Forum Replies Created
23 August, 2012 at 5:11 pm #507250
Wow Gaz is back. Get banged up for having no TV license?
I like to keep things like this simple, you either die, get stuck in a box and get burnt or stuck in a box and eaten by maggots. Nothing more than that. No Heaven, no afterlife, no reincarnation , no haunting people. Nothing.
7 August, 2012 at 7:47 pm #506315@j_in_france wrote:
evening braindead – nice to see you are checking to see if I am responding and nice to see you are stupid enough to need to respond
And yet that is exactly what you’re doing numbnuts.
7 August, 2012 at 7:37 pm #506311@j_in_france wrote:
@jen_jen wrote:
But whichever country your check is done in, no matter how strict the checks, all a CRB says is that you’ve never been caught therefore don’t have a criminal record…just saying :wink:
Interesting how someone can call someone else a paedophile without any proof then get upset when someone else bandies the same accusation at them…just saying.
So you may be a shoplifter, drunk driver and child beater but it matters not because you have never been caught for doing so? just saying
Perhaps you would like to post where I have ever called anyone a pedophile so that everyone can see that? just saying
Are you being stupid again?
You don’t actually have to answer that, I already know the answer.
7 August, 2012 at 4:45 pm #506647No way, she’s clearly a bit mental. Send her a pm and next week she will be writing this to me.
I bet they have never met.
7 August, 2012 at 4:11 pm #506645Bet she pm’d someone else. The tart.
7 August, 2012 at 4:03 pm #506643I’m not sure of the intention of this post but I laughed.
7 August, 2012 at 3:58 pm #506306@annette-curtain wrote:
Whilst i Do and always will remember how you fought my corner when Thin was ripping into me … I repeat to you what i said to Mr T… does that mean i should agree with everything you say because of that?
Get real …. Goodness me, i thought i made mountains out of molehills on here sometimes , but i think you have actually got carried away with your personal insults .. I gave my opinion…and of course, because it is not the same as everyone else’s Bad bad me !
Madness! ….. if you don’t want opinions , don’t ask for them in the first place – and if it isn’t the opinion you were hoping for , be man , and take it on the chin fgs :roll:
I did take it on the chin as I always will. There is nobody here who’s words can effect me in any way and I like people disagreeing with me as it’s more fun.
7 August, 2012 at 3:49 pm #505361Only if you’re a homosexual.
7 August, 2012 at 12:13 am #506284@j_in_france wrote:
funnily enough your need to post a pick of Paul Gadd really sums you up brain dead
as I come from Oxfordshire and he was from Banbury and several villages in the county is also pertinent – but you really loose the point when I know the children’s home he was in for several year’s as a child – as I have said before you really are a sad person brain dead – and your pathetic points really make you look more pathetic
Ahh mixed in the same circles did you? Or it rings your kind call them?
I like how you think I lost the point when the reality is you only strengthened it. You do make me laugh.
Toodlepip thicko x
6 August, 2012 at 11:57 pm #506282@j_in_france wrote:
you are the one who has accused me of being a pedophile which I can easily prove is a lie brain dead – you really are pathetic – but if you want to dig a bigger hole carry one – I really do not care
You’re right, I’m sorry.
As i token of goodwill I have sorted an avatar for you.
Hope you like it.
Night fucknutts.