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  • #110350

    @pete wrote:

    its a little technical but have you tried crying??? :?

    :D :lol:


    I’m well chuffed :lol: HeeHee :wink: I only usually get like below 5 :D

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    See :( I only got 6 today :oops: :lol:


    Bye Jooly :wink: :D

    I’m off too :) See you all Tuesday xxx Have a nice bank holiday weekend :P :wink:


    Dumb Biatch got 10/10 for the first time ever :D Woohooooooooooooooooooo :P :wink:


    The Fast and the Furious? :wink:


    Marty told me to tell you all suck c*ck :lol:

    Morning Jooly xxx :D


    :shock: Thats freaky as f*ck :?


    @superanubistype wrote:

    Volksie your email addy has most probably been spoofed. I would’nt worry about it as there are many ways to spoof mail (if your Email account has been hacked/cracked, forget changing the password because it wont work, they save the autologin cookie which enables them to still be able to log into your account even if you change passwords). If you get these annoying E-Mail’s via Outlook right click on it and select ‘properties’ the IP of the sender will be shown under the properties tab (this dont work if you received the mail via Hotmail/MSN).

    Check these links out for info on how to ‘spoof’ mail, it very, very easy to do.

    Oh and dont worry about Owen Volksie, some poor village is missing it’s idiot! :lol: :wink:

    Thanks Super :D :wink:


    Ditto :D


    B*ll*x to you too twinniewoo :P :lol: :wink:

    See you all tomorrow xxx :D :wink:

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