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  • #331723

    @sir Actor wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Sir Actor

    Nationalists I can deal with (Plaid Cymru, SNP etc)

    “Whites only” nationalists are the objection

    However they appeal to a section of our society which, for lots of reasons, is currently disenfranchised and seeking to feel potent rather than impotent

    Would white Polish immigrants be welcome by the BNP then?
    And why – if the BNP is a racist party – haven’t they been banned? :-k

    they havent because they arent. they are anti muslim and anti immigration.


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: pmsl….thank u sooooo much…


    @hisnibbs wrote:

    So 20s for women is a lot about the size of your bum?

    my bums still the same.. hasnt changed a bit. and its stil where i left it.. :wink:


    the b.n.p are racist. they simply say that the muslim community are devisive, and are racist. they are also over 70percent unemployed,and should not be here. they have no intention of integrating, and are determined to turn britain into a country for the caliphate. they will deny, terrorise and lie their way in until they are the dominant people here. then they will wage jihad, just as they did in bosnia. darfur,and most of sub saharan africa. the bnp want them out of britain, and so do a lot of other people. but wether they are coloured or not, if you speak out about the muslim sect, you are branded a racist. this is why they are stil allowed to force their children into marriage. [2000 girls disappeared last year from english schools] to be shipped to pakistan and married off. they carry on honour killing and say its cultural. and we have no redress. thay circumsise small girls, often with dedly results. and always barbaric. but they say again its cultural. well its cultural in england to speak your mind, but not against muslims or your a racist.the b.n.p simply want rid of the muslims and coloureds. end of.


    @slayer wrote:


    I do not deny your friend doesn’t have it really tough- what I cannot get my head around is that to “have a life”, you end a child’s life. Just because we can’t compare this little girl’s quality of life to our quality of life, does that mean she doesn’t deserve ANY life?

    What society (and government) should be doing is putting in place mechanisms to allow this mum some release- but it COSTS- thats a few more pence on taxes- we have one of the worst public sector’s in the western world (in terms of service provision to the public) and one of the lowest tax rates- if you WANT decent public services (law and order, local government, social and health care, education etc) then we HAVE to pay for it

    24/7 carers for this mum one week in four would give her a “life” without having to end a child’s life to do it

    i agre with you 100 percent. i asked lynne yesterday for her opinion, she is a very close friend and has been for many years, we have ofter talked on this subject in general, and she has no problem with the discussion. her answer was simple and to the point. “as long as chloe smiles at me im happy to look after her, and if thats for the rest of my life, then so be it.” says it all to me. chloe does smile, and even the doctors cant tell wether it is a real smile, or simply muscle spasm. she is very disabled. but she is also the centre of the entire famly, and they all love her just the same. i greatly admire anyone who can care for someone whois severeley disabled, it is a life long task that is too often thankless and relentless, and offers almost no reward. but a job i couldnt do.


    @pete wrote:

    wtf has st george gotta do with trees you wear ya union jack y fronts all ya like he still werent real and the English just aint that bothered about him

    ill think you find that quite a lot of us english do give a fu*k actually. the problem is that gordon brown and his nazi thugs have made st georges day. and his flag a racist issue.

    (Sorry ….. you mentioned “Nazi” …. you lose this debate !!! …. Ed)


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    @emmalush wrote:

    …………. spoken with emense passion and desire.

    What the heck in ”emense” passion & desire??? Is this what Mick feels for all those leather clad boys with shaved heads???

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @slayer wrote:

    Like I said before Wasp- you’d be suprised how much we agree on :D

    Maybe living where we each do does colour how we see things- maybe if I lived in a community which was high in another culture or creed, maybe I would see it differently (as opposed to knowing lots of people from different cultures) n maybe I wouldnt…who knows?

    yep agree with you there matey. take religion out of the mix, and we all get along fairly well. religion. the death of world peace, and the reason for global domination.


    @bat wrote:

    Slayer I,m not talking about euthenising every child who is born with something wrong with it, I,m on about severly disabled children. For example; I know someone, (a family member) who has a daughter who is blind, deaf, can,t walk, and is doubly incontinent. Screams and cries constantly and hasn,t a clue who she is, where she is nor has any awareness of her surroundings, or even her own mother. Hardly sleeps at night and consequently her mum hardly gets any sleep atall. She also has two perfectly healthy sons. IF her mother had know all this before she had her, do you think that a termination would have been the best option, or do you think she should still have gone ahead with the pregnancy?
    In the case that I highlighted, I don,t think for one second that the mother in question, (allegedly) killed her son to suage her concience atall, I think, again IF she did it, that she had simply reached the end of her tether. We,ll never know what was going through her mind, or the depth of her despair. How can we? We wern,t in her position so who are we to judge her?

    i totally sympathise with this situation. i hav a friend with a severeley idabled daugher, she is blind, and totally dependant for everything, her physical disabilities are endless, lynne, my friend hasnt had a full nights sleep in ten years, she looks 50 and is always shattered, but she has stated, that if she thought it would end her daughters suferig she would overdose her and allow he to die. she is a wonderful mum and has 4 other children.her life is one long misery. and to what purpose ? i arent brave enough to even begin to think how she mustfeel. but lynne deserves a life at some point as well, doesnt she ? a very difficult question i know.


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    Read the original post. If she had gone against regulations, she would’ve probably been sacked or at the least suspended. So not only are you expecting her to lose her job, her career for disobeying orders, you also expect that she should risk her life. Its not in the job description im afraid. The regulations are in place for a very good reason. They have rights to safety as anyone does at work. What about her life, and her family? Dont be fooled into thinking this sort of situation is a one off. They face violence frequently, as do fire fighters. Maybe its time they were trained in self defence and properly equipped with the same weapons the police carry.

    i understan what you mean there pebbles, but id rather lose my job anyday than sit there and wait while a body was dyin. and you would no doubt help as well. but we are living in a society where anyone in a uniform is a target nowadays. its sick innit..

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