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  • #336274

    how very true indeed. new labour, not quite what you expected is it ? :wink:


    @rubyred wrote:

    oops sorry.. stoner= someone who smokes and admits to constantly smoking the hashish !

    aha.. thou art correct. but i hate scumbag coke dealers and pill poppin muppets, so i suppose im a walking contradiction. but at least i have a warped sence of honour, or standards.


    i fail to see why you call the b.n.p facist, when labour have introduced over a hundred laws to kerb freedom of speach, freedom to demonstrate. and thousands of cameras to track your every move. they openly advertise on t.v how they can, and will track you down and put you in prison for failing to get a t.v lisence, and then do nothingwhen youngsters are murdered on the streets. they vote themselves ever more benefits that we pay for and cut services to the elderly and the n.h.s they now employ more police officers than army recrits. and they are soley employed to do the governments bidding. you try and call them out. ill wager you wait for days for a reply. but if you drop an apple core in the street. you are likeley to be locked up for days while they look into you and your entire family o see what theycan prosecute you for. im far more scared of gordons boo boys than i am of the b.n.p


    hes a straight talker with a good heart. his criticism may well be acidic and forthright but he generally backs it up with good advice. and as you say hes done bloody well for himself hes a grafter, and love him or hate him hes consistent.


    ha ha ha…a poor womans emma eh.. ha ha.. well i suppose it fits at times. and wot the foook is a stoner ? dear me, i must be losing it… :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:


    yep your right there matey. but im always consistent on this one.. i say beat the bstards within an inch of their lousy scumbag lives. works for me… but then again im a bit of a cow bag and id hang em all given chance


    @lancsman48 wrote:

    @waspish wrote:

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: pmsl….thank u sooooo much…

    just stats mate,read for what it is,don’t try n get mileage out of it ffs.

    if you dont want any replies, dont post owt you fukwit.


    @anita Gofradump wrote:

    An 18-month old toddler in Calgary, Canada, died after it took two ambulances 40 minutes to get to him thanks to one ambulance being dispatched to the wrong city as the VOIP phone used to make the 911 call gave emergency services the wrong idea as to the location of the caller.

    Elijah Luck went into medical distress and his family made an emergency call for an ambulance. However thanks to the “nomadic” VOIP service they were using the emergency services were shown the wrong address information and dispatched an ambulance in Mississauga, Ontario, more than twenty-five-hundred miles away.

    After waiting a half an hour for the ambulance the parents rang again from a landline and an ambulance arrived six minutes later, though the baby was pronounced dead upon reaching the Alberta Children’s Hospital.

    Fixed landlines and VOIP services automatically route an emergency call to the nearest call centre. Nomadic VOIP services however do not always give the correct information and so, as in this case, the call can be routed to the wrong call centre and the emergency operator can be given the wrong address information. This is why many VOIP services, such as Skype, specifically give the disclaimer that they are not to be used for emergency calls.

    The Canadian authorities are now looking at better ways to deal with nomadic VOIP services alongside making consumers more aware of the limitations of the service in an emergency context.

    I was not aware of the Nomadic VOIP worked in such manner, awful someone parent(s) had to find out the hard way, i dont think i will be calling the emergency services on one in future should i need them.

    who will you call then ? batman ? ghost busters perhaps ?


    buy local, buy fresh and buy in season. problem solved. :wink:


    ive said quite a few times here, hatin the village i live in, people who realy step over the lne are taken ont moores and given a good hiding. its useually drug dealers and perverts. it works for us. and the police also know it goes on. our local cpo is a young lass of about 22 years old, shes useless and scared to walk arond alone. she couldnt stop an argument in mothercare let alone deal with a gang of hoodrats. more community beatings i say. :wink:

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