Forum Replies Created
27 November, 2011 at 2:09 pm #483750
@lucylocket wrote:
@vili wrote:
I really dont think the Prince Charming look suits me. More like Prince NohopeNumpty id say.
two peas in a pod stefano
Ahhhh I see the connection now.
26 November, 2011 at 9:54 pm #483454Check out x factor USA this week, section on Chris Rene. There can be a light at the end of tunnel for ppl with addictions. Im moved to tears.
26 November, 2011 at 9:19 pm #48374726 November, 2011 at 12:34 pm #483452@battywoman wrote:
Its a persons personal choice to say NO!!!
Blaming a crappy life when taking them is no excuse!!
Alot of people lead crappy lives, but choose not to take drugs!!(Its not an excuse or a reason)My personal opinion I don’t expect people to agree!!
Sorry but you obviously dont understand addiction. Im not talking about smoking weed down the pub. I didnt say anything about blaming a crappy life did I. Your right we all have choices, but an awful lot of people dont know how to make the right ones, whiich is why education is maybe the most important thing particularly with ppl who hav little or no family support. Sometimes its not choice its the situation we live in.
I find it easy not to take drugs, many dont.
We should understand rather than condemn.Lucille, a very good point you make and I agree that would be extremely hard, youve obvioulsly been through it huh. im in noway condoning drug addiction just always try to understand why.
25 November, 2011 at 4:43 pm #483449I too totally disagree with all recreational drug use, never done it and never will.
But i’m also sympathetic to those people whose lives have got so bad that drugs is the only escape.
We live in a crappy world sometimes and we all have our demons I think, we just all deal with things in different ways. Sadly some deal with it through alcohol, some through sex, and others through drugs etc.
There is usually a route underlying cause beneath serious addictions, its just a shame people dont get the help they need before its too late.
Again I hate drugs but who are we to judge.22 November, 2011 at 4:04 pm #48334221 November, 2011 at 3:54 pm #483338Ahhhh Lucille ya soppy date.
……just saying hehe
21 November, 2011 at 3:50 pm #483194Ha Rockz no im not high tut.
Dubbs – i love peter and the wolf too, reminds me of primary school :D
19 November, 2011 at 8:57 pm #483191Pasty Pasty Pasty what are we gonna do with you huh. Mind you Morph and Chas were, and still are sculptural masterpieces haha!!
Thanks Rockz and Eva I was starting to worry lol. And Lucille lol @ JC Room history!!
Ok my answers.
1. Which painting makes you go WOW when you look at it? Or your favourite artist?
My favourite artist since about 10 yrs old is J M W Turner, his skies and the sheer emotion in his work gives me goose bumps. 2 examples are the Fighting Temeraire and the Fire at the houses of parliament.
2. A piece of music, classical or modern, which makes emotions well up in your heart, maybe a tear or 2?
My favourite piece of music ever is Pink Floyd – Comfortably NUmb, particularly performed at Live 8, when the band reformed especially, the solo particularly is awe inspiring, how you get so much feeling from a guitar bewilders and at the same time ignites my emotions.
3. A classic piece of literature you just cannot put down, maybe reread 100 times?
Thomas Hardy – Jude the Obscure. Probably the finest book written in the 19th century, maybe of all time. Unbelievably powerful.
4. What inspires you most, art, literature or music?
passTo me music is the key to world peace, im not kidding you. Music is a truly universal language and is so powerful it can affect everyones hearts and minds. Just think to yourself how a piece of music makes you fel, happy, sad, tearful, angry, etc etc.
Music is amazing to me and always will be, from opera to the classics to rock and even some dubstep, i love it all !!!18 November, 2011 at 4:51 pm #226773Thinks GD should do a monthly league table rather than overall, otherwise us newbies get depressed.
What you reckon??? -