Having suffered mental and emotional abuse myself I frankly have not a word to say to the ignorance and stupidity of Blossom. I keep my nose out of things when I don’t know what I’m talking about and I’d think most people would. You simply cannot understand it if you havent experienced it. Had it not been for a good friend of mine putting me up while I got sorted, I wouldnt be here. Fact. The arrogance to assume you have any idea without the experience is laughable. Not only is mental abuse just as much a problem but emotional scars take so much longer to heal. My step mum claims to love me yet I was threatened daily with violence, being made homeless, having my stuff smashed. I was put down daily also, told how useless I was, criticised for how I dressed, how my hair was. I was made to feel like a worthless piece of crap who at one point didn’t even want to live anymore. If that isn’t abuse then the world is as f**ked up as Blossom’s perspective. Say what you like, it’s the worse thing anyone can go through and people that do it should be locked up. Mental abuse is emotional torture.
A friend – Someone who laughs with you when you laugh. Someone who cries with you when you are upset. Someone who supports you when you are down and you support them. Someone who tells you if your an idiot and also commends you when you deserve it. A friend wont leave you when it gets hard but will stay with you through thick and thin.
We still have differences and our friends may confuse the hell out of us at times and we can also be too much with those we care about but….. a real friend wont forsake you.
If you can find those things from someone online then they are a true friend. Why do you need to know someone in the flesh to be friends.
Except you cant get hugs which are vital lol thats my only concern lol
We judge because it’s so easy to do…We are all entitled our opinions of course but i don’t think we can ever understand why a person turns to drugs, suicide or other addictions. I’ve not had anyone in my family with a major drug addiction but i’ve had close family with other sorts of addictions. It’s so easy for us to say they should of said no in the first place but without actually being in their shoes and understanding their problems, we’ll never know why they chose their path.. And of course everyone copes in different ways, instead of judging maybe we should try for some understanding?
Iv grown tired of trying to understand sass Im worn out xxx
Big Huggss for Lucille
Dont slap me its for moral support :)
Batty you seem very sure of yourself.
Did you grow up in an inner city with zero hope of a future. With alcoholic or drug addict parents, or parents who broke up. In a system that doesnt give a crap about the downtrodden. I strongly feel we need to put ourselves in other peoples shoes sometimes to really empathize. If you grow up surrounded by it its normal to follow the same path, the same road to self destruction because that is all you know. Sometimes that is the choice.
Iv not been through it and I really hate drugs but I think we need to not be so narrow minded.
I love a good debate by the way, no offence intended or taken by any comments.