Forum Replies Created
30 June, 2008 at 4:22 pm #351337
i hope they werent muslim children or there wil be a class act suing. :roll:
24 June, 2008 at 2:16 pm #350437@bat wrote:
Mary this kind of thing sickens me, as I,m sure it does everyone else. This filthy piece of scum should be locked away for the rest of his miserable life. No parole, no time off for “good behaviour”, just stay and rot in prison, in a solitary cell, 24 hours a day for the rest of his life. Normally I,d scream for the death penalty, but that aint gonna happen so rotting in prison has got to be the best option. Take some comfort from knowing that he,ll be given a very hard time inside. Other prisoners, even hardened criminals, can,t abide nonces. The prison guards often turn a blind eye if they get done over. Lets just hope he gets cornered in the shower one day, and someone shoves a chair leg up his arse. Then he might have some idea of the pain that little girl went through. Bastard. :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
i couldnt put it better if i tried pet, well said. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
23 June, 2008 at 3:51 pm #349448the bsastards…..
19 June, 2008 at 7:12 pm #349093put an inch of lead justbehind hi left ear. and then do the same to the other 3 million of the evil bastards that are sponging here in wait for the call to jihad. hate the damned lot of em. oh did i tell you. I HATE THE DAMNED LOT OF EM.
19 June, 2008 at 7:08 pm #347847i dont want streight bananas. and i dont want to have to get a headache every time i go shopping because im thick and dont want to have to work out euros and ripp off merchants. i dont want fat foreign businessmen deciding what side of the road i should drive on, and when i should be going shopping. neither do i want to give my sovereign right to be bleddy balshy and snobbish because i am british, and we dont do foreign, uless we are colonising the place, in which case its ok. no to europe and no to the ratification of this awful dreary treaty. no, non, nein, nay, lets just keep europe for driving through and going shopping and the ocasional trip to the med. were english for gawds sake.
19 June, 2008 at 6:54 pm #349207top tip for anyone with elderly relatives who feel the nip of cold in bed. buy them heat wraps. the ones that are advertised for wrapping around your back, knees ,and any joints that suffer aches and pains. they come in a bag, and once you open he bag, the heat pack is activated, they stay very warm for up to ten hours. you can put them into bed a hour before you go and they stay warm all night. my friend who is a carer for the elderly gets them for a client who cant have electric blankets because of wetting the bed. heat packs keep her warm because she cant get out of bed without help. and the carer is worried the old lass will get hypothermia. i know i shouldnt say it. but ill bet its awful whiffy when my mate gets there to help the old girl get up. warm wee and horlicks….. eeew. but at least she wont freeze to death in the night.
19 June, 2008 at 6:29 pm #348990@pete wrote:
Everyone’s concentrating their displeasure on her or her religion it’s the system that’s at fault for even allowing her to try and claim
and thats because almost all claim lawyers are muslim. fact not a lie. my cousin is a lawyer and they hate the claim sect because they are all asian grabbers who work for peanuts for their own and reap it back from employers and car insurers mainly.
19 June, 2008 at 6:26 pm #348989@*Sian wrote:
I doubt anyone with ginger hair would of got the job for Mr Palmers video Addicted to love :roll:
I know that Tony and Guy do like you to have one of their haircuts, it’s advertising, nobody is going to see her hair, why should she get the job if she isn’t going to do it, part of the job is to have a good hair style, you don’t have a hairdresser with messy hair, it’s not good for business, so why have someone that doesn’t even show their hair?
you gingerist you… how very dare you. i resemble that remark.. and i look pretty dam good in a short black number and stockings.. [well i did tweny years ago :roll: ]
17 June, 2008 at 3:43 pm #348809F.F.S did you have to put that picture of a child molester on. i was almost sick. i love to meet mr gadd. id teach him all about anatomy bit… by … painfull….bit….
and i have to say, th b.n.p crowd look just like the b.n.p supporters i know, ordinary everyday folk. just because some people prefer to see the b/n/p as facist nazis doesnt mean we all do. and at least these people dont hide their faces under veils and plan to kill us. and they dont want to marry children off to old men in exchange for business. one persons culture is another persons hell. :wink:17 June, 2008 at 3:36 pm #348694Bat wrote:I think this man has been unbelievably selfish. If he wanted to take his own life, well that,s up to him isn,t it. He had NO right to take his two innocent children with him. Maybe he was depressed or had financial troubles, but why should the children have to pay for his problems? On fathers day of all days. I bet they got him cards and a present too. My sympathies are entirely with the two innocent children, he can rot. This kind of thing winds me up no end. :evil: :evil: :evil:
link[/quoits amazing the lengths selfish people will go to avoid being dumped. this is particularly nasty because it involves children. this selfish arrogant bastard has done exactly what he intended to do, cause as much suffering to his ex wife as he can. is it any wonder that some women,[and men] will go to any lengths to stop their exes from seing their kids. ?