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  • #506203

    @ninja f wrote:

    I’m new here and even I know Ruby isn’t Wake yikes how embarrassing for you J :oops:

    With a ninja kick to the face another one who thinks you’re a tard!


    @j_in_france wrote:

    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    Cmon Jen read back and it’s clear. Both me and Ruby can see this clown for what he is so we must be the same.

    It’s just so obvious. Obviously.

    why the need to defend that statement brain dead?

    Why the need to make little sense?


    Cmon Jen read back and it’s clear. Both me and Ruby can see this clown for what he is so we must be the same.

    It’s just so obvious. Obviously.


    @j_in_france wrote:

    actually brain dead is it not now clear that you and ruby red are one and
    the same and are really a bloke

    you really do need to stop pretending and read back through your posts to see where you made the big mistake that you are one and the same

    I’m actually getting embarrassed for you now.


    @j_in_france wrote:

    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    @j_in_france wrote:

    thank you ruby or brain dead for proving that you are on here with two different names

    You know before when you said how can I know that your a loser and thick? This is how I know. Every time you try cross me you resort to either spouting back what I’ve just said like a parrot or child like comments such as above.

    There is a reason for this and that is that you are mentally challenged. You have nothing at all in your locker. Literally nothing, Just a weak, pathetic nobody who even Will is miles ahead of in intellect.

    I expect some I know you are, I said you are, so what am I style comment now, but your time would be better spent sticking your head in the oven you cabbage.

    I need to say no more to this

    Because you can’t. YOU ARE THICK.

    I needn’t add any more to this, I have proven you a liar in that nobody feels I have been vindictive towards them and you are proving to others all by yourself that you’re dense.


    @j_in_france wrote:

    thank you ruby or brain dead for proving that you are on here with two different names

    You know before when you said how can I know that your a loser and thick? This is how I know. Every time you try cross me you resort to either spouting back what I’ve just said like a parrot or child like comments such as above.

    There is a reason for this and that is that you are mentally challenged. You have nothing at all in your locker. Literally nothing, Just a weak, pathetic nobody who even Will is miles ahead of in intellect.

    I expect some I know you are, I said you are, so what am I style comment now, but your time would be better spent sticking your head in the oven you cabbage.


    @j_in_france wrote:

    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    As a wise woman once said “WOTYAONABOUT”?

    I really hope you’re saying that Ruby and me are in fact the same person, purely for comedy value. But not even you are that stupid surely?

    lol now you are providing the comedy value trying to deny it

    Yes you must be right. I mean they can’t possibly be two people in the world that think you’re a cunt can they :roll:


    As a wise woman once said “WOTYAONABOUT”?

    I really hope you’re saying that Ruby and me are in fact the same person, purely for comedy value. But not even you are that stupid surely?


    @rubyred wrote:

    WOTYAONABOUT. ;) :wink: :lol:

    eek caps!! I’m just grateful you didn’t bust out this fella :twisted: or that would have been me virtually slain.


    @mrs_teapot wrote:

    I hope you dont mind me saying this wake but this thread is about victimising…. isn’t the thread in itself victimisation? That’s what it looks like to me anyway… also I doubt you will have any people speaking against you here……. you come over as not a man to cross… just my opinion.

    I have never mentioned victimising. It has been said that every post I make is vindictive and I thought I would put it to the test.

    So far the results are heavily in my favour (thanks for the 3rd by the way, that really was the killer blow) but that may change as the less intelligent members resurface.

    As for people not speaking against me, why not? What’s the worst that can happen? I guess i could type in caps…

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