Forum Replies Created
17 June, 2008 at 3:29 pm #343949
he he he he…… must get new specs. :lol: :lol:
17 June, 2008 at 3:28 pm #348711its a shame the bull didnt rip his balls off and toss m into the crowd. now that ! would have been a good bull fight. :shock:
16 June, 2008 at 6:19 pm #348575loved the adolf thing forum. lmfao :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
15 June, 2008 at 6:25 pm #343088@forumhostpb wrote:
What do you mean by “asian bloke” ….. and define ”racist”.
he cant be a recist hes asian. simple as. racism is only ever used against white people as a way of gaining sympathy and monies in the form of compensation. the asian population, [and muslims inparticular] play the racist card at every turn. if you are white, and unfortunate enough to be beaten sensless by a gang of asian youths you are told you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. however if the tables are turned and you are an asian attacked by a gang of white youths. it gets onto the news at ten as an unprovoked racist attack upon an inocent muslim by a gang of racists.
that my friend is my definition of racism.
after a recent attack in a ark in ewsbury whre a young muslim youth was beaten to death. the dewsbury m.p mr malik said ” I appeal for peace and for no retalliatory action until the police find the murder of our brother” i ageed with his call. until i saw it again in print. UNTIL the police find OUR BROTHERS KILLER assuming the killers were white that is. he looked quite sick when it turned out that the murdeders of his “brother ” were fellow drug dalers who killed him over e turf war argument. his killers were fellow peace loving muslims, and they didnt get te excuse they were lookig for to kick off and wreck dewsbury town. as they would certainly have done if it turned out to be a whie on asian atack. in he same week 3 oter asians were murered by fellow muslims over rug turf. wonder why it didnt make news at ten….15 June, 2008 at 6:10 pm #269695@sword wrote:
Emma, socialists can’t be fascist, please try and understand this small point in political ethos.
w.t.f are you kidding me… socialism is as close to facism as it gets. have you read animal farm ? have you ever read anything ? the facist government we have now wil give any and all of our rights away for the cost of a knighthood. the lot of them are corrupt to the core. and not only are they corrupt they are capable of proving you are a terrorist even if you have never even joined a birthday party.
15 June, 2008 at 6:02 pm #269694@sword wrote:
One of the ‘bribes’ allegedly was to pay those taken in and not charged £3,000 for every day they are in custody… do you not watch the news woman?
turns out that one was no more thana rumour drummed up by the red top press. so if the government in general. [or any one of its million employed decide you pose a threat for putting the wrong rubbish out. you can and will be hauled off for 6 weeks until they have destroyed your life, ruined your credit, and told your employers you are a possible terrorist. still want to pass this nice little piece of paper ? are you all sure you dont know of a jobsworth council or dss employee who doesnt like the look of you ? ever had a parking ticket and paid late ? be afraid my riends be very afraid..
15 June, 2008 at 5:54 pm #343947total ba for life. anyone caught drink driving when they know it means prison deserves to go to prison for a full ten years. no drink. no driving. no excuses.
15 June, 2008 at 5:49 pm #345357emmalush has been saying for as long as i anremember, that these ever more terror laws are only designed to enslave the average man. they wave the terror flag, then use cctv cameras to ensnare joe public for choosing the wrong school so his child can get a better education whilst not having the money to pay for a hiked up house price area.welcome to he big brother society that is creeping ever closer to you.
15 June, 2008 at 5:43 pm #345356@kezef wrote:
New to the board and curious as to the lay of the land, so I’ll start with a quickie and see if I get a response. Forty two days to hold terror suspects without charge. Yes or no?
yes.. then put a bullet in their brainwashed evil heads.
15 June, 2008 at 5:39 pm #347451@chickenman wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
I was involved in a strike last year and all I got out of it was a days wages docked. It didnt work for me.
At least it gave you time to catch up on your womanly house chores :lol:
your name suits you soooooo well..
chicken. man. -