waspish replied to the topic Could we try this here??? in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
i cant begin to tell you how shocked and stunned i am that the peace loving muslims would be so harsh.. yes harsh.. they truly are very naughty arent they. if they had been in iran or afghanistan they would be dead as a rape victim by now. :roll:
waspish replied to the topic "Let him have it, Chris" in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Actually, not so Bat. As the law stood at the time (not as it NOW stands) Bentley was illiterate and of low intelligence, almost borderline retarded. However, he was not suffering from epilepsy at the time of the alleged offence, that he was not a “feeble-minded person” under the Mental Deficiency Acts and that he was sane and…
waspish replied to the topic Global Warming Update. in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
its a con.. simple as. the world has been warming and freezing for millenia and will continue to do so. gordon and his muppet cabinet have already come up with over twenty new laws to tax us because of this so called global issue. its bull *hit and they know it.
waspish replied to the topic This kid has issues.. in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
ha ha ha !!!! fekkin yanks again. gizza gun..
waspish replied to the topic This is sexism and is soooooo unfair. in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
callme cynical but…. sureley the fact that he ABANDONED his wife and children were a clue ? the female [slapper] preist is single and her not so chaste lifestyle just makes the abstainers jealous. the church bosses would better serve their parishoners if they sorted the paedos out first, and leave the fekless and the stupid be. :roll:
waspish replied to the topic Israel At It Again in the board Getting serious 16 years ago
i was reading a newspaper on the train the other day with pictures of several small dead children and their respective uncles father and a dozen or so other men, all wailing and shaking their fists in grief and anger. the picture was very sad to see. a person who was sat oposite me remarked that. these children, while a sickenning sight were…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic BNP List in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
I heard about this on the BBC Today programme this-morning.
now youre takin the pish. :shock:
waspish replied to the topic Thank you yet again Darling !!! in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
Isn’t our great Chancellor, Alistair Darling, simply wonderful? He says that he is going to be open, transparent, and honest about future Tax increases and yet ….. and yet ….
Buried deep in the detailed ‘small print’ of Monday’s pre-Budget report is a nasty little surprise that will affect all female JustChat members who…
waspish replied to the topic Thank you Darling !!! in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
my beloved did the math’S he reckons we will be 1900 quid down … once again the idle [of all classes] win and we the workers and drivers/riders lose. is it just me ? or are we carrying the fekkin lot of em ? :roll:
waspish replied to the topic Forgive your enemies… in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
not a hope in hell. never forget. never repeat.. take your revenge and smile at the relief..
wise words from a rusty old biker.. -
waspish replied to the topic Dangerous Jobs in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 1 month ago
i work on the railways as a platform assistant. we meet and greet folk, and help people get where they need to be. ive heard some realy gut wrenching stories from drivers, first hand. and believe me no one in their right mind would die this way. so the many poor souls who do… must realy be mad. its grotesque.
waspish replied to the topic Bloody useless social workers in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@Rosepetal wrote:
@Bat wrote:
How many more innocent children and babies have to die, before these useless incompetent social workers, get off of their backsides and DO something? Are they blind as well as stupid? What this poor baby went through doesn,t bear thinking about. They should sack bloody social workers. Time after time we hear the same…
waspish replied to the topic Bloody useless social workers in the board Getting serious 16 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
In a way it’s a pity that we don’t have capital punishment for this sort of crime any more. however, if we DID hang them, itt would only give the bleeding heart liberals something else to protest about.
and ! why did you pinch my wasp ? i cant go about bein called ish ! can i !?! :shock: -
waspish replied to the topic Never thought I would see the day!!!! in the board Getting Serious 16 years, 2 months ago
i think mr o is a billiant speaker, and a credit to the us heis very stylish and quite handsome to boot. did you see the pecs on this guy ? phew got me all hot under the collar. go barack go. im proud for him. i just hope he can walk the wals as well as he talks the talk. i listened to his acceptance speach as i drove to work very early in the…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Get Well Smeato in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
well said. im so glad he has battled his corner and won. this man is a testimony to the country that we do have community spirit. if it werent for smeato thoes evil jihad medics would have killed many people. im just sorry that they didnt both fry in the fire.
get well soon matey. :wink: -
waspish replied to the topic kerry Katona on This morning! in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
the poor lass is on heavy medication she appeared to me to show classic clorpromazine traits. this is heavy stuff. am i right in thinking she is by polar ? or manic depressive whichever name you like. this may be funny to some and taking the p**s is no way to treat her. she shouldnt be in the media like this. it could seriously damage her. i feel…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Disapearing cats. in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
unlucky fried kitten anyone ?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: -
waspish replied to the topic Panorama in the board Getting serious 16 years, 2 months ago
i havent visited for a while. but i agree, here my daughters best friend has just been made homeless by a family friend who bought a house to make him extra money, the house is now a burden to him, and he has stopped passing the rent on.ergo the girl is now homeless. she has been told she will not be re homed because she is a private sector…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Noel Edmonds On Immigration in the board Getting serious 16 years, 3 months ago
i have to say, thatthis is the first time i have ever viewed noel [w.t.f] dmonds has ever reached me as a fellow human. whilst i accept and totally respect his hard work for charities and good causes. i have always struggled with his grasp onthe odinary joe in the street. he s obviously a lot more switched o than thought. goon noe. rispec 2 ya…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Smoking in the board Getting serious 16 years, 3 months ago
@~Tickled Pink~ wrote:
@Bad Manners wrote:
@~Tickled Pink~ wrote:
@chickenman wrote:
The UK will next week become the first European country to introduce graphic images on cigarette packets to warn about the dangers of smoking.
The 15 different images will include pictures of a diseased lung and heart surgery being performed.
They will start to be… - Load More