• waspish replied to the topic Earthquake in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago

    yup the earth realy did move for me… how scary was that !!!! my son ran up the stairs shouting theres been a crash or something. [we live near a rail line] and my husband jumped up shouting “shit what the fekkin ell was that” i ealy understand now just how small we mere humans are in the scale of things. just a few seconds of shaking and…[Read more]

  • cant comment on the show as i didnt see it. and i take the point that the bnp are well known for their views on race. as for the jews and the holocaust, anyone who denies this evil act should be locked up in a mental institution until they see sense. (Emma – please take note !!! ….Ed) you will also find that islamic teachers also deny the…[Read more]

  • @Slayer wrote:

    DNA evidence alone doesnt convict people- but it gives the police leads to follow up- DNA kick starts good old fashioned police work.

    yep like them watching the wrong cctv images from the wrong day ? then allowing this monster to be interviewed with his back to them, [not their fault, its down to human rights f.f.s] one officer…[Read more]

  • @Esmeralda wrote:

    The inadequately educated amongst you would appear to be getting your collective knickers in a twist over a post which was inserted because I thought it was wonderfully relevant. Whatever talents I have not extending to osmosic knowledge of the suicide statistics of Bridgend – I would have thought it glaringly obvious that this…

    [Read more]

  • waspish replied to the topic Pure evil in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago

    Bat wrote:
    So tell me, what would the do gooding pc brigade do with this piece of shit then eh? His own son and daughter! And some of you still say we shouldn,t hang these bastards? I,d wrap the rope round his scrawny neck myself and pull the lever with pleasure. Bastard. :evil: :evil: :evil:

    i actually know this man [looseley termed]…[Read more]

  • waspish replied to the topic Cleanator Ads in the board Off topic chat 16 years, 11 months ago

    i got it twice the other ay so i did the following.
    put the following IP address in your firewall
    you shouldnt get it again. :wink:

  • waspish replied to the topic Barmy in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago

    i wouldnt install a killer letterbox cos german shepherd teeth do a far better job. :lol: :lol:

  • yet another fekless barbie wanna be who believed her own bullship. why dont these stupid bints get a bite of reality ?? their stupidity is endless. and to add to her stupidity she married the foreign fek and gave him citisenship rights. she should never have said yes, at least that way she would have had a little control. he will come unstuck…[Read more]

  • @R.O.T.T wrote:

    @waspish wrote:

    not to worry she’l end up here on the same council estate as the russian mother who has just given birth to 6 little baby girls in leeds, she was brought here by a charity, along with her husband and four other daughters. they like the place so much theyre staying on to give their offspring a good education, [and…

    [Read more]

  • not to worry she’l end up here on the same council estate as the russian mother who has just given birth to 6 little baby girls in leeds, she was brought here by a charity, along with her husband and four other daughters. they like the place so much theyre staying on to give their offspring a good education, [and health care, and free housing, and…[Read more]

  • waspish replied to the topic Barmy in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago

    i have to wonder if she would have done the same i it had been a terraced house in a working class area. i doubt it. opertunity came a knocking. [or in her case while she went a knockin] and shes simply jumpimg on the sue em all gravy train that our government love so much. i wonder if she can prove that she did a risk assessment before entering…[Read more]

  • the whole government, have gone into blame them meltdown, every time anyone asks a question to our beloved elected, they simply lie through their teeth and blame the conservatives while spewing out twisted figures and mud slinging. they arent fit for purpose in any department and gordon browns silence on every subject is astounding. the tories are…[Read more]

  • i can understand people who are against a dna database. but when we see things such as this its the perfect example for having it. this monster may well have killed other women. annalee aldertons mum is a very old friend of ours and her sister and niece live just over the road from me. their entire family have been desolated by this animals…[Read more]

  • waspish replied to the topic Killer Fish in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago

    oh my god…. that the ugliest mo fo ive ever seen. !!!! how big do they grow ? it looks like a scaly pit bull on acid…. yuk… my greedy fat fek hubby says “can you eat it ?” no im not kidding hed give it a go with a pile of chips im sure.. ha ha haha :lol: :lol:

  • i was talking to my son this morning, we were discussing these suicides, i asked him how many friends or old school friends he knows have died as i know of as few. it turns out that hes lost the following.
    two to suicide.
    four in car crashes
    one to an extacy overdose.
    and two in a motorbike crash..
    hes only 22 but and he nows of 9 people in his…[Read more]

  • waspish replied to the topic Killer Fish in the board Getting serious 16 years, 11 months ago

    is it any relation to the lesser seen trouser snake. the most dangerous snake in the uk ? it hides in trousers and causes severe povery and years of anxiety and loss of sleep. the only cure is death o the carrier. :wink:

  • my dearest dearest wonderfull lass… ive not laughed as much, for so long, since i was a young un. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i love and hate allof em most of the time, and im one of em several times…. brillifuuukkkkin,illliant.

  • i have many friends with kids in this age bracket, indeed my own two kids aare 18 and 22 yrs old. i can bareley imagine how the poor parents feel, or what they are going through. kids at this age are just developing into the adults they wil become. you begin to see the grown up in them, and its both rewarding and also quite scary. parents of…[Read more]

  • how dare they take the bros weed man. its like he tole dem bichis he forgot it woz in his pockets innit. and hes gunna mess em biches up good wen e gets outt man. as translated by my 14 year old nephew who lives in dorset. :lol: :lol: :lol:
    and im not fuokkkkkin kiddin :lol: :lol:

  • @Smiley wrote:

    In today’s society children are having sex at a younger age. This is obviously due to the bad example set by their single mums living on council estates.

    Is it time to start putting single mums into prison to save our future generation’s morals? Single mums are setting a bad example to their children, by suggesting that sleeping…

    [Read more]

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