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    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    That sounds like all of my “work focer”

    You miss out “foul mouthed Mrs” and pit bull dog !!!!! ( You sleep with one and other cooks)

    What is wrong with having a 12 foot tv? I don’t think its wrong for anyone who is singel and earning less than £300 per week to be on benefits.

    We don’t set the benfit levels, just pay the tax.

    But you need to see this new law for what it is…………

    “chav” is just has bad or worst than “nigger”, “packey” or”PB”

    and pepl whoo wrote poste as well as this retarde does.

    Its only use for people of one colour or back ground, so it should be ban.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Slayer, I love reading medical reports, I spend hours on them at work. :lol:

    The shock is not what the ailments/injuries/illness’s are, but the extortionate cost, its ridiculous!

    But its never out of the want to spread rumour, just sheer nosyness cos I am a nosy bugger! :lol:

    to err is to be human pet. i think willy shakespeare said that, in short if u cock up or are nosy its normal. im normal too, sometimes :lol:


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Government Ministers are considering allowing “idiots” and “lunatics” to stand for Parliament, after health campaigners complained that the relevent laws are discriminatory.

    Elizabethan laws define the term “idiots” as people who are incapable of gaining reason and “lunatics” as capable of only brief periods of lucidity.

    These archaic laws also ban any person who has been sectioned under the mental health laws from putting themselves forward for elections, even if they have fully recovered, and require MPs to give up their seats for life if the have been sectioned for 6 months or more.

    So it looks as if the nutters in our society can now become MPs if they wish.

    HA! and there was i thinking the lunatics were already runnung the asylum….


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    As you might expect, I take the opposite view.

    The entire Olympic thing is riddled with corruption and commercialism. It costs the ‘taxpayer’ an absolute fortune to stage, just so that an assortment of the otherwise unemployable can show off their physical skills in a so-called fair competition.

    Fine, so let’s let them use as many drugs, chemicals and various performance enhancers as they can cram down their throats or stuff in their veins. After all what difference does it make in reality?

    An enormous amount of money is spent in trying to keep the ”Games” drug free …. let’s save the money and let these so-called athletes all kill themselves with overdoses of mind and body damaging performance enhancement drugs.

    At least we can then forget all about this hypocritical Olympic ideal and go back to doing something more useful or productive every four years.

    It’s all the bloody Greek’s fault anyway …. just ‘cos we’ve got their effing marbles.

    you are of course exactly on the ball there my friend. i think the athletes should be allowed to take as many drugs as they want for whatever reason, then mabey the americanswill get some competition, after all flo jo never ever tooka drug in her entire 38 years on earth did she ? the yankee government said so. so we believe them dont we ? personally i think it would be far more entertaiing to see hundreds of massive swimmers and runners vieing for gold medals for their children to pawn in a year or twoo when they die. after twenty years of this, they may get the message that these performance enhansers arent hat good for hem and return to proper sport until then.. the sport world can kiss my money goodbye, i wont patronise a single one of them.


    an inch of lead back of head, done constantly for 5 years for every hoodie with a gun or knife… problem solved. sacrifice the few for the many. :twisted:


    oh shit ! captured….


    yesactually i think he is trying to buy our votes. it started when he gave he irish government 26 milion of our pounds to pass the terrorism laws he bullied through, the irish werent stupid, they played the cash card and won big time. and brown got his way. hes now doing it again with the 10p tax hike, hes just decided to basically return it through giving the lowest paid a cheque for 120 quid to offset his guilt and keep the low paid sweet for the coming election. the car tax grab however will be more difficult to hide.people who bought cars as far as 7 years back are to be landed with demands for extra taxes on these cars, even if they have since sold them. and because the government have us all on databases in every department no one will be able to get away with not paying. the dvla will track you down and the police wil turn up and take your new car until you pay up,or they will crush you new car as a bonus punishment. people who dais that they have nothing to hide, and therefore nothing to fear wil now begin to pay, time and time again until they cant afford to eat, this is what this facist government want, and what it will get, the great british roll over has begun. get used to it folks, you all voted for a safer better britain, the problem is the safer is for the elite and the better is for their lifestyles. the bit where the paying comes in,is where you get to join in.


    well said slayer i totally agree with you. life has a small price now. a teen wil kill another person simply for being on his [percieved ] turf. slashings and stabbings are part of gang initiation, the more damage done the higher up the pecking order the gang banger sits. i watched the dispatches programmes last nght about britain and the street wars and guns and knives etc. it was a disgusting sad show of basically american gangs and their influence on the streets here. the only thing i could think of to help in london, would be to clear out all of the social housing and any affordable housing so these crounging bottom feeders have no access to each other, and no access to easy victims. seperate them and divide hem. no gangs no problems. but it would never happen. it galls me that the vast majority of these kids were black, and they all without exeption said they wil rob and steal and tax ! anyone they saw as a weaker target, they all said it was their right to take from others because no one gave them anything. this as far as im concerned is as a direct result of their derelict parents over indulging them as small children, these kids dont understand it when they reach 16 and the demands for the latest everything are refused because theyre grown up now. then it starts, they dont have it given, so they take it. personally id go with the south african style and shoot them dead there in the street. id have no qualms whatsoever if they approached me. but the sad reality is, the victim is the one person who wont get help nowadays. its sick.


    @chickenman wrote:

    The sun have been running alot of stories about aliens lately. some are saying this is because the new x-files flim is out soon made by fox that is owned by mudock who also owns the sun newspaper. what i wana know is should papers make up stories just to promote a film or anything else ??? after all i though news papers were ment to tell us the news :roll:

    the sun news !!!!!
    what fekkin planet do you live on darlin… lmfao……. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    someoe commented earlier that a lot of the kids being stabbed are black, and i seemed to me that the hint was made that it was seen as acceptable [by the media] because the kids were black. [forgive me if i read the wrong thing into it] but it also has to be said that almost all young men stabbed, or arrested for stabbing, were black. black on black crime is a real broblem in the london area, as the american gang culture is imported and mimmicked here, there are gangs of crips and bloods in london. directly copied from the usa. these lads are the worst threat to anyone, as they actually believe they are above the law.

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