vampyre replied to the topic Justchaters Weekend Away in the board Chat forum three boards 18 years ago
shame i aint goin then yukon lmao
vampyre replied to the topic Dearest Ugo in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
sooo yer the one ugo my dereks been arranging to meet tsk.well i packed his bags and u can keep him.ps hes not very big in the trouser dept so have packed some pepper tweezers and magnifying glass.
vampyre replied to the topic In Rememberance of Peds in the board Off topic chat 18 years ago
you were a star on earth and now yer a star in heaven watch us all and make sure we behave.keep shining brightly.remember when september ends ….love ya and will miss ya loads you are a good man .you may be gone but you live on in our hearts .we wont forget you .shine on you crazy diamond xxxxxxx