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  • #357126

    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Well for once all the numerous drunks, unemployed and druggies in Glasgow East (that’s most of the population BTW) seem to have made the correct decision and voted out Gordon and his mob of so-called socialists.

    Now all they have is the SNP and its somewhat ”fishy” leader.

    ooooooh mr… how very dare you, i resemble that remark..
    well done scotland btw at least you got this one nailed.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    I dont know what to say about this fella, yes he was doing his job and most may say they would do the same in that situation, but would they really.

    Bravo this soldier 8)

    A Royal Marine who threw himself onto an exploding grenade in Afghanistan to save the lives of his comrades is to be awarded the George Cross.

    George Cross hero Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher

    Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher will become one of just a handful of living recipients of the honour.

    It ranks alongside the Victoria Cross as the highest decoration for bravery.

    The 24-year-old from Birmingham was on a mission to uncover a suspected Taliban bomb-making factory in Helmand Province in February, when he stepped on a trip-wire and triggered the device.

    “I thought, I’ve set the bloody thing off and I’m going to do whatever it takes to protect the others,” he said.

    “I figured that if I could keep my head and torso intact I’d probably survive any other injuries – although I fully expected to lose a limb.”

    He threw himself on the floor and twisted his back so his rucksack took the full force of the blast.

    His three colleagues suffered cuts and bruises while Lance Corporal Croucher was thrown in the air – he ended up with a severe nosebleed.

    Despite the incident, he demanded to stay and fight the Taliban, and later that same day shot dead an insurgent in a gunfight.

    “I’m very tight with the three other guys. There have been a few times when they’ve saved my bacon,” he said.

    “I knew a grenade like this had a killing circumference of about five metres.

    “So I got down with my back to the grenade and used my body as a shield. It was a case of either having four of us as fatalities or badly wounded, or one.”

    He said it took him 30 seconds after the blast to realise he was still alive.

    The George Cross
    equal to Victoria Cross as highest gallantry honour
    awarded for acts not in presence of enemy
    can be given to both civilians and armed forces
    King George IV made it official medal in 1941
    island of Malta received it for bravery in WW2

    ive said it many times. i dont agree with our lads and lasses being in that sheite hole in the first place, but as long as they are, and as long as they are prepered to risk life and limb for their fellow soldiers, and for us they deserve the respect and the support they need from all of us. what a shining example of humanity this lad is, he deserves the medal, nay he deserves the george cross as well and our unreserved respect for the rest of his life.


    this pair of greedy fekkers deserve all they get. i hope the whole lot of their ill goten gains is found and taken from them, especially since their back up plan to hide it and use it to start again when they get released. having said that, if the government jailed every multi millionaire that fiddled their taxes the jails would be full of hooray henries and their secretaries. it strikes me as one law for us peasants and quite another for the well to do. hey ho… :wink:


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @(f)politics? wrote:

    i am not that hot on the fine details but is Mugabe and his true “clan ” (not the ones that are too scared to go against him )big enough to warrant a war on them ? wouldnt some kind of undercover spy assassin snipers be a better idea if we have to get involved ?
    But i do agree with PB also there is enough trouble and poverty and killings etc etc in our own country to worry abt at the moment, thats if we had enough soldiers to stretch what with the afghan , iraq wars going on we are thin enough on the ground.

    Better still bring all our troops home to help save our own country, its a warzone at the moment!

    Kids arent scared of cops anymore, but a 10 ton tank coming at them through the town centre at 10pm with a hardnut soldier at the helm with “hoodies with knives are my bread and butter” tattooed across his massive head, who hasnt eaten a whole one in a while may make them think a bit.

    ooooooh yes mrs how right you are. wouldnt that be a fine sight to see. id love to watch the scum bags running home to mum because a couple of soldiers had him by the scruff of his scrawny filthy little neck. pure fun…. ha ha ha..


    i dont know about any of you but i find this dwayne fella a very arrogant , he is totally in love with himself, and hes obviously after media air time. i couldnt help but notice that he actually believes he is in the right, even after he was caught cheating. no doubt, and no excuses. the man is a moron. :shock: he shouldnt be allowed to continue in the sporting arena full stop, he is the type of man who ruins the dreams of young kids because they see he is a fraud, there are many young black kids all over this country who looked to this man as a roll model, and what does he do ? he makes himself the stereotypical black athlete that the media love to hate. the kids who follow his footsteps will have to be better, faster, and more determined than ever now thanks to this selfish twonk. thats my two penneth anyway..


