Unforgettable replied to the topic I'm sure it's all a mistake…. in the forum Chat forum one boards 5 years, 1 month ago
oh and NONE of you are my monkeys.
Unforgettable replied to the topic I'm sure it's all a mistake…. in the forum Chat forum one boards 5 years, 1 month ago
Yes this account is banned from messaging in the rooms.
We have totally no idea why.
Total mystery.
I hope this problem is solved very soon as I personally feel aggrieved at this precise time.
I said good day
and please sort out your failed advertising.
top and right.
widget issue? reload your advertisers html.
now you…[Read more]
Unforgettable replied to the topic Can someone unblock me now? in the forum Chat forum one boards 5 years, 1 month ago
Try launching your computer phone and laptop out of the window and getting some skirt you sexy attractive looking piece of okness.
Unforgettable replied to the topic The continue the story thread – a simple game to reveal your true creativity! in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 1 month ago
He had tried so quit so very many times. Her kiss so pure so wet and tasted like the sweetest rose. He cursed himself and his stinky clobber. He felt ashamed! Like a dirty wetwipe cast asunder into the abyss of all things putrid and anti sniff worthy. His memories tortured hounded and haunted him – then the doorbell rang?
Unforgettable replied to the topic CUNT CUNT CUNT in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
Oggy oggy oggy?
Unforgettable replied to the topic Morg you ginger FAT BASTARD in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
He will be busy asking his mother for comebacks.
Or shovelling 10 cans of lager and 4 tonnes of Chinese food into his big fat gob.
Probably both.
Lets face it there’s no point him asking mo what to say, all she ever says is ‘I don’t give a fuck’.
Unforgettable replied to the topic CUNT morg is a CUNT in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
He has gone through my families facebook’s and posted a pic of my family too.
He is spiteful, nasty, cruel, vicious and basically needs shooting in the face.
Unforgettable replied to the topic tracy number 1's green teeth in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
Posting pictures of peoples children is disgusting. The actions of scum.
Unforgettable replied to the topic I had the best ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
ok cut to her posting a stupid music video or picture that no one understands and she doesn’t either in order for her to think she looks either more intelligent or ‘ironic’ and totally beyond our comprehension because she thinks she is being mysterious and interesting.
Watch this space.
will either be a chipmonk showing the fuck you sign, a…[Read more]
Unforgettable replied to the topic I had the best ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
Hey I don’t ever reject a troll in training x
Babe x
You ever get the feeling that you will never ever be good enough?
Sit on your island in the middle of nowhere with your parrot x
If you were interesting I am sure everyone would be talking about you and not me?
since you are not at all…[Read more]
Unforgettable replied to the topic I had the best ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
My advice is to anyone who thinks that they can troll me.
I really wouldn’t bother x
And don’t do a smeg and try to troll me over numerous sites lol
It is so boring being underestimated all the time.
I hope you trolls embrace your own when they fail to make it big in the troll world – smeg needs your support, epic fail for her, she didn’t gain…[Read more]
Unforgettable replied to the topic I had the best ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
Ice Melts
Air around at freezing level – snow is falling
The epitome! The malardy! – is it her name you’re calling?
Searching through the shards that hang so jaggedly above
You cannot mourn, you cannot grieve she was no lost love?
Melting water dripping down refreezing in cold air
Watery toes and a numbing nose you enter up the stair…[Read more]
Unforgettable replied to the topic I had the best ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
good luck to you
Unforgettable replied to the topic I had the best ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
oh and if you say anything about her she will post up songs as shes not capable of actually saying what she thinks and backing it up with any substance.
she will avoid confrontation as she really just prefers to troll you anonymously and if she thinks she might get back up she will troll you as herself.
its a pitiful scene as she tries to put…[Read more]
Unforgettable replied to the topic I had the best ice pun to tell you… Problem is, it slipped my mind. in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
did you cut and paste all that from another site?
Were you trying to make a point? I am not sure anyone got it since no one has commented on it?
you are very intelligent and deep, were you attempting at getting to someone? I am not sure you actually achieved your goal? maybe you were far too subtle, I find that massive paragraphs means no one…[Read more]
Unforgettable started the topic The write the next line of a poem thread, every line should rhyme or every other in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 1 month ago
I will write the first line of the poem, the next chatter gets to decide the next line, if it rhymes with the first or it does not making the next person rhyme with the first line or the second and so on. Be creative and find your niche. Its just a bit of fun. If the threads die like misterqs then don’t ever say no one tried to bring life to th…[Read more]
Unforgettable replied to the topic Seriously in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
I am sorry for the typo.
My typo was the most interesting thing that’s happened here the last week I am sure.
Unforgettable started the topic The continue the story thread – a simple game to reveal your true creativity! in the forum Art, poetry, music and film 5 years, 1 month ago
Each poster gets a line of a story, they can take the story anywhere by using one line each. I will post one line of a story and each chatter will follow.
He looked at the rain falling against his window, the cat snuggled into him, his thoughts went to her and he wondered where she was right now………………….
Unforgettable replied to the topic Seriously in the forum Getting serious 5 years, 1 month ago
Didn’t they ban anyone with anything original or interesting to say? didn’t they ban the poets and the people who posted film reviews etc?
Hey anyone want to have some fun?
What the next two threads!
Unforgettable replied to the topic Music Thread in the forum Chat forum three boards 5 years, 1 month ago
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