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  • #362398

    AND ME !!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    @rubyred wrote:

    @sir Actor wrote:

    @slayer wrote:

    Maybe the police know what happened (not everything can be presented in court)

    :-s huh?

    My own thoughts on this matter is how could he be found guilty by one jury and innocent by another??
    It really doesn’t say much for our judicial system does it? :roll:

    and thats why im against capital punishment !

    point well made rubyred. ive almost always been an advocate of the death sentence [although only in proven without doubt, as in full confession and dna and witness statements. but if this man is innocent he deserves a full apology, although im sure i read that thwe police were thinking of closing the case today. but had the death penalty been in place it would have been too late for this fella.


    za good friend of ours is a copper [yes i know they are never your friend] but he comes bike racin and tels us where to avoid and when traps are on the roads we are using so he cant be all bad. .
    anyway back on topic. he told me ages ago, that if a burglar gets into your house and you are unfortunate enough to be faced with him, that basically [for women only] you can beat the livin bejesus out of him as long as you tell the police that he said he was goin to rape or attempt to rape you. this gives you reasonable grounds to attack him, with whatever you have at hand [not the husband tho] so you can beat the twots head in with a hammer or owt else you get jold of and you will be ok. so there you go girls get stuck in. personally id love to come face to face with some spotty shaking scrote trying to take my hard earned property, id tek the little twat for a visit to saddleworth moor [where brady and hindley hid their evil crimes] and id fill the little sheote with heroin and let him go on a naked moor trek, chanes are he wouldnt be found for weeks. [beter than ringing the law and waiting for days and days for a crime number for the insurance, cos if they dont take any goods the police wont even turn up.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    oh please send me a rainbow! Or sing one?

    red and yellow
    and pink and green
    orange and purple
    and blue…
    i can sing a rainbow
    sing a rainbow
    sing a rainbow too….

    good enough shazza ? nice to see you again, ive ben a bit busy workin for the last few weeks but ive got this weekend off….


    @sir Actor wrote:

    Pikey… if my perfect evening was spending time with an irritating little twat you’d be top of the list.


    pikey should change his name to thrush, cos thats an irritating little coont too !!!!!


    @~Pebbles~ wrote:

    I’d have an evening with the pi/ss heads – oh…that’ll be all of ya then wont it? 8)

    i wanna see pip drink me under the table with her voddie, mud wrestle with sunny, have a 3some with pat and fastcars, get caff to knit me a cardie, eat quorn burgers with esme, visit shazzas zoo, pilot to shut him up, flush anitas head down the bog, discuss u bends with doa, stand on sians street corner, take compromising photos of mibs and his black 12 inch, have a swig of swords white lightening, force feed toy cottage cheese, swing off pb’s ears, ride in bats old banger, colour emmas face black with permanent marker pen, and ride naked on the loch ness monster with rube and mary…

    ha ha ha ha ha a classic. kn i come too ? actually u missed me ou so ill be billy nofukkin mates again eh ? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    my long ago ex husband went off with the factory slapper, her hubby worked abroad to supply her with the best life he could, and she returned the favour by shagging my husband and the rest of the factory where we all worked, she got the house, half the money in the bank and my hubby, leaving me with two heartbroken children. shes welcome to him.. hes not worth fighting for, but i well never forgive either of them for what they did to my babies. she knew my children, and she knew how much they loved their dad, i told her the last time i saw her [14 years ago] that i would smash her face in every time i saw her, and ill still keep my word if i ever lay eyes on her. ive done it 3 times and almost ended up in court, but it was worth every minute of sitting in the cells. i still, to this day get a feeling of smug happiness when i picture her blood spattered face, and her trashed designer clothes. wrong or right i dont give a toss. my hubby now, is a gem and has brought my babies up to be lovely grown ups and they love the heart of him, any tosser can be a father. only a true man can be a dad. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    any one who is shagging a married man should know…[bitches] leave the married men alone.. some of us get mighty angry at slappers..


    @cath 55 wrote:

    I can’t tell you how i felt yesterday when i heard that the police suspected Maddy had been kidnapped by a paedophile gang from belgium, some thing that no doubt we have all thought could have happened but when they said it out loud on yesterdays news my blood ran cold as no doubt it did for many of you out there.

    Thing is many many children go missing each year on holiday too, there was the case of the little boy ben needham, he has never been the fact is ben was only 21 months old and in the care of his grandmother who says she only took her eyes off him for a short time….

    I just pray like many people that if maddy was kidnapped by a paedophile ring that she is dead bless her little heart….(to answer obtuse as to why i would hope she was dead if paedophiles had kidnapped her then my answer is that its bloody obvious i think, if not obtuse, then think about it my reasoning….) sure the parents are being still slammed for ‘neglect’ but quite honestly i cant think what they are going through, i would be distraught like many parents would be, but i would also be making it my priority to find my little girl by whatever means i had to…… as for them being responsible …..yup they are to a certain extent….but they are so paying the price….

    sure this can be seen as a moronic thread, but i think this story has been kept in the news by some clever publicity agent and to be honest if maddy is still alive out there if this is what it takes to possibly actually find the little girl then so be it, as i have already said, if it was my child then i would be moving heaven and earth to find her…. i have no intention of reading in depth about the case as its too upsetting and to be honest and there but for the grace of god n all that……..

    but they are so paying the price….

    no they are feeling guilty about their leaving their babies alone for 4 hours while they and their friends went on the lash. madie is [or has] paid the price, for their utter and obvious arrogant abandonment of their babies. had it been you or i we would be in jail now for child neglect and abandonment, the mcanns are well to do doctors [pillars or society] and are therefore not capable of doing wrong in the eyes of the judiciary or thesocial services. i hope for maddies rescue, or for a merciful end for her if the paeos have her. i hope the mcanns re live their little mistake forever more, i know i would.


    @forumhostpb wrote:

    Well I made that seven questions all in the same post. Which one would you like answered first by our panel of experts, and in what order should the subsequent ones be answered?????

    PS: Answers on 2 sides of A4 please.

    eyup pettle, i see some things stay the same, do we use pencils or crayons ?


    @abitofmary_j wrote:

    Lets face it, wither dwayne was allowed into Team GB, he doesnae stand a chance, as all other countries do use the enhancing performance drugs. But this dwayne blokey as said before doesnae seem sorry for what he did, i watched him on this morning and he came across as an argogant yanker… he shamed hiself, so Team GB r right to uphold his lifetime ban from representing team GB… as for the olymics doesnae float me boat, wastefull of tax-payers monies. and to be brutality honest why is team GB goin over to china baygine canny spelt it lol did u see how they evicted folks fae their hooses too make way fir flowerbeds.. etc… disgracefull, one guy was kicked to an inch of his death… i say boycott until they can be decent human beings…!! and we’re stagin the nxt olymics how much is that costing GB..?? and with our sorry state of affairs atpresent is this wise..?? r we goin to evict folks fae their hooses…?? and look at how much money was wasted on the 2012 logo…!! and it was shyte as eh as we all agree’d… sorry but aboot time we should have a goverment whom doesnae poor monies into stupid things, sort our country out firstly and enrich the lives of our people instead of pooring monies doon the drain…

    agreed pet. [well i agree with the bit i cud understand anyway, i love to learn new languages… :o :lol: :lol:

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