waspish replied to the topic I just don’t believe this (Maddie McCann – ver. 2008.1) in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
i havent realy been following the maddie story, but i noticed a paper headline yesterday that said the blood in the hire car was maddies ? i dont know if its true, but im afraid as far as im concerned the parents are directly responsible for the tots death [or kidnapping] they became responsible the moment they closed the front door and abandoned…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Guilty feelings from eating meat in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@Smiley wrote:
I have the same problem as you, Sharon. I went vegetarian for 2 years after seeing a cow being slaughtered.
I make sure I only buy local meat from animals that have lived a free and happy life up to the slaughter now though… but.. I still feel guilty.
totally agree there smiley im lucky to live out in the sticks where animals are…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Winehouse album is UK top seller in the board Art, poetry, music and film 17 years, 1 month ago
the british billie holliday. poor lass stands no chance while she allows herself to be exploited and marketed as a coke snorting miserable mess.[even tho we know she is just that] fantastic voice and soleful songs. i hope she survives another year. back to black album fantastic. im playing it today whilst getting ready for a job interview. good…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Addictions, phobias and traps. in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
there are two kinds of people in this situation.
those who work to live.
and those who live to work.
having the balance right is up to the individual. i chose to work to live. and enjoy the benefits. while i was nursing however i definateley lived to work. its not just a money thingis it ? its a mental attitude toward your life.
mortgages, and…[
waspish replied to the topic The Project for the New American Century in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
hi emma happynew year pet. :lol:
read a book last week that suggested that when the new world order is in position britain will become a virtual airport and re fueling station ? bush and his cronies are in this for the longhaul wether he is in power or not, he ultimateley will hand europe to the saudis as payment for oil. doable as well. you only…[Read more] -
waspish replied to the topic Re-nationalisation – time to consider? in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@chickenman wrote:
Pols n Russians are known for there mines, prob solved bring em over and shove em down pit :lol: or we could always send prisoners down there they are always moaning how over crowded it is !
theyd only fill the prisons up again with old people and junkies.but i supose if they put em on 12 hour shifts they could double em…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Pub chain limits parents’ drinks in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@chickenman wrote:
@Cas wrote:
I’m pretty sure too that there are plenty places where pple like chickenman can drink himself senseless and the have a good fight, places where the bottles are already fitted with whistles :roll:
All i’m saying is that a pub aint a pub without birds bare knuckle fighting over fat blokes and men betting on the…
waspish replied to the topic gordons north south divide in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@chickenman wrote:
Don’t forget the welsh getting free prescriptions. If your English your screwed :roll: Mind you up north they still travel by donkey and have to get water from a well so it aint all roses up there :lol:
its not all roses by a long way but we dont mind at least here in the penine villages we have no ghettoes. [yet] we tend to…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic gordons north south divide in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
sorry ruby red i realy didnt intend to offend anyone north of the border as i said but if you google government facts. or look on newspaper websites the facts are there. my neice is heavily involved in the student union scene and she herself told me that uni students in scotland dont pay uni top up fees the same as they do here in england. i read…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic gordons north south divide in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@ForumHostPB wrote:
This was obviously a carefully orchestrated Media opportunity – and dear Gordon got lots of lovely piccies in the papers etc showing just how caring and compassionate he really is.
Do you really believe this???
not for a moment, and im afraid that the photo op did him no favours. i was at a funeral yesterday where we saw off a…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic muslim fanatics slaughter bhutto in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@markapal wrote:
I think terrorism can be eliminated through integration. When people, young and old, are exposed to many religious belief systems, many cultures, many ways of life, they begin to see things differently. They can evaluate properly only if their thinking is not isolated by religions, cultures, and political beliefs. Then people…
waspish replied to the topic unwanted xmas presents in the board Off topic chat 17 years, 1 month ago
@sweetass wrote:
Candles….. every frigginf year I get them :evil: :evil: I HATE candles almost as much as I hate body lotions and smelllies… Im allergic to lanolin and most perfumed soaps.. but I still get given them …and no I’m not stinky :wink: :lol:
you and me both pet. i hate lotions and potions and i always get sheite loads of em 3…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic E-Petition in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@~Pebbles~ wrote:
QUOTE FROM UBER”And yet if you sneak a peek at the abortion thread you will see people lining up to absolve people of personal responsibility and the freedom to choose and instead wanting to dictate to them that a baby they might for financial reasons amongst others have wanted to abort should be kept who will either by…
waspish replied to the topic Gang/ Organised Stalking in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
i could be wrong but im sure i read somewhere that the freemasons are a society that is directly linked in history to the knightsd templar. defenders of the christian crown. they were originally a society to help the poor andf defeat the enemies of the crown. but as far as i can tell they are nothing but a bunch o self serving social climbing…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Reasons why the queen should be removed in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
@chickenman wrote:
If we get rid of the Queen they will only turn Buckingham Palace into a Giant Mc D’s or a reception centre for lesbian alcoholic drug taking asylum seekers. Winsor Castle will become a Harvester and Balmoral Castle will be a huge KFC with chavs doing donuts in the car park with their Nova’s, That’s if Ken Livingstone don’t get…
waspish replied to the topic Fortnightly bin collections a load of rubbish in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
we have a serious problem out in the sticks of ppl coming and dumping rubbish. on the moors around the resevoirs and even at the roadside out in the countryside. its gtting much worse now as batley and dewsbury have changed to 2 weekly collections and they just take a ride out and dump their unwanted filth anywhere, it is a health hazard and a…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Mick Biffin turns in his grave in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
if you read the bnp manifesto it says people who want to take VOLUNTARY repatriation they will be supported with grants both for they, and their family members. but to the country of repatriation also will be given grants to help their communities accepting repatriation. it doesnt say anywhere that repatriation would be forced.
the government at…[
waspish replied to the topic Footballer’s Xmas Parties in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
correct me if im wrong. but isnt the woman in question [this time] in her late 20s ? if so, im suprised she didnt eat the lad alive. i mean. if the lad were a strapping rugby player with intent on rape. then, there may be a case. but from what ive seen on tv hes a 19 year old kid. bareley old enough to buy a pint yet alone trap a woman in a room…[Read more]
waspish replied to the topic Political party in meltdown- claim! in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
How can anyone seriously slag off the bnp when weve got gordon and co up to their arm pits in corruption sleaze and plain incompetency. never mind the fact that labour is at the moment reeling from yet another set of lost discs.
i find it rather rich that the bnp are villified for having an argument, when the government are at this moment trying…[Read more] -
waspish replied to the topic Mick Biffin turns in his grave in the board Getting serious 17 years, 1 month ago
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