure to understand the hostility towards political correctness is nothign to do with race, colour or creed and everythign to do with with the failure to understand that Christmas is Christmas and if you don’t like, then Im really really sorry but you’ll have to learn to live with it- I wouldnt wish to call Diwali by some other name and neither would I wish to call Christmas by some other name- thats called living together harmoniously and not bending over backwards to accomodate once culture AT THE EXPENSE of another
PC breeds discontent because it’s barkingly stupid- being anti PC is nothign to do with supporting the BNP
And yes I do know all about minorities- my kids have a BWI mother and I’m white through n through :wink: (although I do have a little welsh in me somewhere)
ooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! slayer your pasting moves me…………..
24 April, 2008 at 9:10 pm #330846@sharongooner wrote:
@forumhostpb wrote:
I guess that they might have the same feelings of disgust at the sight of loads of drunken slappers pouring out of city centre clubs and pubs late at night … half naked and vomiting their lungs out all over the pavement.
sorry :lol:
sharon… i love and respect your loveley an witty sene of humour. but i ave to say it. the dancin jeep thing gives me a headache. the nice picie was cool. :? :? :?
24 April, 2008 at 9:06 pm #331749Bat wrote:Next time any of us feel like moaning about our lot in life, or moaning about someone in chat typing nasty words on a screen at us, or just moaning in general, read this story. It kind of puts life in perspective really doesn,t it?
link[/quotea brutal but literal way to describe the utter feeling of helplessness of a parent or carer in labours, wonderful national health service, a service that has seen a 40per cent rise in management positions in the last 7 years. and a rise of 60per cent in foreign labour. mabey they do care, but they havent got a clue what aunt ethel is actually saying to them.