Forum Replies Created
15 June, 2008 at 5:36 pm #347450
@kevin wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
I wouldnt mind earning 30k plus for driving a lorry. They have the company “over a barrel”.
to do that you have to get off your fat @rse
where the fukk did you come from you pathetic evil little troll. fek off back to bebo and chat some children up.
15 June, 2008 at 4:52 pm #348276if the selling of organs were allowed there would be mass harvesting done without the permission of the host, firstly they would plunder the third world, then they would murder to order. then the doctors will play god and decide who is or isnt fit to live, if, say a homeless person was admitted to hospital, and a milionaire just hapened to be on the list. there would be moneys passed and the tramp would die of natural causes. it can never work.
15 June, 2008 at 4:48 pm #343071we should simply leave natur to take its course. within 50 years he entire african continen will die of aids, that is unless itstarves first or dies of other diseases. whoever is left after the time elapses will take charge of an empty space. then hopefully we can sendall the muslims who hate us so much over there to kil each other at their own pace. :wink:
6 June, 2008 at 7:33 am #342972im wiling to bet she gets what she deserve whn she gets to priso. femle prisons are far more violent than mens prisons, women never ever let child abusers forget what hey have done. id love 5 minutes with this fat slapper. id show her pain she would never forget. bitch :twisted:
6 June, 2008 at 7:26 am #3429464 June, 2008 at 6:58 pm #339665@abitofmary_j wrote:
so what would be a BNP toon then…. we all have to be white..?? we all have to be vulgar towards other humans…?? we all have to breed hate into sociaty.?? deport anyone with a suntan..?? lets thugs run our councils whom have their own law in their eyes..?? as from static’s which u love Emma most BMP party members do have crimnal records…
I watched that film this is England on sunday even though it was a film I got to the point where i turned it off, as it was totally awful to watch that kind of bred of hate whom gave certain skinheids a very bad rep, and the BNP party bred the hate into them more BUT YET HID BEHIND THEM…. very sad quailty of people the BNP in my eyes…
but im open to be swayed Emma, but in your own words plz… not thru the links u post.
actually the first bit reads just like the muslims. hate hate hate. kill kill kill. the only difference is theyre busy hating us brits at the moment.
2 June, 2008 at 8:01 pm #338543@chickenman wrote:
The rest of the mp’s in a party dont give a monkeys what happens they just nod when asked so they can keep their pension & houses with hot n cold running callgirls on demand :?
girls ????? :shock:
2 June, 2008 at 7:24 pm #339662itsthe daily star f.f.s.
not that i disagree, because id gladly live in a town run by he b.n.p as long as i get o vote for the mayor etc. i agree with a lo of their policies, although the colour thing is wrong. but hey hate muslims as much as i do so thats ok by me. and in case youre wondering why, read the post about the little boy tortured to death for not knowing the qoran page for page. there are thousands of examples of this and the other niceties of islam all over the net.
ill vote for the party that throws the lot of em over the cliffs of dover any day..[kidding]
the newmayor of huddersfield is a muslim. and his consort, [female mayoress. has refused to shake hands with or speak to any infidel. male or female. my anger is un chartable. and im in the process of starting a petition to rid our town hall of the pair of em.
anyway back to the thread. b.n.p conservativeas, whoever gets labour facism out.2 June, 2008 at 7:13 pm #339467@toybulldog wrote:
A BLIND seven-year-old student at an Islamic school in eastern Pakistan has died after his teacher punished him for not learning the Koran, police said today.
Muhammad Atif was hung upside down from a ceiling fan and severely beaten by his teacher, Qari Ziauddin, at the seminary or madrassa in Vihari, near Lahore on Thursday.Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani had ordered in inquiry into the death, an official statement said.
“The Prime Minister has expressed his deep sorrow and concern over the tragic death of Muhammad Atif, who reportedly died as a result of corporal punishment by his teacher”.
Police said the teacher had been arrested on charges of torturing and murdering the boy.
“Qari Ziauddin, who teaches Koran to boys in Qari Latif Islamic school, hanged Atif upside down with a ceiling fan in the school after beating him with sticks, which caused his death,” local police official Akram Niazi said.
The teacher also failed to take the boy to hospital after he fell ill and his condition deteriorated.
Police said a postmortem examination report also confirmed physical torture as the cause of death.
im amazed they didnt arrest the teacher for not teaching he qoran faster what the hell was this kid doing no being ble to recite theword of allah, pbuh athis age. even here in england they can do it by the age of 6. :roll:
28 May, 2008 at 5:40 pm #338767mmmmm lets think about this.
a muslim woman dares to talk about bin laden…
she openly calls him a murderer and a terrorist on several occasions.
she dares to return to her country to stand for peace and freedom. [even if her party was, and is, riddled with corruption]
she raises issues including forced marriage and the total lack of equality.
she dies…
what a suprise…
stupid woman should have kept herself at the feet of her muslim owner where she belongs..
welcome to the muslim culture. -