waspish replied to the topic Elected in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Well for once all the numerous drunks, unemployed and druggies in Glasgow East (that’s most of the population BTW) seem to have made the correct decision and voted out Gordon and his mob of so-called socialists.
Now all they have is the SNP and its somewhat ”fishy” leader.
ooooooh mr… how very dare you, i resemble that…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic What a hero in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
I dont know what to say about this fella, yes he was doing his job and most may say they would do the same in that situation, but would they really.
Bravo this soldier 8)
A Royal Marine who threw himself onto an exploding grenade in Afghanistan to save the lives of his comrades is to be awarded the George Cross.
waspish replied to the topic money is more important than people? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
this pair of greedy fekkers deserve all they get. i hope the whole lot of their ill goten gains is found and taken from them, especially since their back up plan to hide it and use it to start again when they get released. having said that, if the government jailed every multi millionaire that fiddled their taxes the jails would be full of hooray…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic robert mugabe to murder millions in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
@(f)politics? wrote:
i am not that hot on the fine details but is Mugabe and his true “clan ” (not the ones that are too scared to go against him )big enough to warrant a war on them ? wouldnt some kind of undercover spy assassin snipers be a better idea if we have to get involved ?
But i do agree with PB also there is enough… -
waspish replied to the topic Dwayne Chambers in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
i dont know about any of you but i find this dwayne fella a very arrogant , he is totally in love with himself, and hes obviously after media air time. i couldnt help but notice that he actually believes he is in the right, even after he was caught cheating. no doubt, and no excuses. the man is a moron. :shock: he shouldnt be allowed to continue…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Police: an abuse of privalege? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@rubyred wrote:
@waspish wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
Slayer, I love reading medical reports, I spend hours on them at work. :lol:
The shock is not what the ailments/injuries/illness’s are, but the extortionate cost, its ridiculous!
But its never out of the want to spread rumour, just sheer nosyness cos I am a nosy bugger! :lol:
to err is to be…
waspish replied to the topic robert mugabe to murder millions in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
Mugabe is a cuunt and if he had oil would have been assinated by now
my point preciseley, so why has mugabe been left to do as he pleases with the people of zimbabwe, we were quick enough to help him topple smith and co, but not to rid africe of a genocidal megolomaniac. could it be because most africans are poor and diseased.…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Singing Adolf in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Here is Adolf Hitler singing “When I saw her standing there”.
HA ha ha ha ha ha ha…. i nearly peed mesen……………….loved it.
8) -
waspish replied to the topic cheltenham average in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@Pete wrote:
@Sarah 30 wrote:
@talon wrote:
Just another example of why I so despise Nu Trash Labour! They are extremely good at flushing hard earned tax money down the crapper, but not so good at using it for the betterment of society.
Anyway you can no more ‘ban’ the word chav than other derogatory word, you simply don’t use it within earshot of…
waspish replied to the topic Former coal-mining communities in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@Slayer wrote:
@Esmeralda wrote:
What Britain needs is MORE like Arthur, like Mick McGahey, like Jimmy Reid. Proper Socialists and not this shower of Nu-Labour tossers, or Nu- but-really-just-the-samebunch-of-fascist-Tory-Party-Mutha-Fu.ckers.
“The Red Flag” by Jim ConnellThe lyrics . . .
The people’s flag is deepest red,
It shrouded oft our… -
waspish replied to the topic cheltenham average in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@dead_on_arrvial wrote:
That sounds like all of my “work focer”
You miss out “foul mouthed Mrs” and pit bull dog !!!!! ( You sleep with one and other cooks)
What is wrong with having a 12 foot tv? I don’t think its wrong for anyone who is singel and earning less than £300 per week to be on benefits.
We don’t set the benfit levels, just pay…
waspish replied to the topic Police: an abuse of privalege? in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@sharongooner wrote:
Slayer, I love reading medical reports, I spend hours on them at work. :lol:
The shock is not what the ailments/injuries/illness’s are, but the extortionate cost, its ridiculous!
But its never out of the want to spread rumour, just sheer nosyness cos I am a nosy bugger! :lol:
to err is to be human pet. i think willy…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic "Idiots" and "Lunatics" to be MP’s in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Government Ministers are considering allowing “idiots” and “lunatics” to stand for Parliament, after health campaigners complained that the relevent laws are discriminatory.
Elizabethan laws define the term “idiots” as people who are incapable of gaining reason and “lunatics” as capable of only brief periods of lucidity.
waspish replied to the topic Dwayne Chambers in the board Getting serious 16 years, 5 months ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
As you might expect, I take the opposite view.
The entire Olympic thing is riddled with corruption and commercialism. It costs the ‘taxpayer’ an absolute fortune to stage, just so that an assortment of the otherwise unemployable can show off their physical skills in a so-called fair competition.
Fine, so let’s let them use as…
waspish replied to the topic Knife Crime in the board Getting serious 16 years, 6 months ago
an inch of lead back of head, done constantly for 5 years for every hoodie with a gun or knife… problem solved. sacrifice the few for the many. :twisted:
waspish replied to the topic The sun in the board Getting serious 16 years, 6 months ago
oh shit ! captured….
waspish replied to the topic This government wana bring us to our knees in the board Getting Serious 16 years, 6 months ago
yesactually i think he is trying to buy our votes. it started when he gave he irish government 26 milion of our pounds to pass the terrorism laws he bullied through, the irish werent stupid, they played the cash card and won big time. and brown got his way. hes now doing it again with the 10p tax hike, hes just decided to basically return it…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Knife Crime in the board Getting serious 16 years, 6 months ago
well said slayer i totally agree with you. life has a small price now. a teen wil kill another person simply for being on his [percieved ] turf. slashings and stabbings are part of gang initiation, the more damage done the higher up the pecking order the gang banger sits. i watched the dispatches programmes last nght about britain and the street…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic The sun in the board Getting serious 16 years, 6 months ago
@chickenman wrote:
The sun have been running alot of stories about aliens lately. some are saying this is because the new x-files flim is out soon made by fox that is owned by mudock who also owns the sun newspaper. what i wana know is should papers make up stories just to promote a film or anything else ??? after all i though news papers were ment…
waspish replied to the topic Knife Crime in the board Getting serious 16 years, 6 months ago
someoe commented earlier that a lot of the kids being stabbed are black, and i seemed to me that the hint was made that it was seen as acceptable [by the media] because the kids were black. [forgive me if i read the wrong thing into it] but it also has to be said that almost all young men stabbed, or arrested for stabbing, were black. black on…[Read more]
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