    @rubyred wrote:

    @waspish wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Slayer, I love reading medical reports, I spend hours on them at work. :lol:

    The shock is not what the ailments/injuries/illness’s are, but the extortionate cost, its ridiculous!

    But its never out of the want to spread rumour, just sheer nosyness cos I am a nosy bugger! :lol:

    to err is to be human pet. i think willy shakespeare said that, in short if u chicken up or are nosy its normal. im normal too, sometimes :lol:

    We are All nosey,erm “pet” but we assume that Data Protection protects us.. In our own line of employment we take account into the seriousness of being tempted to give out info. I have signed Data Protection as a mere call centre worker !

    the onus being on,, can we keep a secret ? Of course we can “pet” .. id not like to see your medical records as im sure mine would bore YOU too !

    privacy is privacy !

    i entireley agree, i would never read anyones medical notes unless they were a patient of mine, i was a nurse [psychiatric] for many years. and not once did i sit drinking coffee discussing peoples personal records, others that i worked with did, i was considered up my arse because i wouldnt join in the mickey taking of the poor beggars who had mental health problems, some nurses found it to be a rite good laugh. i found them disgusting people and still do. and btw i call everyone pet, its a yorkshire thing not a derrogatory or patronising term. sorry if i dented your feelings pet…


    @sharongooner wrote:

    Mugabe is a cuunt and if he had oil would have been assinated by now

    my point preciseley, so why has mugabe been left to do as he pleases with the people of zimbabwe, we were quick enough to help him topple smith and co, but not to rid africe of a genocidal megolomaniac. could it be because most africans are poor and diseased. and after they all die of aids the land will be up for the biggest land grab of all tie ? imajine how many blocks of inflated price flats and leisure centres they can build then ? why dont we just dive in there and shoot all the poor bugars and get it over with ?


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Here is Adolf Hitler singing “When I saw her standing there”.

    HA ha ha ha ha ha ha…. i nearly peed mesen……………….loved it.


    @pete wrote:

    @sarah 30 wrote:

    @talon wrote:

    Just another example of why I so despise Nu Trash Labour! They are extremely good at flushing hard earned tax money down the crapper, but not so good at using it for the betterment of society.

    Anyway you can no more ‘ban’ the word chav than other derogatory word, you simply don’t use it within earshot of any member of the oh-so right on pc police force. They long ago lost the right to make individual, sensible judgements about things, and now, it’s all about targets. So don’t make it easy for them. :x

    =D> =D>

    I’m fed up living next door to chavs. :evil:

    Count yaself lucky for 24 yrs ive been living next door to alice
    (waits for standard reply) :lol:

    ALICE !!!!


    @slayer wrote:

    @esmeralda wrote:

    What Britain needs is MORE like Arthur, like Mick McGahey, like Jimmy Reid. Proper Socialists and not this shower of Nu-Labour tossers, or Nu- but-really-just-the-samebunch-of-fascist-Tory-Party-Mutha-Fu.ckers.

    “The Red Flag” by Jim Connell

    The lyrics . . .

    The people’s flag is deepest red,
    It shrouded oft our martyred dead,
    And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
    Their hearts blood dyed its every fold.

    Then raise the scarlet standard high. (chorus)
    Within its shade we’ll live and die,
    Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
    We’ll keep the red flag flying here.

    Look round, the Frenchman loves its blaze,
    The sturdy German chants its praise,
    In Moscow’s vaults its hymns are sung
    Chicago swells the surging throng.

    It waved above our infant might,
    When all ahead seemed dark as night;
    It witnessed many a deed and vow,
    We must not change its colour now.

    It well recalls the triumphs past,
    It gives the hope of peace at last;
    The banner bright, the symbol plain,
    Of human right and human gain.

    It suits today the weak and base,
    Whose minds are fixed on pelf and place
    To cringe before the rich man’s frown,
    And haul the sacred emblem down.

    With heads uncovered swear we all
    To bear it onward till we fall;
    Come dungeons dark or gallows grim,
    This song shall be our parting hymn.

    Keep the faith!

    My simple straight forward answer to this?

    Read Animal Farm by George Orwell

    Very clever man, our George

    at last slayer we agree…. well said that man. the pigs are living in the farm house for ourown good, only from there, can they understand the difference in lifestyles….

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